
WSH @ CAR, 7 pm
STL @ WPG, 8:30 (7:30 Central)
VGK @ SJS, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)

Attached: towels.png (1280x720, 2.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Based shark elimination day

Caps desu

Attached: ovionvasi.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

this tbf

I want to lick Cassie Campbell's hairy snatch


This but the opposite.

Kaapo Kakko desu

so should rinne even start anymore?

Who was in the wrong here?


really want to complain about the relocane op lads
but im going to keep it under my hat

Bruins clinch in Toronto, you read it here first

how many wins does saros have?


based learning to overcome his mental illness poster

posts like these incite my autism btw

Holy shit, that Rask skate save in the 2nd
t. latefag

based slowpoke

based not making as much progress as we thought but still taking baby steps in the right direction poster

based based

Attached: 10890.gif (320x210, 836K)

>bank in swedish is bank
>bank in finnish is pankki
>broke in swedish is pank
whoa, this really made me think

you really want me to go all out, dont you

For me, it's the Columbus Blue Jackets

For me, it's the Teds

Why is finnish full of double consonant words? do they have any effect on pronunciation? Even the language itself is a double consonant word.

>nobody is talking about the columbus blue jackets
>everyone is posting their cock

This is the most autistic general on Yea Forums maybe even Yea Forums(nel)

Three more hours until jeopardy

finns compensate for small benises by using more letters

>tfw no qt pale Anglo-German Ted gf

Attached: 1554947558041.jpg (1288x920, 204K)


two and a half hours til gametime and pnc arena has unsold seats

Attached: ticketmaster.jpg (1897x937, 311K)

y-y-you too


Attached: Blåjackebrutta.jpg (600x750, 78K)


no, that's easily /heem/

gets even worse if you dont mind being a loner
why the fuck is there hockey in raleigh again?

Attached: ticketmaster2.jpg (1888x935, 313K)


Attached: teds.png (400x400, 262K)

Let’s go canes!


Neal is the biggest waste of cap space I've ever seen. That 3rd line has cost us 2 games now.

a rink side seat for $350 US
we should pool our money and get randy a ticket

Attached: rinkside.png (775x377, 27K)

this tbqh

Attached: little canes fan.png (670x650, 516K)

>Carlson still on the left

Fuck off Todd

Flames Neal tho xD

I will not touch you

good. hockey is NOT for every one.

Has he done ANYTHING all season?

Attached: come on now.png (1000x812, 142K)

The Hartford Whalers needed someplace to go.

niederreiter has been invisible this series
how was this trade a win for the canes?

Attached: nino.png (764x25, 2K)


no they didnt, peter karmanos jr wanted more money with a "bigger" market
the average attendance was higher in hartford than it has been in raleigh

Who here /comeback/?

Attached: 1555551337090.png (533x631, 143K)

At least the typical 2nd round loss won't be to Pittsburgh.

Attached: caps pepe.png (1038x1111, 100K)

they probably wouldnt have made the playoffs if they didnt make that trade. then dumdum wouldnt have 2 extra games to partially sellout.

Imagine that thing without make up jeezus.

its only a comeback if you start from behind
this series has been a collapse for the laffs

how triggered will sunbelt retards be when they play us and realize our uniforms? it’s amazing how asshurt southern cucks still are about the civil war if we play trashville lol

he’s vegas /lifelong/ intentionally tanking the flames postseason

Wouldn't Charlotte have made more sense than Raleigh?

flames neal posting is done ironically

folding the team makes more sense than relocation if making money was the objective
thank god gary installed socialism into the league or else karmanos would be hanging from the ceiling

Still have hope they wake up. Holtby has probably been the best Cap and could steal a game if they get a more reasonable split of zone time. But as I said in the last thread: Caps in 5 if they win tonight, Canes in 7 otherwise.

>the average attendance was higher in hartford than it has been in raleigh
This is a lie.
Why would you lie about numbers that anyone could look up?

it's a shame what could have been


Attached: 51F9C608-42A8-48D2-B89D-A1717DF74FE5.png (1136x640, 694K)

I really really really hate pictures like this. Fake fucking reaction. Hope they both get killed.

