What what AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA what no no no no WAIT a fucking minute wait just 1 fucking second
Are you telling ME that ahahahahaaha wait wait im sorry...are you telling me that if *pfffft* a team scores away from thei-HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry im sorry I'll hold myself together, are you telling me that if a team scores away from their own stadium, that those goals are worth MORE?!?!!?!??!!? Wait ahaha no that cant be true, that would just be ridiculous, theres no way you would be rewarded less for scoring in front of your own fans, absolutely no way.
What what AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA what no no no no WAIT a fucking minute wait just 1 fucking second
Other urls found in this thread:
oh no no no no
Your sports literally reward >home field advantage in the playoffs to teams with higher seeding. So venue of the match has to mean an advantage by that logic.
>are you telling me that if a team scores away from their own stadium, that those goals are worth MORE?!?!!?!??!!?
>sports have to have 100 points so the adhd crowd doesn't get bored
Ya youre right, like when in the NBA you have home court advantage when you hit a 3 its actually worth 4 points instea- AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAA
Wans't a NFL playoff match literally decided by a coin toss?
>Mario-kart mini-game
that’s why home runs are only worth a double for the home team because the huge advantage gained by the color of shirt the fans are wearing
nooo rest of the world bros we're getting annihilated itt
All yank sports have homefield advantages in the playoffs even in the world series. This is to reward the higher seeded team
Are you being retarded on purpose? How else would you determine who gets receiving privileges? Coin flip is literally as even as it gets
This is why we are replacing you Tyrone.
>All yank sports have homefield advantages in the playoffs even in the world series
yes...but do any reward more points for the visiting team? Wait a minute, are there any sports that do that??? Surely not, rewarding teams MORE points for playing in a different geographical location? Absolutely not, no wayAHAH AHAHAHAHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NIOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOO WAIT WAIT AAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA YOU CANT BE SERIOUS NO NONONO ONONOONNONOON
Hahahahhaha why don't we just have a flipping coin world cup. Nice and even
>Persons from the land of "no relegation, draft picks for losers, sports entertainment franchises" with opinions.
No, but you literally get another game at home. In soccer you don't have that my dude so they reward the team away from home as it's harder to win away from home. It's not a coin flip sport to decide who wins
what would you propose then? Now keep in mind that switched receiving already happens at the half
>it’s an americans can thunder stand the concept of tie-breakers episode
>it’s an american sports are won on a coin toss episode
>so they reward the team away from home as it's harder to win away from home.
no, this cant be true, surely. You cant tell me that a goal can be worth more than a goal in a location less than the distance of texas, that would be ridiculous, absolutely not. Surely you cant tell me that a team can score more but STILL lose if they concede more to the visiting team? No...NO...NOOOOOOOOOOO AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OH YM FUCKING GOD LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO WAIT A MINUTE WAIT A MINUTE
I like American football I wouldn't change a thing:) I also like the away goal rule, especially in tournaments such as the champions league which as was shown to tonight make games very exciting. Both scoring and rewarding systems are fine desu
>won on a coin toss episode
how so? they get receiving rights for it, and the receiving team in OT only wins 54% of the time
>thunder stand
[Imagine by John Lennon plays softly in the background] football is good so is football :)
>300 replies from irate euro arabs and their obedient brazilian pet apes inbound
kind of based and cutepilled if im being dead honest
This kills the thread
A lot of people don't like that rule and it apparently will be scrapped soon.
That’s right, you heard me.
have sex
you do coin flips to decide who has the right to start at overtime, while stablishing that first touch down wins. this is nuts.
just think of all of the shit your father did and what his father did to be the men that they were. and now here you are, in 2019, shitposting on a laotian claymation bbs forum
soccer ties are decided by a mario party minigame lol
Have sex
Thanks man love all of you and goodnight/sp/ stay humble
That’s not how away goals work. It’s used as a tie breaker since statistically it’s harder to win away
>you do coin flips to decide who has the right to start at overtime, while stablishing that first touch down wins. this is nuts.
so it doesnt actually decide who wins because the receiving end only wins the games 54% of the time compared to the defense in OT?
Why don't they just do a PK?
Because people don’t want that. It’s unfair and not based on statistics. That’s why they got rid of the golden and silver ball rules.
>It’s unfair and not based on statistics
well if thats the case, surely they dont value goals made in a different location as better, right? Now THAT would be unfa...Wait...WAIT, youre telling me they DO value goals at different locations differently?????? LMAOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYYYY
It's "unfair" to win by PK? But that's okay, because we have this super fair way of awarding it to the team that randomly hit more agg/away goals (without knowing how many agg/away goals they would need).
