>be white belt in bjj
>train for a few months
>take my coach and upperclassmen's advice to not explode and instead try and use technique
>leap past the other mouth breathers who started even before me because of this unreliance on power resulting in a quicker development of technique
>still get heemed and put out of training for a few days at least once every few weeks by some retard mongoloid who is trying to do some WWE shit
Other urls found in this thread:
First for I won all my arguments in the last thread.
Why are you so obsessed with me b? Just tell me and we can throw down. Just send location. If you don't tell me your exact home address you're a bum
Friendly reminder that I have never been heemed to date and I have an undefeated record
Luke is handsome as fuck. How do I get Luke mode
good thing you didn't argue with me last thread
0-0 is not impressive you twat
Just how natty is this man going to get? Israel is finished
You couldn't handle me bro, I'm telling you. Seriously. Like I would fucking own you. You would be calling me daddy in the third.
Jouban, Costa and Schaub mog him
Who P4P #1 CTE and why is it Gody Carbrandt?
Magana woke up
When is TRTtor coming back?
Have you simulated someone's death yet?
>go to my first bjj class
>instructor splits up class between boys and girls
>I head to the girls side because I thought the girls knew nothing and were all beginners
>everyone laughs
Am I retarded
>Be me
>Be Jon Jones
>Walk into the club
>See you and your thot
>Slap your thot on the ass
>Slap you on the ass
Wat do?
Stab you in the testicular region
Yes but this instance isn’t the qualifier
Can't wait. They should give him an 'all the steroids' exemption.
People always say oh The Chris was a fluke but The Chris heemed pre-USADA Vitor so go fuck yourselves he's still my boy and he wasn't a mistake
>this is ONE's MW and LHW champ
TRTor is going to fucking murder this man
>the chris
Should I message the owner of the gym to let him know I broke my ankle in one of his classes? I don't want to just message him out the blue like I'm accusing him but at the same time he should probably know.
It's not their fault you have weak bones
How did you break your ankle?
this is the post
Doing some takedowns in jiujitsu and it kind of went wrong and I landed on my ankle and it broke in 2 places. I made a post about how I had to walk down stairs on it.
I'm pissed I had to walk to the train station because they told me it was just a sprain, we all heard the snap one of them should've helped me.
Where are you from?
Based, fuck that guy insulting my concussion
>one of them should've helped me
nobody ows you anything lad
You should like a fag. Just call an Uber if your ankle was that fucked up.
Ignore these mongs that's fucked, find a new gym
Are you excited to watch Rena heem some bum at RIZIN 15?
What's the next opponent of Darren "The gorilla" Till?
If you were obviously in pain and none of them helped you, your teammates and coaches are dicks.
Rena < Reina
New York City
No, I just don't know if I should find a new gym or not.
Yeah the woman putting my cast on said that the bone had really been forced and she doesn't think I should train there anymore, maybe it's the pre surgery fast but I'm so depressed, last year I had a broken arm now I've got a cast on my leg and am having to crawl to the toilet for the next 8 weeks. All I enjoy doing is training and running and my fragile body keeps breaking.
wonderboy rematch to determine who got more flushed
He needs some scrub that he can wipe the floor with, or his prospects for title contention are pretty much done. Leon Edwards maybe?
Darren "the goldminer' Till
Sucks bro, I hope you have some good pain meds at least?
Just u fookin see. im gone smash all these cunts, say it what now? me an conna in anfield, greatest all time Darren Till
if he loses to edwards he'll be in title contention for the fastest flushing tho
>New York City
Do you enjoy it there? Are most people from NYC pretty careless when it comes to others needs?
>be white belt in bjj
>train for a few days
> don't take my coach and upperclassmen's advice to not explode and instead try and use technique
>heem a bunch of cans then quit
Get the heavy gun out
I mean my penis
He's just mocking me for being upset about it.
He's this Bill guy as well.
He's for sure moving up to 185. has to be done at 170 now.
Shinju is a bum with 0 heems and is constantly injured and just yesterday has flushed herself once again.