Attached: who took the picture.jpg (1364x2048, 570K)

I did, AMA

why do you hate seeing other people happy?

a lie?
do i need to get the numbers from my previous post about in the archives?

Attached: GO TO YOUR GAMES.png (1306x1040, 301K)

I feel the same way but she is legit one if the best Canadian women hockey players I've ever seen so I'll give her a pass.

Raleigh's population is more affluent and whiter than Charlotte's, i.e. "more of a hockey market."
Plus, in Raleigh, the Hurricanes are the only major-league sports team in town, but in Charlotte they would've had to compete with the Hornets and the Panthers for attention.

Attached: checkers blue (ECHL, home).png (270x270, 10K)

still wouldnt be able to crack a midget AAA roster

What's going on here?

Attached: 1555620311796.jpg (1364x2048, 883K)


Attached: FE0BB590-F995-4953-8E83-B3173A6FA60D.jpg (3032x2275, 3.45M)

>the racial composition of Charlotte is 45.1% White
>the racial composition of Raleigh is 57.5% White
Obviously no. And they already have a team

Attached: Charlotte_Checkers_(AHL)_logo.svg.png (1200x1307, 156K)

what a sissy

Sure but I only compare to the same gender. It's like if spud webb played in the WNBA. He'd still be dunking but it wouldn't look as cool because he's the same height as all the players

Get out the rake you lazy faggot.

I like hokkei

here they are
"If you average the attendance for the history of the franchise, the Hurricanes have 14166 fans attending. Hartford had 12815. A difference of one thousand and fifty one (1351) fans."
hmm a thousand fan difference in favour of raleigh, guess it was a lie
jeez certainly a huge market like raleigh could so better than 1400 more fans lol

When in the situation before the photo did he hand over the camera? Did he do it in front of her? It looks kind of deserted, so was in only you three there? Wasn't she suspicius when he brought you along for the hike?
Pussy bulge. Many women have it. In Sweden we call it ''bun pussy''

Thinking of making a post that is not related to hockey or even sports in general. Any tips?

>cant sell out regular season games
>cant sell out playoff games
where does gary draw the line?

its obviously a staged photo lots of couples do it when they announce their engagement

Lets be honest North Carolina is a very old world and more about their community than state

This nigger faggot actually made the local morning news


Attached: 1555620485763.png (640x359, 378K)

this excuses them from fully embracing their hockey team?

Based blithering retard unable to even estimate averages let alone do a simple math problem.

Attached: avg.png (284x591, 15K)

Of course. It's why I hate it.

Don't be lewd about Cassie

Attached: 1441403635462.png (469x357, 267K)

If the canes can eliminate the caps and the bruins eliminate the leafs then lose in round 2 there will be no more bad guys in the playoffs.

Attached: sketch-1555621038472.png (1280x440, 177K)

I won't watch the video, but from your screenshot it looks like the hosts are more faggoty than he is, pretending to be interested.

hardly anyone worth a shit lives inside of city limits in the us, they're all ruined nigger shitholes

wow randy, barely over 2000 more average fans in an arena that holds 4000 more seats than the one in hartford
you are making a strong case for why raleigh is a "better" market

laine got some fortnite in today. i think we can expect another big game from him tonight.

if hartford got their cup and had a 18000 seat arena there would be no QUESTION about attendance

Where exactly did bugmen come from?

Attached: 76E16652-09F0-43ED-A834-63F75596B89E.jpg (1080x2158, 392K)

To be honest, not one normal functioning person outside Carolina think Nort Carolina deserves a team more than Hartford.

Why are you so angry today? You are much better than this, Sven.

>cant sell out playoff games
How the fuck is this so difficult for some people?


Attached: check.png (1321x734, 236K)

>You are much better than this, Sven.
He's really not.

