What the fuck is wrong with English cunts? Why are you so racist?
What the fuck is wrong with English cunts? Why are you so racist?
Other urls found in this thread:
come back to germany
>being this shit at racism
America, please teach us your racist ways
foreigners get "racially" abused everywhere get over it
>"Oi chink, got me sam DVDs m8 "
Lmao why is that in quotes????
I don't get it
He should come back we're not racist against gooks
Yup. There are low IQ people in every country. This shouldn't be a shock to anyone.
probably by niggers and arabs lmao most racist fucks out there
Ironic post
fetal alcohol syndrome
asians sell bootleg blurays
football fans, and in general sport fans, are low IQ inbreds
I was racially abused in Korea, but I am not a famous football player so it doesn't matter
you haven't been to the UK, imagine american rednecks, but they make up the majority of the population
only a small amount of brits are educated
i've done the asian eyes before but it's nothing racist it's just banter
According to intersectionality, British lower classes are more oppressed than multi-millionaire Son, therefore Son has no right to bitch about microagressions.
>the racially superior English
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man sure has let himself go.
Top tier chilean banter
Great. Some guy made the chinky eyes, now Koreans, the most butthurt people in the world get more ammunition.
You're one to talk. Get a bunch of British criminals and put them in the sun for 200 years and you have Australians
So many angry brown people itt. Imagine if white people whined about racism everywhere we go. Like literally everywhere.
my future gfs
phoaaar, thats a tasty bunch of slappers
>dog eating johny foreigner doesn't get brit banter
>Best Players in Europe
I'd be racist too if I was butthurt LUL
euros are a different class of racist compared to america
we get a bad rap for it because muh kkk and shit but they're an extreme minority.
but nobody is going to throw a fucking banana at lebron at halfcourt or at khalil mack at the 50 yard line. explain yourself euros, your ultras aren't even a minority, they're everywhere
why do asians get so butthurt when they are "discriminated"?
blacks and latinos get a shit ton more shit thrown at them, a few years ago dani alves got thrown a banana in the middle of a match and he just laughed it off, ate it and continued the match. blacks players get called monkeys in some countries by some fans and they don't give a shit. chill man.
yes but they didn't segregate them, as much as they would (still) like to
where was the butthurt part? did you even watch the video you cunt
Is an american seriously implying that we are more racist than them ?
this happened last year, twitter.com
if this happened in an nfl or nba game, the fan would probably get stomped right there to be honest
fack off you fackin chink cant
Yeah, you just have your cops gun down innocent black people.
>innocent "people"
then why has BTS sold out Wembley for two shows? Son needs to increase his sample size. People will abuse him because he plays for a very divisive football team and he has a high profile.
>Best Players in america
Why aren't you racist then?
But throwing bananas at niggers is hilarious
Iz awnlee a lil banta la
>racism bad
der ewige anglo is alive and well
nothing wrong with racism, black countries are bad and white countries are not
Reminder that almost every incel on Yea Forums is non-white. And I wish I weren't making that up because while white incels do exist, you'll find them on Twitter with a pinch of white knightery.
Scratch that. The only white incels on Yea Forums are on /int/ and only /int/.
You're right, Americans aren't people.
what you didn't consider is that those English are white and therefore they cannot earn any oppression points
So have I and I'm fucking native.
Shut up whitey.
based and redpilled
I want kids but I don't want them to go through the edgy le racism phase that I've been through when I was 14 and regularly posted on /pol/. How do i prevent this from happening?
Foreigners are racially abused the world over, this is nothing special. The difference is, in the west we hold ourselves to a different standard than anywhere else. We're meant to be the enlightened culture.
Throwing bananas is light banter
Imprisoning black population at stalinist levels while gunning down the rest is racism.
Every country has racist, no problem.
Have regular conversations with them so they don't seek a father figure elsewhere and get groomed online.
We voted Leave, get on with it so we can kick the Asians and Africans OUT!
Adopt you wife's boyfriend's son.
