Thoughts on the Kuwaiti women's national ice hockey team?
Thoughts on the Kuwaiti women's national ice hockey team?
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after the game, do they shower with those things on?
No you mutt, they shower alone and naked. The headscarf is to stop perverts
God islam’s shite, innit?
The scarf probably keeps their head warm on the ice, seems like a good thing
you've never played hockey
I give it a 9 of 11
what's the ice like in Kuwait
Better than in Tampa but worse than Arizona
You could definitely beat Bulgaria
what happened to slovakia? used to be chezh tier but looks like they can barely skate here
I can't ice skate. I tried in the shopping mall but all I could do is fall. Those kuwaiti girls can but not me. I fell sad
please spank me
Jus bee urself! :)
They qt
>wanting to be warmer playing hockey
Youre not cold at all on the ice
In fact its the opposite
Helmet is hot as fuck
Would you drop the gloves with them?
I'm impressed that such a thing even exists desu
they cute