Sven is the one taking the picture and she was supposed to be >his girl


Yankees drop Kate Smith from god bless America rotation after being made aware of her recording racist songs:

“offensive jingle, “Pickaninny Heaven,” which she directed at “colored children” who should fantasize about an amazing place with “great big watermelons,” among other treats. She shot a video for that song that takes place in an orphanage for black children, and much of the imagery is startlingly racist. She also recorded, “That’s Why Darkies Were Born,” which included the lyrics, “Someone had to pick the cotton. … That’s why darkies were born.””

come on guys lets get randy's ass in a seat for a change
maybe sitting rinkside will keep him from shitting up this general

Isn't Ticketmaster a resell website?

reseal tickets were turned off in that search, as you can see in the side bar randy there are still plenty of new tickets available
here are all the tickets available\

stubhub is the resell only website, id expect you to know these things but you never attend games in the first place so ill give you a pass

wrong thread

This is what qualifies as news these days.


ticketmaster is the official seller of tickets for most teams. i think vividseats/stubhub/seatgeek are resellers.

>he thinks Vegas, Dallas, Nashville and fucking Calgary aren’t bad guy

Hit or miss, I guess they never miss, huh?
You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya (Mwah!)
He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya
He gon' skrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa

Attached: 1540588089592.png (584x586, 716K)

I'm not Randy you dolt
There's more than one burger here.

dundon will buy out all the tickets at the last minute and report a sell out
shit happens all the time

Calgary is objectively a team of good guys.

>Good guys
You have to go back

This is how it works.
Anyone he disagrees with is "randy."

whatever you say randy

see this guy gets it, notice how he stopped trying to argue since he knows he will just get btfo

Calgary, the city, and the fans, need to burn.

I’m randy on Tuesdays and Thursdays but ted the other days

Who is Randy?

imagine believing there are "good guy" and "bad guy" teams in the NHL

Go shove a puck up your ass k*ppers.
With regards,
Randy #6

An imaginary friend for retards who let Carolina live in their heads rent-free and need to put a face to their anger.

Imagine being Portuguese and thinking you know anything about hockey

This turbo chad that fucked all the moms in canada.
Now he posts on 4channel and makes faggots seethe.

Attached: BASEaho.jpg (4419x2946, 1.18M)

not replying to my posts should be a bannable offense

t. loser fan of a loser team

Attached: Puljujarvi.jpg (1008x620, 67K)

>avatar post every hour
>lol rent free

Big fan of this newest theory.

yes hello

Attached: All-Star Sepe.png (484x736, 212K)

Hot take

Attached: young finnish bulls.gif (500x281, 1.83M)

t. Europoor dick sucker

Attached: 97d20467d731ac7_900-477x640.jpg (477x640, 51K)

imagine thinking I'm actually portuguese

>physically cannot stop himself from replying
Genuinely feel sad for this guy.


frick off

Whatever you need to tell yourself orange picker

thanks for the (you) i still count that i wasnt even the same person you were arguing with but i can see he really got you retards worked up

>a bloo bloo bloo

Attached: typical leaf.jpg (1861x2377, 511K)

(You)s are reddit

Ok Aidan time for dinner

I have a crippling depression

Thanks Calgary and Tampa Bay. Even if my team loses their series at least it will be pretty hard for them to fuck up as hard as you guys have.

Attached: 1272760585740.gif (320x240, 1.66M)

>rags south

Attached: stamshit.jpg (910x359, 83K)

Goddamn you fucking ROASTED me with that one
How will I ever recover?

Attached: 47ae4f7ef64583063f3d08bc8792e36551f7870959f3842badecf4851d1442a6.jpg (400x400, 20K)

I asked Nikita Kucherov if he learned a lesson from his suspension, “No.” #GoBolts #TBLightning

Do Quebecois posters see (vous) instead of (you) next to their posts?

Attached: nords blue (no visor, white).png (270x270, 9K)

I just dunked on /cric/, bros. Feels good.

Calgary is done yet, lad.

protip: you won't

Attached: download.jpg (612x408, 23K)

Canadians say 'ope when they bump into each other

>picking on retarded kids
A new low for you /hoc/

If I had any balls I'd be tweeting "Lightning and the blunder" at every one of their twitter accounts every hour on the hour until I got banned.

Attached: A-pose.jpg (720x909, 37K)

Canadians put mayo on their hot dogs

Attached: FUUUUUUUU-.jpg (506x382, 43K)

The Avalanche have been the better team this entire series. Calgary's defense is terrible, they should have been blown out again last night. Mike Fucking Smith was the only reason that game was even close. Calgary technically isn't eliminated, but they basically need everything besides goaltending to turn around for them to have a chance.

