Trending #1 in twitter.
In this thread seething saud*s.
ESS won the ARAB champions league
more like
winner of tournament gets 8m$ from the saudis.
oh cmon it has a nice meaniing in french
Based and redpilled
Sousse fag here
Fuck these goatfuckers kek
EWW fuck me when and why did you shits put a bourguiba there ? The rond point looks so disgusting
So Arabs have got their own version of "YOU'RE NOT WHITE" but with being Arab. Cool.
Yes, it is. Everyone here sucks bourguiba's dick fucking dickheads my man
Some of us here look like arabs but that doesn't make everyone here an arab, we are amazigh senior
they make it seem like being Arab is somehow superior than being a Berber
Based Tunisia
wa9tech rakbouha ? nikomhom el 7eja el wa7ida eli 3amloha fel bléd rakbo bourguiba fe kol mdiina
Fama ka3ba techebhelha fe Mestir ;-;
Ti ya7chew feh rab flous lkol machiya fe 7ajet ki zebi
goatfucker thing started in morocco shithead
coz both look the same and western see arabs as the whole mena anyway brown people rook the same
Enti libi ? na7na manchabhouch lel khalijiyyin walla sa3oudiyyin.
W b3d yjik wa7ad tounsi wala dziri w y9ollek ena 3rbi asil. Ya3an din rabkom a93adou ta7nou lel 3rab eli ya3tabroukom homoj berber
ena 3arbi hilali 100% 9a7 fuck you barbar