She is like bobby knuckles except not good
Come train /box/ with real men fren.
He's got freaky genetics my guy
What levels of autism are we operating on?
>Juju gets exposed, creating a new Polish waifu in the process
that cuban work ethic
>all these cazzies exposing themselves by not recognising the pasta and actually engaging
shamefur dispray
he absolutely wins the rematch
In Bas's book he mentions she farted on his shoulder during this segment.
Looks as clean as Yoel. If he does the same shit that Yoel does where his body becomes hard as fuck for some reason he is invincible
They put me on morphine and then gave me codeine but I didn't take that.
I went to sleep, woke up, and you're still going on about your ankle.
lucky bas
>believing shittaker and cockholds lies
No wonder his arm shriveled up
Luke has been KO'd so many times his brain must be close to mush:
Bispong: KO's Luke 4 times in 5 seconds
Belfort:....KO's Luke 3 times in 5 seconds
Romero: KO's Luke 2 times in 4 seconds
>Luke's IQ decreasing drastically and JJ is going drive make it even lower.
No that was the other guy, he keeps spamming it.
Unironically happens to me as a skinny beginner but I like having to rely on skill
Also its nice tapping bigger guys who chimp out in embarrassment
Sorry Joe but it's not only cuban genetics that made Yoel look this way
What's BJJ class like, anons?
holy shit based loooooolbro poster
didn't know true /heem/sters were around
fer sure romero wasnt on steroids during the first whittaker fight my man
she is such a fucking cazzie holy fuck bryan and miesha haven't been together in ages
>I'm pissed I had to walk to the train station because they told me it was just a sprain, we all heard the snap one of them should've helped me.
Never take the word of athletes who are acting as doctors.If you told them you heard it or that you were sure it was broken and they didn't help, they are to blame. File a Better Business Bureau complaint, etc.
Get a refund and don't go back.
just train in another sport - a low impact sport that doesn't attract assholes like the ones you obviously train with.
You guys need to stop I will get doxxed.
For me it's like this :
>warm ups
>we train a few specific combo or technique in duos
>last half hour/40min is sparring : either 3min/30s rest or 6 min/1min rest
>salute and handshake/shoulder bump with everybody
Not miring that hairline.
What happened to word of the day user? Things have been kinda lugubrious without him
it was posted 4 years ago, look at the date dipshit
this is tony ferguson if he never found ufc
this is my favorite OG heem poster
Why didn't we take picks for the event on Saturday? It's not like we don't take picks for Fight Nights
I'll be making my UFC debut against Bobby Green, hasn't been announced yet but should be soon.
can i learn decent boxing with a bag and youtube videos at home?
You cannot improve if you don't spar
He was. There are thousands things you can take aside from steroids. From reaction enhancers gsp was talking about to metabolism enhancers like tj took.
I want to have sex with Rena and her lock her legs around me so that I can't pull out
A bag does not move like an opponent would. A bag will not teach you to keep your eyes open when a punch is thrown at you. A bag will not love you and massage your aching muscles
It's only business
sparring is for pussies get in a real fight, nerd
She is a shoot wrestler and doesn't know any jiu jitsu. I'm not sure she would pull guard and if she did you could easily break it
So start taking the picks then
I’m beginning to suspect Brendan Schaub might not be very bright
>not just picking random fights in the street
Sparring partners don't move like a real combatant
Can anybody stop him?
You can learn to punch correctly, but not box since that implies reacting to an opponents actions.
Why would you just go and crush a mans fantasies like that?
nobody replied the first time bud, take a hint
Luckily, Schaub doesn't care what you think.
when you're in a boxing match they don't move like heemsters in the street
Training for self defence is fucking Reddit, training for competition is based
He has the most annoying way of talking I've heard. He talks about the subject -> excuses or makes a correction -> continues to talk about the subject -> pauses, starts adds something -> continues to talk but adds a short summary, etc. It feels like his brain is clogged
He said that people take steroids to train as musicians on JRE
this sport is shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Cejudo shows up to the next event with a senior citizen as his date I will boy him forever
you will never beat jones you bum
Well alright man. Whatever.