You voted leave to kick out Romanian and Polish plumbers. You need to invite more Asians and Africans to fill those plumbing positions.
See? Even the Korean is aware of this. White people are so fucking dumb.
yep, theyre called niggers
this not only in England tbf desu
kill all niggers so they dont encounter any problems with minorities so they wont hate them
we weren't as successfully brainwashed by jews since birth by constant bombardment by hollywood propaganda so there are still a lot of people left who realize racial equality to be a fantasy not rooted in reality and diversity to be a tactic to divide and conquer the population
White people are SO racist.
I honestly think they should just be forced into a part of the world where no one else will have to deal with them. There should just be some part of the world where it is only white people, and the rest of the world can be tolerant and diverse once free of white people.
But where should this white-only land be ?....
Ayf Foreigners, Ayf EU, Ayf Muzzies, Ayf Coloureds, Luff Queen, Luff Footy, Luff Pinta Bitta nd Luff Steak and Kidney Piy, Nawt Raycis, jus Don like'm simple as, don lyk it den leave in unit.
Nah. Kick them all out. They need us more than we need them so the whites will be more than happy to pay for working VISAs, just now we will have the power to reject the bad/dark ones.
Unironically just block Yea Forums (and similar sites). Have them practice multiple sports and/or teach them a new language.
poor girls, I hope they didn't catch a cold
>t. schlomo the ajax fan
underrated KEK
just dont give them access to internet
I get it, he's been in Anglotown for 6 years and his English is just a little better than Harry Kane's.
It's just the Chelsea fans
Make them go outside and talk to real people
We're just as racist as any other northern Europe nations, our media just makes money reporting it.
Thank God you've progressed from name calling to violent racism and economic segregation. Minorities sure are blessed in the U S OF A
Do kids even do this nowadays? We used to play footie outside and build treehouses. We played vidya together, physically in the same room instead of online. Fuck zoomers.
el chinito goleador
Don't you mean you used to build mudhuts and steal together, van dyke?
Yeah, like run your own store as any sort of artisan but instead of working you have to deal with the newly moved in Turkish neighbors who throw burning trash bins through your window. Or the Italians who open a restaurant on the opposite side of the road and try to claim as much space for their chairs and tables so they threaten the local government official with their mafia connections. Or the gypsy kids who come to scout out potential targets only for them to be collected by their BMW driving master. Or the Poles who break into your apartment while you're working. Or the blacks who run the drug operations. Or the all the other Turks who apparently have money and can buy old houses just so they can put a kebab shop into each.
I fucking love going outside and "talking" with minorities is the best dude.
Someone piss in your cereal again Orban?
Based and redpilled.
kek nice
krauts and other westernoids deserve all of this
No I just don't like someone using the argument that going outside and meeting real minorities will make you like them when that's exactly how I started hating them when I found out up-close just how bad they are.
There are no minorities in Hungary you're all gypsies anyway
>spanish moor mutt who thinks he's white can't tell the difference between a white Hungarian and a gyppo
>Imprisoning criminals regardless of skin color is racism
Verdien geld en ga in een rijke buurt wonen en leef in onwetendheid
our racist is more surface-level stuff, whereas yours is ingrained in your society
Theres nothing to explain.
Go ahead and name one succesful society that wasn't "racist". I'll wait.
Anytime you're trying to negatively affect your opponent you go for what will hurt them the most. For certain people that will be racial epithets. Just because I call a guy I'm about to fight a nigger, that doesn't mean I hate all black people. I'm just looking for a psychological advantage or simply goading him into the action I want him to take.
He asked for a way to make them less racist, not more.
Keep taking those bluepills.
It is. Correlation =/= causation, so nice try.
Correlation at a highly statistically significant level almost invariably implies either mutual or common causation, brainlet.
It's common causation in this case: the genome.
Millions of people attend football matches every weekend. Pretty racist to imply all Europeans are racist because someone somewhere through a banana once.
That logic is too high IQ for antiracists, why do you even bother trying to explain?
