Arsenal fans - blacks

Arsenal fans - blacks
Chelsea fans - white supremacists
Man U fans - Pajeets and pakis
Liverpool fans - Paddies and pakis
Newcastle fans - NORF men
Spurs fans - Jews
Man City fans - don't exist

Attached: w.jpg (247x204, 8K)

what about west ham fans?

I once met an english west ham fan in our uni bar and he was a nice fella to drink with desu (white dude, didn't seem jewish nor like a racist)

Similar to Chelsea fans. Millwall too.

>Liverpool fans
American millennials

West Ham won the world cup mate

>Chelsea fans - white supremacists

based 13 year old

City fans are chinese

Attached: cityfans.jpg (1024x683, 257K)

based nigger

>Chelsea fans - white supremacists
I've never seen a white Chelsea fan in my life

legit scum
all the worst people from east london and essex

Villa supporters are pretty based

Chelsea is the real Chad club.

Players are pure chads and fans hate Pakis.

Attached: girl wet horny miring chelseas.webm (992x552, 1.87M)

Are you thick?

Attached: sdc.jpg (1200x630, 125K)

>when she gives you that look

Attached: 12445675756.jpg (219x158, 8K)

>tfw Serbian BVLLS are impregnating QTs around the world right now

Attached: Serbia Brazil Kiss Chad.jpg (1500x1050, 262K)

she cute

can a non-autist explain to me what her body language is supposed to convey in this situation?

Sod off, G*d's Chosen, I saw her first.

That brute Ivanovic......


Kek, the post that guy made about this webm was so hilarious. Does anyone have the screen cap?

You just KNOW

Holy based

Attached: 1555528976776.jpg (640x558, 88K)

"""west ham fans"""

Attached: robbie mia2.jpg (877x585, 64K)

>dat butthurt Bosnian

Attached: ivanovic serbia bosnia alpha butthurt chelsea.jpg (1583x966, 387K)

Post the chart.

>no girl will ever look at you with admiration

Attached: girl mirin hornu.jpg (640x632, 106K)

West Ham and Millwall fans are just off-brand Chelsea fans. Leeds likewise, they're just a Northern variety.