Euros will defend this



Attached: flat,220x200,075,t.lite-1.jpg (220x200, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>your away goals are literally worth more
OH NONONO, yuropoors BTFO!!!

Actually they probably WON"T defend it. They usually resort to ad hominems.

But how do they decide a tie, like in a really important match like the World Cup Final, even after 120 minutes? How is a tie broken? They keep playing until someone scores, right?

Wait wait, youre telling me that they just cant play an odd amount of games like literally another sporting competition in the world? no no...surely that cant be the case...
WAIT...youre telling me that away goals are actually MORE important than goals scored at your own stadium???? HAHAAHAHA Surely, SURELY not. That would just be ridiculous, that could NOT happen from such an esteemed sport...Right?????

If the game is still tied even after extra time, it comes down to a penalty shootout. Away goals are a way to counteract this

That's exactly what I'm telling you, yes.

Why not just flip a coin?
I mean, if they're gonna use a retarded system to counteract another retarded system, might as well go full retard, no half measures.

>not mp6 doubles
yuros really do disgust me

Wait, so if you flip a coin and call heads and it lands heads, you instantly win the game???? Huh, thats kind of weird, considering that the receiving team in OT only wins 54% of the time...but...but /espee/ told me that if you win the coin toss you win the game????? What????? Am I being lied to????

because you at least need some skill and testicular fortitude to win a penalty shootout

They should just decide overtime by a minigame in which you try to throw a football into a hoop from 60 yards away

>get more citizens to vote for you in a presidential election


Attached: 996-november-7-2000-537-538-electoral-votes-of-the-electoral-1149435.png (500x580, 73K)

Martin what do you think the average weight of this group is, huh ?

>This retarded American circlejerk thread
Kek, just let us enjoy our footy in peace, don't you have to be in your Generals designed exclusively for you to not go fucking around bothering us while we discuss the only sport that is actually relevant in the board.

Democrats use dead people and elegal Mexicans to vote so those numbers don't count

>discuss the only sport that is actually relevant in the board.
generals hit bump limit much faster than soccer threads even during no games

that sport is so fucking you CANT have a 2-legged tie come on bros, even if you did "tie" with away goals then one team is getting 30 minutes of home field advantage and even if tied after that one team has to shoot penalties in a foreign stadium??? how is that fair at all?

>y-you Americans are so retarded!!

this isn't twitter you dotard

Wow you must be a Trump supporter


Bruh you're trying way too hard
I can appreciate some good shitposting but tone it down a bit. When you go over the top it stops being funny

Jesus Christ this. Even if you point out hey are flat out factually incorrect on something, they'll just start braying about how you're some fat anti-vaxer or something. It's retarded. I can't believe anyone takes them seriously

Im not trying to be funny, I'm truly trying to understand why they dont play an odd game, a game 3, to decide who goes though, surely that would be more fair than seeing who scores more goals no more than 2 hours away...No, that couldnt be true, surely soccer plays odd games like any other sporting event in the world to decide who goes through?

How's it fair if it ended in a draw that Tottenham would have to play extra time at Emirates or shoot penalties at Emirates? How's it fair having 80k cheering against you in penalties?

retarded rule
in latter stages of some brazilian cup competitions, there is no away goal rule
let's hope the rest of the world follows suit

divegrass is even worse than WWE

mods pin this post

Wtf Twain, are you still mad that Ronny got knocked out of the CL? its okay, don't you have to hate the sport that suddenly.

>score more goals
wow what a truly terrific sport
I can really see why this is the offical sport of brown people

aggregate scoring is infinitely preferable to the tortuously slow and dull NBA 7 game playoff series

>score greater number of goals (4-3) than the opposing team
>series tied 1-1
>score overall tied 4-4
>still lose
incredible sport truly, the beauty of the game

>thinking 450k people should decide the vote for a 300 million person country


It's good banter

Fuck off already fags.
You do this shit every year.

It's only right that an away goal should count more than a home one.

Attached: 1503057404293.jpg (575x556, 39K)

>playing less games is actually a good thing

I'm sure you love NFL you ape nigger

coin flip

Flag behind Bush
>Looks clear and bright
>stars can clearly be seen
Flag behind Gore
>Looks faded and blurry in the background
>you can't make out the stars
What did they mean by this?

>2008 elections
>You can't see the American flag behind Obama at all

Attached: obama.png (448x568, 163K)

>2012 elections
>American flag is completely gone

Attached: obama2.png (420x552, 156K)

>2016 elections
>You can see a bit of the American Flag coming back behind Trump
>No Flag for Hillary

Attached: Trump.png (396x507, 161K)

You forgot...
>Produce nothing & get shut-out 1st game

>thinking -450k should decide instead

>not wanting the president to be picked by empty fields and deserts

The away goal rule is a Champions/Europa League meme. No other tournaments use that stupid rule


America is right for the first time
The rule is crap

>lose away game without scoring any goals
>overall series tied at 4-4

everything is unironically in order here


>get 3 Million less votes and still
nice democracy you have there Amerilards

Attached: 1479248026401.jpg (229x221, 11K)

Because flipping a coin is inherently unfair. It's 49/51. With 51% being the face of the coin facing upwards when you flip it.

Attached: austria slap.png (166x159, 25K)

yuropoverties cant afford a third game

Attached: 1501002700162.jpg (1024x576, 88K)

Yeah 3 million fake/stolen votes.
Thank god for the Electoral College.

Based and bluepilled.