>Do nothing for your team all series except dishing out an illegal hit
>Doesn't even want to own up to it
Why do we like him, again?

based answer desu

Americans put bullets in elementary school kids

i got a warning for saying the n word. now that i looked at it i can continue posting.

Delivered on my promise

Attached: Image from iOS (1)_0.jpg (866x1200, 168K)

Timestamp or it didn't happen



lying is a sin

>GMJR just said this is the best blue line the Penguins have had since he’s been here.

makin some tendies, anyone want some in prep for the games?

Good job nigger


pick uno

We're looking for a Canadian poster to deliver.

Attached: you promised.png (674x93, 7K)

What the fuck about all those moves pens made at the deadline?

>Justin Emerson @J15Emerson
>Mark Stone: “These are the type of games you want to be playing in as a hockey player. If I wasn’t having fun, I’d probably still be in Ottawa”

Imagine being a snes fan

May his franchise never experience success.

Attached: 1555542461936.png (1000x1150, 979K)

we tried to warn you

Attached: 1360987459716.jpg (500x516, 59K)

Canadians don't sort their recycling

thank you, self-control user.

Neither do I. We have wagecucks for that nasty business.

i put it all in the garbage

Will this stuff turn me into a woman?

Attached: 30DFBB78-D9FD-4318-8B15-780A937E71AD.jpg (600x600, 71K)

For me it’s the New York Rangers (^:

go canes!

Attached: Isles gordons.png (270x270, 10K)

no but you might start posting pics of your nintendo switch with your mouth open on social media

still a few bongs until the relevant game starts

/hoc/ is reddit

I just burn all my stuff outside


It would now but probably didn't when the team was moving. Charlotte has consistently been one of the fastest growing cities in the country for over two decades.

That said, Charlotte sucks balls and the Raleigh area is far more comfy.

t. Charlottefag

>Yankees drop Kate Smith from god bless America rotation
Good, for any reason. The national capital of the performing arts shouldn't need to make do with an 80+ year old recording.

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

is there no other way?

>not wanting Tavarleafs vs. Isles in ECF

mfw Teds / Relocanes ECF

Attached: 1549853017588.gif (800x430, 897K)

How's west Virginia?

based Metro friends

Well we can all agree the Islanders could use a new singer

hows oregon?

Attached: 1555624033286s.jpg (100x125, 2K)

Attached: 1555624033286.webm (960x1200, 1M)

>overrated shit
No thank you

Now I dare you to do the next pod without drinking like a bunch of millennial frat boys.

what is this an image for ants?

sounds delicious. A hotdog is a sandwich, after all.

Please don't let it happen lads

Attached: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.3u2.jpg (550x383, 26K)

half of Davidson
>pretty good
>decent, but more pretentious than they have any right to be
the other half of Davidson
>at least you tried
parts of University
everything else

simple as

Attached: smuk2.png (638x685, 167K)

Let's hope vegas can take care of business tonight.

This is my lunch. Jealous?

Attached: 2796F3B9-F689-42E3-A68A-9A8232C6BC0E.jpg (500x454, 45K)

based Mom, doesn't lose a step taking her shoe off to lay into those wenches with all of her might

why are fat people are so full of hate?


simple as

Who /chickenparm/ here

I live uptown. Unless you're fresh out of college or a "server", uptown blows.

Hawaiian pizza here, m8

I meant the names for it.

this isn't the handegg thread

Islanders fan here

Attached: sparky teh dragn.jpg (400x400, 29K)

48 minutes until you die

go knights

based sparky poster

I don't want to die.

Make sure you tenderize it well beforehand. Even better, cut the breast down the middle (make the filet thinner) for best results. I hope you enjoy your dinner, friend.

Attached: CE66D8B7-568E-422B-8985-D9EE4A0A9875.jpg (1200x1800, 227K)

guess you dont want it bad enough

happy shorks elimination day lads


Yeah I just like burning stuff really it’s pretty fun

Attached: Theodore04-16-19.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

it's been fun

Why? I’ve been a gud boi

Attached: d3p7zcxm2os21.jpg (375x500, 19K)

I could've sworn that I saw Brent Burns when I was out driving the other day.