>embracing the meme
Fresh Schaub Truck Diaries with /our girl/
I was doing karate sparring during a belt test. Kicked the guy landed wrong on my ankle and fractured my foot in two places.
I thought about suing them too, the guy sparring was an instructor and i was supposed to be wearing feet/shin protection and they didnt have any for me.
But i think i signeda waiver when i started saying i wouldnt hold them liable for any injuries.
Fyi breaking bones sucks. My right foot still swells up and walking is still not normal. Cant run anymore without pain. This was over three years ago so the outlook is shitty at best. Sorry dude.
> that shit tier chest hair
It’s not hair lads. I can grow a bush on my chest but have 3/4 of a beard.
You did physio?
>not andrade
i was rused
That is exactly, definitively, LITERALLY the point my friend
she's a shootboxer not a shoot wrestler you pleb. also she's not great at it but has trained jitz for several years now and has wins by sub.
Be born with the full package.
I respect Luke Thomas for unfollowing Conor on twitter after those distasteful comments about Khabibs wife.
i cannot wait for MARLON MORAES to heem the shit out of cejudo
should truly be a beating for the ages
They put me in a hard cast for a long ass time then they put me in a boot. Physical therapy after all that. Even though the xray shows the fracture is healed, foot is not normal. Swells hurts cant run etc.
Im telling u if u broke ur foot, its a wrap. Neymar for psg he fractured his foot he'll never be the same hes going to play in pain his entire remaining career even tho he has the best possible doctors and physical therapy.
no, just fighters from SWE
Sauce on the jiu jitsu
Look at that pre cte face and that shooped cock
Post the original
Cope harder, Chael
Very powerful thing to do. Not many journalists have the gall to do that
I followed Conor after he said Khabib married a towel
Ask an ex UFC fighter anything.
桃の獣 for sure
If PVZ offered to have sex with me I would say "No thanks"
>cinnte, mo fhear
That's what people don't understand, they're getting mad at me like it was just a normal break, it wasn't, they put me in hospital for a week, then surgery then a cast for 15 weeks which is a ridiculously long time and then 8 weeks of physio. One of the first things they said to me was that I might never be able to train again even though it's the only thing I enjoy.
>dj injures himself, cejudo wins by lay n pray
>tj cuts the entire weight of his chin right off
totally the same fight vs moraes yeah
i mean i dont think she puts on the gi or anything but she's been training grappling since she started mma. you dont pull off a flying armbar without training. there's some footage of her training grappling in some rizin promo videos.
>Training for self defence
>implying I'm not always on the offensive
Self defence training is what people need to walk the same streets as myself. These hands are a real problem out there.
trapfighting vs pitfighting, which is the ultimate martial art?
This Joe Rogan Rountree meme is so fucking stupid, the guy is still a total CAN
always root against Rogan backed memeshitters
I miss him
> heemster comes at me
> one swift leg kick to disable his movement
> pick him apart with bombs
> GnP his ass
Simple as
>you need to train in jiu jitsu to learn submissions
I wonder which Gracie was secretly training Sakuraba on the side
She would have learned submissions from shootboxing, it's probably where she learned how to do a flying armbar
Same. It's a shame he hasn't shown up since the Alvarez fight.
tony recently hinted he's fighting him
>heemster comes at me
>his foot swells due to an injury obtained in karate
>heemster comes at me
>ankle breaks
>heemster comes at me
>concussion like symptoms obtained from BJJ, can't get past the medical
I win, having never stepped foot inside a gym.
You ever live in one of those gym dorm things where you rent a room
>I respect Luke Thomas
- I stopped right there
Karate is a joke
kung fu beats it every time, the kicks are too fast
When we are talmbout the rushmer of podcasts you’ve gotta save a spot for BYM
>high heemster comes at me on the street
>I win by knowing that he will test positive for weed after the fight
muay thai beats both
Gooby will be back with a vengeance. Remember how he good he was when he came back after the nate loss, to decision Nate and absolutely shit on Alvarez.