>im going to call redpills bluepills hoping it will confuse people
genius trolling attempt kike, makes you wonder how stupid people who fall for it have to be, theres not a lot of them though, most white people are rightly racist
>I'll call being a paranoid sheep 'redpilled' in the hopes it makes up for my lack of real life experience of non-whites outside of extremist reporting
You have never met a shitskin.
>nigger crimerate stats are undeniable
>everyone has firsthand experiences that makes them hate niggers
>how to lose an argument with a single post
you must be the muzzie-lover from a few days back, if you think I'm going to keep you company while you make a clown out of yourself once again defending universally known violent dangerous minorities you're dead wrong, shitskin
>inb4 more lies and weak bait
deport all muzzies niggers and jews
>there's only one British person on Yea Forums
>the bigger the reaction racecucks get, the more often they'll use it to rattle players
Why even give them the airtime, just identify and quietly hand out stadium bans instead of giving them the satisfaction of national outrage.
As if koreans arent racist people themselves...
>we just lynched niggers
>you throw bananas at them, you're way worse
That's pretty mean. Giannie is nice.
How long ago was this? Son's got long hair here
I get called Ausländer here all the time. Grow some thicker skin you gook cunt.
says the country which 90% of the pro athletes are black lmao
well he's complining about it
Not all black latinos have the same strong mentallity, look at this faggot: youtu.be
And don't get me started on Evra, though not latino
>if this happened in an nfl or nba game, the fan would probably get stomped right there to be honest
so americans are not as racist because you are comparatively more sorrounded by nogs?
Proppa big brexit lads
Hollywood is the biggest problem, thay constantly try to virtue signal about racism but most of their movies actually expose children to that "toxic" culture. I've never met a black person until I was 8 and didn't think much to it, but then I started watching more american movies I started seeing blacks as a whole other species
I like Son's hair.
Nice pic
What would they even do, pull the eyes? I thought Orientals poked fun at that themselves.
I love Sonny
Don't make him sad lads
Why isn't anyone insulting this dog eater for whining? Yet you insult Sterling and other blacks
>that 10 second pause where he tries to think of a movie
>Son isn't even slightly bothered
this was in Berlin
Imagine thinking white people wouldn't get racially abused in Asia or Africa
>homicide rate on brazil that low
Give him a proper education and talk to him regularly.
Remember this when all of you are fapping over asians
>implying those whitebois didn't instantly heal their wounds by paying for a jk date with one of the japanese daughters
If your child can't bypass boomer restrictions you put on the computer or internet you should just take him behind the local whorehouse and shoot him in the head.
But white people have institutional power and privilege so your comparison is moot.
It's human nature to be racist literally hard coded into us
If you're children cant distinguish satire from reality they deserve to become retarded
>le kids don't play outside anymore meme
>le current generation am i right
>le my generation was better
>le things significantly le changed in 5 years
>le my choice of the pass time is superior to yours.
>It's hard coded into us
Not sure if this is true, I think being suspicious of people not belonging to your "tribe" is, but straight up racism meh.
And not even in all countries its mostly at the usual suspect countries in south and eastern Europe with high levels of unemployment or alcoholism
>He should come back we're not racist against gooks
Roll for them boys.
Who remembers 'Nakamura ate my dog'
Nothing was ever said about it at the time and it wasn't news? Times certainly change.
When will footballers ever learn that football fans will always be racist cucks? So many players has received even harsher racial abuse yet they don't care. This BTS member should get out of England if he wants people to stop "racially abusing" him because whining like a little bitch on social media will only make shit worse.
europeans are at master levels of racism. our hardcore racists envy you people.
> once
c'mon klaus, bad bait even for you
based and hammerpilled
>that reaction
based. it's just banter. I will tell you with 100% certainty, Americans are physically and mentally incapable of understanding banter. This is an objective truth and cannot be debated.
whomst was in the wrong here?
Only truth needed is here
> needing a "psychological advantage" to win and not just dominating is non-GOAT thinking