Offtopic posting is a bannable offense. You want to talk about food? FUCK OFF TO CK

Someone is hungry and lashing out

Maple Leafs > Bruins in 7
Capitals > Hurricanes in 6
Stars > Predators in 7
Jets > Blues in 7
Avalanche > Flames in 5
Golden Knights > Sharks in 5
Maple Leafs > Blue Jackets in 6
Islanders > Capitals in 5
Jets > Stars in 5
Avalanche > Golden Knights in 6
Islanders > Maple Leafs in 7
Jets > Avalanche in 5
Islanders > Jets in 5

fuck i want chicken parm now

Attached: 1555543013390.png (429x411, 10K)

absolutely based retard

thinking about jordan eberles message

go avs

>veal parmesan>>>>>>>>eggplant parmesan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>chicken parmesan

"The goals take care of themselves, I'm not worried about the offense, we can score." -DeBoer after Game 1

"We have to find a way to solve Fleury. This isn’t all on our goalies. We wouldn’t have won tonight anyway because we didn’t score a goal." -DeBoer after Game 4

thingken about tampa bay being up 3-0 in game 1 and then never leading in the series after that rn tbqh

Go Caps

go avs

How do we stop them lads?

Attached: vegas-golden-knights.png (660x495, 297K)

Why are Americans so fucking retarded?

Attached: F59E12A9-3F11-4EC4-8404-77E306271989.png (406x452, 30K)

we just embrace and accept it this year lad

and where the fuck am i gonna get veal? tesco? yeah fuck off m8

Go avs too. But tonight go Caps

To compliment it, the pongs had the lead less time than they had an empty net



>rest of this round
Bruins > Laffs
Caps > Canes
Preds > Stars
Jets > Bloos
Avs > Flames
Knights > Shorks

>second round
Broons > Teds
Caps > Isles
Jets > Preds
Avs > Knights

>conf finals
Broons > Caps
Avs > Jets

>Lord Stanleysc Up Finals
Broons > Avs

cap this post

Burns has to be injured, right? That kind of defending should make your coach hammer your balls to the bench for the rest of the game if not.

>one hundred ninety-one dollarydoos (191,014 Americents) to watch your team get KTFO on the ice and BTFO on the scoreboard
Can't say I'm surprised.

Attached: 1525211073458.jpg (1080x1080, 150K)

no that's just how burns """defends"""

automatic weapon and an elevated vantage point

above average goal tending


Attached: 43E3FB14-D13F-42D7-874F-B05925CBB8D7.jpg (3024x4032, 2.84M)

hockey soon

Attached: gm 3.png (432x432, 38K)


have sex

How much?

That’s like 300 calories

Looks good though

Reminder: The Police themselves admitted there was
>2 shooters
>No motive
>No connection between the alleged shooters
>One shooters house was raided and ransacked for computer hard drives.
>several eye witnesses met untimely deaths immediately after the event
Reminder: The media just stopped talking about it, without even trying to answer questions.

$6 each roll

>I just LOVE sushi dont you?

Attached: CE287A65-8377-422B-BA0C-C1C0A28F6E2C.png (205x246, 6K)

Probably didn’t fit one of the media meta narratives so they don’t care

wow thats not a very good deal

Memes. If colorado advances (most likely), I could see them beating Vegas

Worth every penny to watch the autist nipponese make them

Somebody's been huffing too much chemtrail gas and drinking too much fluoridated water.

Attached: 1514051786720.jpg (1224x1445, 247K)

Pretty standard prices desu, maybe a buck too expensive

>eating carbs

They took the season series against the knights. I get worried about mackinnon playing 30 minutes a night though. Especially against a physical vegas team, unlike the soft pussy flames.

Not too bad then what you drinking with it?

Yeah, because it was clearly a CIA op involving a weapons trafficker in a hotel owned by Saudis and they were told to get everyone focused on whatever trivial bullshit came next like Trump tweets to bury it.

Americans have the attention span of a goldfish so they got away with it, again.

What said. The only thing the Canes have to share PNC with is NC State's basketball team. Easy as hell to access.

I’m not a picky eater, but for whatever reason I can’t tolerate fish. Sushi is fine, and clams/oysters I love, but anything else I just can’t stand. Very disappointing.

they are still just a 1 line team. if the knights blueline shows up, unlike the lames, to shutdown rantanen/mackinnon they will be done.