If they give him a tuneup fight before the khabib rematch he is going to absolutely steamroll the cunt
Conor was never good
t. 229er
In many ways, Goober actually won the Kebab fight
I wish you were right but he is just done mentally with fighting. He is nothing without Kavanagh and he admits himself he wasn't motivated enough even for the first khabib fight
bruh look at this dude...
Cringe and gay
shut the fuck up you little twerp
Conor's resume is 10x better than Fatbib's. Conor won the story of the fight, one round of the fight, but more importantly he has won the legacy of the career. Khabib is muh legacy man but Conor is the only non-can he's ever beaten
Conor has beaten munsters
them cuban genes tho
Be sure to apply, bros
>throws away the cerone fight because it’s not main event
sadly Conor only fights for money now.
in your dreams brown teeth
he legit loses to everybody in the top 5
Tyron looks like a bodybuilder shirtless but just looks like a guy who regularly works out in clothes. He got bicep-mogged by Toilet Till, and Usman looked another weight class bigger than him at weigh-ins
Wow Ellie is drinking underage and going to “bikini parties”. I hope Schaub raises tiger not to engage is such degeneracy.
The joke is he was mid way through shaving his chest and left a heart shape clump of hair left for the picture... you fucking retard incel
>I wonder which Gracie was secretly training Sakuraba on the side
he is a catch wrestler. It's existed a long time before JEW jitsu
She has to be like 17 I think. Can't brits drink at like 16?
It used to be that there was an address on their website you could mail audition tapes to. Imagine
Prime Lombard heems Woodley, Askren and Khabib
Based retard
Bisping is a full red white and blue blooded American. His son is even a wrestlefucker now just to dab on his Yuropeon roots
shoulda used his moo-ey tie
You could see the annoyance on Dana's face when this handsome squidward bitch won the Ultimate Fighter.
some girls in my gym have god awful breath
Walker could fuck JJ up
offer them mints
>for real guys he's a muay thai BEAST now, its not just that he fought a hyper can this time!
He said she was 16 and they live in California
drinking age is 18, fucking age is 16, and you can drive at 17
he will, with the power of meme.
I mean I know they live in america but considering how he grew up and how much he advertises it, you'd think it would be just another thing. Guess I never really considered local laws influencing foreign parents in that way.
the only thing that can bring Conor out of his current slump is his raving egomania. I guarantee that his loss has been rent free in his head since it happened.
I reckon he will come back, heem Khabib and then retire permanently
>I will not make that mistake again. I am going to literally tear these men apart now. Watch me.
>One by fucking one.
Punished Goob wins the rematch
he better be rowing that
Gregorian's max dl is 3 pounds, those are fake weights
Will JBJ retire a never-heemed?
I think he might.
he's going to get folded like a beach chair by Marreta
he went through all the pre-USADA heemers like butter, there is no chance anybody ever heems him now unless he goes to japan
Johnny Walker
No JBJ is literally a fighting God. I hate to say it but its true. He retires an undefeated never heemed champ champ goat.
How would he do against today's heavyweights?
Johnny Walker would get fucking murdered by jon bones jovi. The dude fucked his shoulder dancing after a win hes fucking stupid. Jbj takes out his acl with those leg kicks of his
How many of you are still here from 2014?
he is an insta thot now, old goobs is dead
Cardiolet can
He should've won.
The guy scares the shit out of me and would probably fuck me up
This guy is just a great troll right? I don't mean here clearly he is joking here but the videos where he's shouting over nothing
>Looking for a fling
He got his story of the fight bonus
In many ways it means the exact opposite
Adickinmyassya has spoken on the natty goat
>I just wanna get him before USADA gets him. And eventually if he climbs up the ranks like he thinks he will, eventually we’ll see each other so he can find out. Gastelum’s a tough guy. He [Costa] got touched up after the Uriah [Hall] fight. … A guy like that’s just salty. He’s just salty cause I’m the one getting the shine. They’re trying to steal my shine and I’m like, ‘fuck no.’
