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reminder no one cares

reminder no one cares

T. 7-1

t. Literal subhuman who watches soccer

I need some context for this please.

t. daniel ricciardo

Tampa was the best team in the NHL during the regular season
They were the only team to win the presidents trophy and get swept in the first round of a best of 7 series when they were predicted to win the cup by a team who had never won a playoff series before

Can someone redpill me on this one?
I started watching handegg this year.

Lol is hockey, I thought it was NFL

ironically daniel ricciardo is a wog and only wogs here watch soccer haha
use really anglo sounding names with abbreviations, like t. Gary "gazza" Smith

BASED Josh Anderson dubs

Attached: 20190410_222118.jpg (1793x1008, 172K)

To tag on to they were not only the best team during the season, they tied the record for most wins in nhl history, and when making it to the knockout round they didn't win a single game. In game one at home, they had a 3-0 lead and blew it lol. They never recovered, lost the next 3 games, and are out of the playoffs.

what sport is this

an irrelevant one

More relevant than your country

Ah, yes, the global authority on relevancy, brazil.

based twain proxy samefag

based retard

Timestamp 8:58
Timestamp 9:19

Some buttmad Brazilian spent 20 minutes in a cheeky hockey thread. XD

who will win between the lightning and penguins in the match for 15th place?

Pongs will be +1 Dolts will be +7 after Stamkos snowmans the 16th hole.
Screencap this.

blots btfo