Grilled salmon come on man

>post actual facts of the case
>some goldfish brain normie calls you retarded.
Like clockwork.

Water and sake

that salmon/tuna roll should not cost $6 unless it was like freshly caught organic fish

Full on weeb meal nice

>muh regular season
worked out great for tampa

It was deliciously fresh
I only do it like once every few months it’s a bit out of the way but I was in this part of town


Attached: pif_500.jpg (500x500, 56K)

lads i just got off the phone with gary. he said the canes have gotta lose this series for the league. the tampa sweep and pens sweep was enough underdog story. caps will win out

is smetch playing tonight?

>after tampa bay got swept there are still soiboys touting >standings
retards should be put down at birth

caps are the underdogs tho

>caps are the underdogs tho

Attached: ajnmli7yudl21.jpg (640x723, 37K)

>burns doesn’t need help with his game
based deboir

wow so the relocanes are choking too then

it is shitposting my dude

The Bogs have other plans.

Attached: pick up the phone, Tom.png (384x663, 198K)

nice reddit image

lads, is smetch playing tonight?

>w-we’re just shitposting I swear
sunbelt retards should be put down at birth

Nope, they're keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't have a concussion.

thanks my girlfriend sent it to me while i was fucking her doggystyle


I really pity you boomer, I hope the last 15 years of your life are nice and fulfilling

the team that has scored the first goal in the canes-caps series has won every game so far.

thanks lad

funny, I don’t think about you at all :^)

have fun with samonilla

That's usually how she goes

At this point, you're just trolling (poorly)

post bobs and vagene, white girl

there have been quite a few 2/3 goal comebacks so far in the other series.

>the team that scored the final go-ahead goal has won every game so far

Attached: 1479943314955.png (500x600, 93K)

same with shorks/knights

At the beginning of the season I said that the canes’ goaltending wasn’t good enough to get them into the postseason, and it wasn’t. But they figured it out and here there.
Sorry for doubting you canes.

shut the fuck up you stupid bandwagoner


imagine being mad at a second year expansion team

Attached: hmmm.jpg (394x430, 40K)

just trying to falseflag thrashersbro




Calm down Pedro

this is fine

Attached: 1532403568505.png (720x835, 500K)



Attached: BASEDNEVADAWOO.png (1281x563, 798K)

>yfw caps lose 4 in a row

Attached: 281D359D-64F4-4FFE-856C-FFE2919DFE98.gif (500x370, 2.51M)

lol 1 minute in: give up a goal and now on the kill

car wash? wash car? holy shit
anyone noticed that

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is rod brind'amour based


Can't wait for them to raise their presidents trophy banner, shall be having a laugh with /hoc/ that night.

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>FSO replaying CBJ game 4
>chipotle bowl and a mr pibb
gonna be a nice night

you guys needed to see this again

Attached: 1555487255907.png (1647x1966, 1.27M)


that series wasn't all that bad, you guys at least held the lead for a period.

Jackets just scored again

it's unironically worse than this

Attached: colts-afc-finalist-nfl.jpg (430x471, 54K)

>reddit bowl and mr. reddit

is this real?

At least the colts won 2 playoff games that season.

>hating on good food
what's your deal?

id hope for another 0-16 if my loins ever did that, thank god they have some sort of dignity

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for me, it's regular season western conference champions, the preds

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not an argument



Attached: unzazedmraz.png (1080x580, 772K)

>arguing with some nerd over a stupid meme
no thanks

STAPLES Center has a Taylor Swift banner in the rafters

oops forgot pic

Attached: just.jpg (1000x561, 83K)

yep. they took it down eventually though

i got nothing for you lad but ill share a few of my dboss webms with you

Attached: 1544603449616.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

hope vasi loves golfing :)

Conference Champion banner is literally as participation award as it gets.

pls respond
>willing to add in a couple more EXTREMELY RARE pepes in addition to this one

>bolts and pongs choke
>next it will be the caps

this truely is the best timeline

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why are the relocanes so fragile?

Zoomer team

Attached: Russian Chad.png (2338x1024, 366K)

this is my only pepe

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Martinook ankle not work?