I also hope Costa gets his hands on Israel before USADA intervene
Till looked skinny when he fought Woodley. Usman mogged him though.
Of course Usman mogged him, Tyron is a 5'9 manlet
If he never goes to heavyweight he might
Yeah very true. And he fought like an autist against Usman it convinced me that Colby probably could have beat Woodley.
I thought that was funny but the le goat fucker XD shit was cringe boomer-tier bants tbqh
Costa is a can
israel has nothing for this complete chad. will walk through his pillow jabs and snap him in half with looping macaco hooks
he'll face his wrath soon enough.
ur moms a fan
>Shaving chest hair
>Simulates your death
pic related is costa smashing your wife with you in the centre of the pic
>mfw I diddly'd more at my first ever time at the gym on SS then Gooby can
Oh wow, impressive victory over a perennial can (who dropped him)
>short warm ups
>drilling one or two techniques for an hour
>45 mins of rolling
would recommend but the make sure you pick a good partner to drill with bc some guys don't want to drill the stuff properly bc they play UFC EA 3
is he white?
He's Brazilian so he's probably half white or something
Adememeya: 4 out of 6 fights in the UFC are decision wins
Costa: 100% heem rate in the UFC and his career is comprised of 11 heems, 1 sub, no losses, leaving him with a HUNDRED PERCENT simulated death rate.
Manhunter Costa is coming for your pointfighting nerd boy
Promoters really hate it for some reason. Might actually be a good question for Yea Forums since it dates back to old school mandrama
may be physio related
White hues are like Maia. Walker is a pardo
Imagine beating a fat out of shape Johnny Hendricks and an over hyped can and thinking you deserve a title shot
Based, good job revving these dorks
white enough, that's what we're all going to look like eventually, diversity is our strength, right?
Imagine decisioning a flushed meme who hasn't simulated a death since 2012 and is ranked even lower than Hall and getting a title shot
>retard still doesn't know what he's talking about
you can't do a flying armbar in shootboxing, fight gets reset if you go to ground
I'd simulate everyones death here
in retrospect, mohawk mcgregor was his prime
Does he heem at 205?
I'd 48-47 split decision you easily
He didn't even heem at 185. He's a bum.
imagine Cockhold actually had some power in his hands at 205
Would cut through everybody except Jon
Anderson Silva vs Kelvin Gastelum is the fight to make.
Did he get stung by AWLLLL the bees??
we have to see if Anderson will at least be able to heem Cannonier before booking this
was tj dillishaw, duane ludwig and sam calavitta the most autistic combination in mma ever?
wow james vick moved down to flyweight?
Not sure if Mayhem even knows if he's joking or not
I'm so fucking sick and tired of Schaub not being in EA UFC
No I don't fucking want to be kimbo slice
No I don't fucking want to be some bum from fight night champions
I want to be Brendan Fucking Schaub
There's an interview with Rogan where he explains one of the guys was in on it but I legitimately think he went mental then realised he didn't want the cops coming or being sued by EA
>weak chin look at ya
it's clown world
Yet another reason why Undisputed 3 is the GOAT mma video game
i need webms of this fight
based Mo
>well rounded mixed martial artist with KO power
this sport might have the biggest number of clowns of all sports
A lot of fighters ham it up for the cameras but Mayhem is out of his fucking gourd for real. It's a shame because he was actually pretty talented
Can't wait for my boy Look to dominate all the scrubs at LHW
Bisping really did a number on this man
they don't move like that at lhw
why do people consider zabit good when he couldnt finish bum stephens and even can bochniak?
joe rogan strikes again
There are a lot of good fighters who don't have high finishing rates.
Just imagine if Luke was the one to end Jones' streak
People who fell for le Dagestan meme. Said it a million times; Khabib is the only one of those shitters who is any good, otherwise they're just warm bodies
Literally name ONE
Jeremy stephens ain’t a bum
heem heem heem, mma is a great sport
Bum. Takes all of Colby’s flushed sloppy seconds
what is his best win?
