People like to say that women's basketball is inferior to men's basketball but that's just an opinion and I'd like to see those same people try to play in a game against the women and see how inferior they think they are after that.
There's something else going on, a systematic effort to make sure that women's basketball doesn't get equal coverage to the men's games. It's disrespectful and is obviously due to the insecurity of some men.
What are the real reasons that women's basketball isn't just as popular as men's basketball?
maybe I don’t give a shit in general about what wammens do. anything a wamen does that isn’t directly related to my cock is irrelevant to me
It was pooping in the 90s
>be the wnba
>have your home court on a concert stage
>bitch when people don't want to watch it
Every time
your bait is bad
They literally aren't as good as men and that's a fact.
That's an opinion
>tfw no fatass mammy to snuggle up to at night
Prove it.
Your beard is weird
they need to lower the rim. more dunks, more explosive plays that make basketball entertaining. look at what zion did for duke basketball. nobody likes fucking duke and look how many people tuned in to see zion style on fools
Kek, 8th grade guys could beat college women’s basketball teams. Happens in soccer all the time.. the Houston under 15 years old acadamey beat the women’s national team. The same USWNT that has won the World Cup.
>i'd like to see skinnyfat neckbeards play against professional female athletes
Worst thing is the neckbeards would likely win.
Shut up retard. Try watching a WNBA game. It's a fucking disgrace
No one's posted a reason why they shouldn't both get equal exposure on the TV networks. What a surprise
this is a weak b8 thread
But Laimbeer is coach there. Surely he have created Bad Girls there.
Women aren't designed for physical activity. Child bearing is where they excel, and they should stick to that.
letting women play sport was a mistake
Very based
i think its funny that the majority of women in the WNBA are dykes and bully the non dykes kek
odd looking kitchen tbqhwyfamalam
They suck, they're ugly, they're boring, and no one cares about meme alternative leagues. It will never draw a crowd and exists only to remind people about powerful WAHMENS!
because fuck bitches get money
Less people would watch
Less companies would advertise
Less advertising means less money for networks
>they're ugly
I truly believe this is a bigger reason than most people might believe. No one wants to see nappy headed hoes
why do they bitch about men not watching but don't give women shit for not watching their gender sport?
>What are the real reasons that women's basketball isn't just as popular as men's basketball?
If they did, it would be super-popular. There are (slightly) more women than men in civilized societies. All those women watching would make it the most popular league in North America....alas, women fail to support women's basketball and women's sports in general.
Don't like the fate that has befallen women's sports?
Blame women.
As with all women’s sports, they’re a less physical, less technical, less flashy, slower, and less precise version of the men’s game. It’s like asking why U-15 football isn’t as popular as senior pro football, except the U-15 team could score half a dozen goals on the women’s senior pro side.