What are you guys going to do without Pogbas selfies for a day? I might kill myself

What are you guys going to do without Pogbas selfies for a day? I might kill myself

Attached: FireShot Capture 310 - Professional footballers to boycott social media for 24 hours in raci_ - www. (674x619, 430K)

Oh wow, 24 hours. What a feat

can we have a day without brown people on the internet? it would be fantastic

Oh wow, 24 hours. What a feat

>This is zoomers idea of sacrifice
Garbage generation desu

they've done it, they've killed racism

who knew all it took was millionaires stepping away from twitter for a day

You don't know how hard life is as a multi millionaire football player. 24 hours of social network pics is enough advertising to pay for 50 new pairs of louis vuitton shoes. They're making a huge sacrifice.

Are 26 year olds zoomers or is he just retarded?

MLK and Oprah are shedding tears of pride in heaven

So brave and powerful

Twitter stocks will plummet.

I wish they'd boycott it for 24 months

b-b-but Oprah's alive and MLK is in hell

Racism is not prevalent in football. These pathetic coons are making a mountain out of a molehill.

See you in 25 hours, niggers

If I be more racist can I get rid of them from social media for good?

>me, social media manager/content creator when danny gives me the day off from posting tweets starting with "buzzing" and interacting with fans

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>Oprah in heaven
Do you know something we don't know?

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Nice of them to give their management companies a day off on Good Friday.

wouldn't racists be happier not to see any niggers on social media

finally, racism is over. proud of the lads for the struggle it must be not posting a selfie for a day. take THAT racism.

Was going to make a thread about this earlier but forgot. What a bunch of drama queens.

we seriously need to stop being so racist before all the black people just decide to leave the country

why is it called boycott and not girlcott? why not xhecott? they're hypocritical sexists

ok, enough is enough. this isn't funny anymore. racism stops TODAY.

why not walcott?

I'll be spending the day in bed with your mother, user

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Oh wow, football stars are going not going to post stupid shit on the internet. What a tragedy.

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Brave and stunning.

I bet if you bombarded their Twitter with the word "NIGGER", you could force a response from one of them. Even if it's just a block. See how strong their willpower is then

A year has only 12 months

see what you provoke you fucking monsters? a whole day without ronaldo's or pogba's selfies, an entire DAY



Attached: Soccer Vieri Chad alpha Italian Black.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Oh no, that sucks.

>People make monkey noises and call you a nigger.
>Reward them by not spouting your inane drivel or posting pictures of your lunch on social media for a day.
How is this gonna stop racism? It's encouraging it to be honest