Colby himself is decent but not exactly a finisher
He has only one more decision than finishes, his finishing rate isn't that low
he has some good wins like against Melendez, RDA and Barão, the problem is that either they were "rookies" or just flushed
Israel Adesanya
Yeah but only 1 of those finishes is in the UFC. It's easy to heem cans in other promotions
What are some fighters with 100% finishing rates?
conor won round 1 and round 3
tibau won round 1, round 2 and round 3
Soa Palelei confirmed GOAT
You guess it!
to be fair he basically knocked out a few guys at 185 but he'd just submit them instead because his ground game is retarded
this faggot hasnt beat anybody
Me on the left.
this general is deader than you will be after i impose my will on you in the octagon
Discord killed heem despite its fastest being slower than heems slowest
this is literally the most active general in this board
Schaub posting killed heem
who is the brendan schaub (comedian) of mma?
ironic scub posting is kino though
God damn I think he actually went crazy for a moment and then came to and realized what he was doing and was like "ayy lmao" or I could just be getting worked either way I laughed.
>peace sign with the cheese! xD
>Angela is awake, very drowsy, making jokes like her usual self. She has made a couple videos and when she is more coherent she can post. She wants to thank everyone who has wished her well and will be updating herself soon. Thank you, Team La Perla
>PS - Angela is blocked on facebook because she posted about the man who molested her and that goes against the rules.
how would Chloe "The Fridge" Moretz hold up in the cage?
>be me
>enjoying months as a white belt in BJJ
>roll with upperclassmen
>some brown/purple belt head-butts my nose.
>broken nose, can’t play sports for 8 weeks
Quit bjj, it could be worse.
going to a decision is for fags
Oh 100%, on the mount rawlshmore of heem posts.
i'm finna heem this bitches jaw with these nuts
I didn't watch this because it seemed like Masvidal would be a shit guest. Was it any good?
Looks like she hikes in the woods with dogs
Absolute unit. I choose to believe this isn't shopped.
/heem/ sleepy
Ben "cringe" askren
Megan Olivi's turdcutter shitbox ass
Wake up, Angela
Stop posting this fucking guy.
Tfw no one at your gym cares about you to give you a ride or even help you down the stairs when you break your leg at jiu jitsu class so you hobble away by ypurself, but you have to hobble to the train because you are too poor for a car
or what? you'll shoot up a mosque?
Are you okay, friend?
hey bro ill be in new york next month you wanta meet up?
do you think he's on the spectrum?
The genius spectrum? Yes.
how is one man this yuge
Wake up, Conor. It's time for your bi-monthly arrest.
is that Officer Gaycheese
Do you need a place to stay? I'll meet up
You'd think people would be more understanding, BJJ is pretty much made for cripples
nah but let's meet.
He was an absolutely awful guest and had nothing to say, Joe was scrambling for things to talk about.
the only interesting thing was Masvidal candidly revealing he was literally on the short bus at school, went to special ed, and admits numerous times throughout that he is "simple"
Beyond that it's just him talking about how he's gonna "torture" Askren for 14 mins 50 seconds before heeming him and Joe trying to steer the conversation to Yoel
is he the next toilet till?
damn, brits been shit posting on a whole new level
this is unprecedented
Let's do it can i text you?
Bobby deletes him, then he goes on to get deleted again by Jacare and Yoel.
Askren was out
Askren shit his pants, should have been a TKO
he figured since he was flushing Robbie anyway he might as well take a dump while he was there
laura sanko shitting youtube
i dont want to post my phone number
What's the big deal? I will just text you some pictures and maybe send location
lose my numebr
how old is danaher
not true
>tfw picked krylov stylememer and peahead
im a fucking heem god
would chin any here
>no more weight classes cause talent will be diluted
is there a stupider excuse?