Attached: E9DDED48-36A6-4DF4-A1CB-2E2CE8142379.jpg (630x540, 90K)

>literally fucked the cup
mys ides

That is an abysmal collection fren

>that lonely banner

wait i found another one

Attached: 1555476746964.png (680x680, 772K)

>the based one constantly seething-at-the-knights canadian
okay bud. at least we won the actual wcf/trophy, unlike the teams that put up regular season conference championship banners.

Attached: 6D9D14AB-05B6-43E0-BF98-3C675E493C6A.jpg (1122x630, 804K)

>when your team doesn't have any meme banners but a bunch of retired numbers of guys who couldn't win a Cup instead

Attached: 1430031703417.jpg (350x334, 10K)

Why aren't you watching the WJC-18 games user?

sharks physically can't have just that 1, they were western conference champions (playoffs) in 2016. caps also have more banners

for me, its Lidstrom's number banner and the '02 and '08 cup banners cuz those were my favorite wins 2bh

I need help

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Ovechkin did nothing wrong

i have better things to do

Attached: 4736A547-9A2A-4FEE-B970-8A5122795FFC.jpg (1122x1122, 693K)

more like the crapitals right?

You're as schizo as Sam and Randy are. Get help, dude.

My number should be retired in /hoc/
t. Absolute legend

>that feel when no ECHL stream

>2nd round loss
>*loses to canes*

Attached: 1442879390601.gif (360x203, 3.05M)

It’s ok lad, at least you have us, and we have (you)

they should have burned that "regular season" one and replaced

that's a capybara

cute beav

Boston has Bourques banner in the rafter.
They also threw him a parade in Boston after he won in Colorado.

feel free to save my RARE Mrazek pepe but NO ONE ELSE CAN SAVE

im not that far from vegas so i am highly considering driving there just to heem this hoser into the shadow realm

shutup fatty

>it's the schizo canadian who always goes around and calls other schizo again
it wouldn't be /hoc/ without you m8

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saved it even though i have no use for it just to spite you, lad

Attached: 1539463207289.jpg (1275x710, 53K)

not cool man, really not cool.

dont you mean
>everyone who dislikes my team from canada is one person

Don't worry I didn't save it. My hoc folder is bloated enough as is

no I mean you’re a dumbshit faggot. can’t you read dumbshit faggot?

I think the Sharks are gonna pull an upset tonight lads.

OVECHKIN IS A PUNKASS BIZZNITCH thats about all i have to say

not a chance bitch nigga

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hoping laine does a thing tonight

Had lunch with Gary today, he definitely mentioned something about a shorks comeback in the series but he was rather vague, but my digits confirm it

>u mad
stay mad kid

>Crosby won't play for Canada at Worlds following Penguins elimination

Why doesn't he want to represent his homeland?

Attached: cut.jpg (1024x576, 54K)

lol who cares not like thats gonna help him win another cup

because he's american now

"worlds" championship is fake and gay

Attached: Whore-Hot-Dog-Shirt-Guy.gif (300x171, 1.81M)

thinking about big lifted calgary flames trucks

Exactly. The only prize in hockey that matters, is the Stanley Cup.

>Why doesn't he want to represent his homeland?
>As you get older there are things that nag you. I’m trying to take care of those
Why do you ask /hoc/ when Crosby already have given the answer?

Bettman doesn't like the IIHF. He'll can't allow one of his biggest stars to go to the tourneys.

That’s not very inclusive you. What about women hockey players?

what >things is he talking about do you wonder?

Good point. Women's hockey's top prize is gold at the olympics.

even the womens world championship has more legitimacy than the mens

I’ve just included you in my list of faggots

Ok if you insist, you also get ownership of a female hockey player as a prize too

can shorks pull off the reversal?
i really dont want vegass to win and go up against my bing bings

he already led us to 2 olympic golds. he doesnt need to prove anything else.

Flames haven't exactly been playing soccer, either.

Depth scoring is up for the Avs, and even then Fleury has been playing statistically worse than Smith this round.

>i hope the worse team wins so my team has it easier

but user, the team that wins the series is the better team

really made me think

>i hope the best team wins so my team has it harder, increasing my chance of self-indulging in depression
holy based

>poocherov is still butthurt
what a baby


cause compher and nieto scored? yea i guess that is a lot more depth than they got in the regular season.

