Why has he never scored against Liverpool?

Why has he never scored against Liverpool?

Attached: Messi vs Roma.jpg (690x477, 25K)

shut the fuck up boludo

Attached: messi nao tem copa.jpg (827x827, 204K)

Well, he played only 2 games in 2006

So you're saying Carra pocketed the goat?

he is afraid of the knives

Attached: liverpool.jpg (403x460, 34K)

Attached: siuuuu.jpg (1264x1878, 1.12M)

Because its pretty rare for him to go up against liverpool?

based jahia destroyer

kek hadn't thought about the bjork stalker in years

messi's gonna dab all over liverpoo and ajax

It'll happen, don't you worry.

Are you okay twain?

He'll still be scoreless after they play Liverpool.

Even if he doesn't, it'll be a Liverpool-Ajax final. Bank on it.

t. successful sports bettor

>still SEETHING after getting put on the ropes by us ausGODS

>t. successful sports bettor
How much have you donated to the bookies over the years?

more like spleenpond

I believe that as well
I should start betting too, some predictions I made in my mind have turned out as I thought they would, even back in 2016 I knew Sterling would move to Man City even when everyone was talking he would sign for Chelsea/Real Madrid

A lot less than what I've made. You're free to go all in on both Barca and Spuds (or even one of them) to make the final if you don't believe me. .

Sure go for it if you think you can win. I watch and know too much about divegrass so I figured I'd put that knowledge to use. It helps to really trust your gut.

kek I hope he didn't neck himself so we can bully him next year

Arbeloa pocketed him

How many times has Messi played against each english side?

look it up