>pride rules
>elbows allowed
kinda a stinker for rizin
2 LHW fights, rest are all the same fighters from previous fights.
I am not for gay, Jesus
Do girls like when a guy trains ufc?
Yes but only train ufc don't waste your time training mma or any other martial art. UFC is the best martial art.
>le xp level up bing bing wahoo nigger
Based & redpilled.
Gooby redemption arc begins now, ultimately culminating in Kebab removal followed by retirement with zero (0) career title defenses.
for sure the guy who got dropped by Dodson is a beast
She's the only one that can beat Jones (if she makes weight)
This is the timeline we deserve
Based Yang
we just need you to do it one more time gooby
Just work your magic one more time and then you can stop
You're the only one who can end the dagestani meme
Usada doesn't test epo unless they got something suspicious on someones biological passport. Or they get another reason like someone snitching.
Jon Jones gets his shit from TJ Dillishaw
You guys wanna hear the real shit? The reason Conors cardio appears so weak is because he’s actually a natty fighter unlike nurmagoPEDov.
kung fu is a meme and for faggots
*hits you with the White Crane strike*
Oh well then
prime schaub would heem ngannou
I miss serbbro
how much do you bench?
schaub fakes the TD (big brain)
adesanya just throws (brainlet)
am i rite?
It nadda bout the size of the Schaub in the fight...
Conor is unironically the natty goat. Jones GSP Anderson et al are all juicy as fuck. Conor is at the top of the natty fighters
I'm glad they stopped having random nobodies on Fight Companion.
Justin Gaycheese
Here it is
two intellectuals at the top of their game just shooting the shit and seeing what sticks. Modern day Jung and Freud for sure b. Two fuckin champs. Like LeBron and MJ shooting some hoops. Two fucking legends.
When were talmbout the rushmers of rushmers you know they’ve got the two spots on tawlp
Guess the fighter/podcaster/comedian
(It’s probably not who you’re thinking of)
Why do you guys bully Brendan Schaub so much? also what does "heem" actually mean?
Why did Joe talk Brendan out of MMA? Was Brendan any worse than the current HW roster outside the top 10? And if not, why doesn't Joe just tell those guys to give up, as well?
You know why Joe did it? Because he was jealous. He couldn't stand seeing his best friend excel at something that Joe himself wanted to excel at.
So he convinced Schaub - the greatest prospect the UFC had ever seen - to quit.
Damn you got me b, thought I was a tough one
Shut the fuck up your discord trannies
What a peach.
paperboy of the yuf-c
Fucking BASED
no shit joe is jealous
he's his friend
not really
not his friends, still have potential to figure it out, ala harris and blaydes
literally can not be a prospect at HW at that end of the durability/power spectrum. guys like hunt, rothwell and blagoi would always trouble him.
though lewis vs schuab would have been a laugh
Why do people think prime Fedor would struggle against today's heavyweights? When a swang and bang shithouse like Derrick Lewis was no. 1 contender, there's no reason why someone with skills like Fedor wouldn't kill it
Schaub is patient.
Schaub is kind.
Schaub rejoices with the truth.
Always trusts, always hopes,
Always perseveres.
Only an absolute COWARD would judge another man on his drained, weight cut hog. Grow up.
Daily reminder I would heem everyone here.
Not me, no commission would clear me to compete so you be committing assault.
I would be committing assault either way because my hands are registered weapons.
Fedor was losing to UFC guys when he was in his early 30s.
It's bigger than Billy Joe Saunder's lol
Post compromising photos of Holly Homes with Jon Jones.
wtf boxing is gay???!!!
Seek professional help.
*removes shorts*
The kids got a hog on imm what can I say?
I thought Yea Forums is professional in terms of seeking out pictures of sheemers with heemers.
*puts shorts back on*
Bruh look at this dood... oh no no no
@thewolfofcorona he’s not juicing you dumb cunts, his bmi is well within the natural limits. Do you what a caloric surplus, progressive overload along with good genetics and discipline for years can do? No you’re just bandwagon trolls
Which one of you was this?
Why can't Yoel ever make weight?