Is it just a list of dudes you're gonna try to hook up with later? Sounds pretty gay

just changed my tinder profile to "get pucks deep and get shots on goal" so i hope this works, lads


His wife

Yeah you're right, the second line and blueline accounting for half of the series goals doesn't mean anything. :^)

mike smith is a decent goaltender

Laine will score a hatty tonight

Attached: lainesmile.jpg (500x571, 43K)

Kinda hoping the shorks get shut out and Thorton gets a game misconduct, suspended, and retires.

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for me, it's being happy that faggot will never win a cup.

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nhl making the avery rule was the biggest mistake ever

*absorbs your soul*

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both of nietos goals were shorthanded. their 2nd line still isnt really showing up as much as you are claiming. its just the lames choking.

If the sharks/knights series ends tonight, will there be any chimpouts during the handshake line?

have sex

Attached: DohbeseWwAA4kJF.jpg (1200x675, 196K)

probably not. kane will have been ejected for bring a bat onto the ice long before then.

t. incel

im happy he is doing well, lad

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relevant game starting soon

How do I get this /fa/

Jones just let in a goal.

just under 2 hours away

starting to think Canes should just switch their main and alternate jerseys

lifetimes of drinking virgins blood and giving hot takes

to me its hearing fieldfares aka räkättirastaat doing noise outside at night when i watch hockey

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It's true to some extent. Avs are averaging over 40 SOG in the past two games, which is mostly on the Flames' defense. We'll have to wait and see how they stack against Vegas/SJ, if they don't choke first.

How does it rate?

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>Privately funded by the Oak View Group, the arena will cost close to $930 million.

>The roof, deemed a historical landmark, must remain intact, and to increase the hockey seating capacity, everything underneath will be gutted and crews will dig down 15 feet from the existing floor. When completed, the arena will have grown from 411,000 square feet to 750,000.

>That will allow for a seating capacity of 17,300 for hockey and requires the removal of 500,000 cubic yards of dirt and soil.

almost 1billion dollarydoos and it cant even fit in 18000 people
what a waste

I take it back, cause he just got FUCKED


jesus himself could have died on the cross at the peak of key arena roof and it still wouldnt be worth 1bil

caroliniggers BTFO AHAHA fuck off back o plebbit your normie tier redditcuck underages


>ovi parks at his default office
>nobody cares


Attached: Dolan_Duck_Face__4fc3c74ec47e8_grande.png (500x281, 77K)

"Sorry Gary and Bog, I'm sticking to my own plan....*

Attached: ovietalkingtobog.png (522x343, 440K)

Which fortnite dance should I do after the Canes get eliminated tonight?

>regular season champions

Attached: 79Au.png (996x868, 599K)

laffs would do the same, if they had any

It would only be 3-1 but you can still floss

>New Jersey Devils
>Draft Lottery Champions

*raises the most handsome man in /hoc/ banner*

where's the blues jets bread?

just merge with caps/canes game thread

imagine getting dabbed on by finnish bulls

i have wet dreams about it

Chicago is gonna get the seventh just saying

Aw, thanks fren


12 seconds

guess binnington shouldn't be a bigot huh?

Attendance tonight is listed as 19,202, more than the 18,680 capacity.

Attached: all.png (770x770, 127K)

I’m a bigot and it’s based

>12 seconds

no lad, i said bigot, not faggot. you are a faggot.

well at least this proves that some of the people of in north carolina know where pnc arena is

is there any reason to believe that the Bloos won't be their usual one-and-done selves this year?

No I’m attracted to women and don’t like non-whites

Hey hoc, friendly reminder to check the standings :^)

This is the post.

Attached: boop.png (640x640, 887K)

t. juan from san jose

I’d rather die

White “women” are so fr*cking gross

thinking about next season

Attached: image.jpg (850x560, 81K)

next thread better be a shannon edition


Reported for reporting.

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basedboy gonna cry?

Mixed up my filenames, meant to post this one.

Attached: total.jpg (210x180, 15K)


shoutout to that one seething crapitals fan from the game thread :^)

nah there's not enough room with all those stanley cup banners

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