>Holly Homes
She's built like a brick shithouse that Holly Homes, lad.
Kill yourself you anime faggot. Be grateful Yoel blessed us heeming ppl the way he did.
What about Whittaker huhhuhuhuh? Why he can't never fight and pulls out from aussie cards a month or a day left into the event?
Yeah pretty much
Just answer the question you dumb Latvian faggot
the kick that flushed his whole carrer
I can never get enough of this webm, so satisfying
@3:30 for a protip
Chad move in any case
While the Chris is still my boy, he was not fighting TRTor
Henry was gassing and TJ practically had secured the takedown. TJ also has unnatural recovery+cardio. Clearly an early stoppage.
>Reem fighting tomorrow
Reem bless
I AM THE *gets knocked down* GREATEST FIGHTER * gets choked and taps* EVER *gets flushed by a fat LW*
Post your walk-out song
Reem's a chinlet now. Bet the house on Olenik.
>all these anime fuckers crawling out of the woodwork immediately after narutosanya wins the interim belt
this guy needs to be fucking stopped immediately you all will be heemed
Who of you has a schaub pic on their pornhub account that shit made me laugh yesterday
Chinnnaker is a anime dork too yknow?
Wake up, Israel
The Schmo has grown on me. He's also infinitely better than Nardwuar, who is a disrespectful piece of shit
no source has ever been given and even if he was there's a difference between watching tv shows, keeping your hobbies separate from the rest of your life, and having a naruto tattoo and ninja running around the cage
REALLY need artem to beat up malignaggi
I believe in representin, atleast partially.
Just finished watching Herbaceous Deanacious on JRE. Calmly as hell my bee, but I rolled my eyes at joe bringing up Yoel and muh Cuban genetics shit again. I'm also glad Herb wasn't at all interested in engaging with Le Dagestani SSSSSSAAAAVAGES meme, pretty chill guy. I enjoy his talk about surfing
>joe bringing up Yoel and muh Cuban genetics shit again. I'm also glad Herb wasn't at all interested in engaging with Le Dagestani SSSSSSAAAAVAGES meme
I wish I could watch it but I try to stay away from Joe Rogan videos because I've indoctrinated myself enough watching like 10 hours of it every week. I'm actually afraid I've given myself brain damage because sometimes I start to think like him and even repeat his bullshit moronic ideas. Being a Joe Rogan fan is really the male equivalent of being an Oprah fan.
hi schmo
>jamie pull that up
>this guy is making fun of me let me read what he wrote
>hahahah can you believe that
>oh man i bet a goriilla could fuck him up
>yeah, but can you imagine a gorilla on dmt
>dude, i bet aliens are on dmt all the time
Get help loser
Don't get me wrong, watching Jouban sperg out was great, but for me, the best ever reaction was Ray Borg's loss from a few weeks ago.
>Judge Eric Santos scores it 29-28 for Ray Borg's son dying
>Judge Matthew Panter scores it 29-28 for Ray Borg's son living
>and judge Daniel McDurby scores it 29-28 for Ray Borg's son dying!
And then to see that despicable little fat manlet REEEEEEing as coroner Bruce called it. BEAUTIFUL
As an aside: I would literally eat Sanko's ****
kill yourself luke
Seeing this now, the ref should have stopped it even earlier
Are you autistic?
lmao based
Fukken LOL
The obese spammer is the biggest loser on all of Yea Forums
Here come the discord trannies
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
How did this foodtruck meme start with Schaub? Is this an advanced form of CTE?
I have Reem as a heavy favorite. Would be VERY surprised if Olenik wins.
>I'm in on a single leg
Saw a really jacked girl at the shops yesterday. She looked like Kayla Harrison. I audibly moaned.
make the new thread , i will judge whether its the one or not
>Be juiced
>still lose this hard
Cejudo won bro
New thread let’s kick it off
Policy accepted
Low effort trash.
>falling for the bjj meme
Wow she really ruined herself she used to be fairly hot despite having a horseface.