Based and redpilled
>obedient brazilian pet apes inbound
It’s used as a tie breaker. One goal is not worth two. I don’t know where you got that from.
The yanks are right. That rule is stupid.
wait...wait a minute...why dont they play an odd game, a game 3 you could say, as any other sporting competition in the world does, to decide who goes through? Surely that would be more fair, instead of giving up more goals in a different location on the same country, no less than 2 hours away...Surely not...
I think this rule "tries" o prevent teams playing ultra defensively but lately has seen a lot of backlash. chelsea vs tottenham this year on the efl cup didn't have this rule. But I'd agree with OP, this needs to be looked at
>obedient brazilian pet apes inbound
because then ping pong balls would decide who plays 1 more game at home. 1 goal away from home is worth 1.1 goals.
Or go to OT and/or penalties if tied on aggregate after 2
Because they can’t mess up the calendar and it’s very hard to organised a 3rd game every time there’s an aggregate draw. It’s much easier said than done
> euros don’t care about borders
> reward people for scoring in certain locations
>biggest sport in the world cant find room for a hypothetical game 3 even though literally every other sport on the planet is able to find time in a playoff/competition setting
wow...im astonished...
Then just do a PK to settle it.
What's so hard to understand about performing well on unfamiliar/enemy turf being worth more?
>le random all stars east vs west match for no fucking reason
>teams play 2 games against each other
>both win 1 game
>score is tied 4-4
>one team loses
Really because we actually do that all the time and it has never been a problem.
>and their obedient brazilian pet apes inbound
Yeah because you have a communist sports system
Why is this news to you? Goal line technology was only implemented in the 2012 World Cup. Video Referee only last year. Football is always a few decades behind in technology and rule changes. 10 years from now this rule won't exist as it's already being removed in cups like the EFL cup in England this season. See Chelsea vs Tottenham tie
Lol you're funny. We have nothing but capitalist sports user.
>random tinfoil hat arguments because he cant figure out why every other sport and even other soccer nations can play odd matchups
bout what i expected tbqh
Keep in mind that a lot of these teams simultaneously participate in more than one tournament, and that a lot of the teams they play in the league also do the same.
Randomly adding one extra game would fuck the calendar up, put a lot of physical strain on the players, and simply finding a venue would be complicated if this was standarized.
Yank sports are organized fundamentally different, so saying that it has worked for you is worth shit.
As for solving it by PK, a lot of people want that along with normal extra time. I ersonally prefer the away goals rule, though.
Ever notice how NFL/NBA/NHL/MLB teams tend to play better at home? It's almost like its harder to play on the road...
>playing one extra hypothetical game would put a lot of physical strain on the players
what shitty athletes jesus
but they arent awarded with a win via tiebreaker if they did better on the road. Also, playing on the road is a vital part of seeing if a team is actually good or not, as they are all on level playing fields
quality thread
best thread on Yea Forums in months if im being dead honest
I like how euros say football is decided by a coin flip like they just flip a coin and everybody goes home and nothing else happens afterwards. kek buncha seething gunless faggots
I licked a negro once.
>but they arent awarded with a win via tiebreaker if they did better on the road.
Isn't that exactly what happens?
>Also, playing on the road is a vital part of seeing if a team is actually good or not, as they are all on level playing fields
Which is why it breaks a tie
how do you lick your elbow?
>Isn't that exactly what happens?
no, its decided via head to head record
>Which is why it breaks a tie
it shouldnt, at most it should decide who gets home field advantage in game 3, an odd game, like literally any other fucking team sport ever made, but euros will say its too hard to fit in 1 extra game and its too tiring for their shit athletes
So what happens when both games end 0-0? And why doesn't it happen all the time?
>And why doesn't it happen all the time?
Why would it happen all the time?
>thunder stand
Why are Yanks so dumb lol?
When did we start giving a fuck about soccer?
>his sport's "world championship" is literally determined by a mario party minigame
I’m not sure what the Americans here are criticizing football for. Both teams have an home and away match so both teams can get away goals.
In American sports like NBA, the higher seed gets more games than the lower seed so the advantage is blatant to the higher seed team thus reducing competition. Also, European teams actually reward regular season performance with a trophy and the CL is seperate from it. Whereas, In America, since there are actually so few “franchises” compared to the thousands in Europe, they make the best regular seasons team play knockouts for the best team to even get a trophy.
Non-Americans are getting absolutely rekt ITT, kek
>hotdog cannons
When you make hundreds of threads complaining about how the rest of the world watches a sport you can’t understand.
>In American sports like NBA, the higher seed gets more games than the lower seed so the advantage is blatant to the higher seed team thus reducing competition.
>In American sports like NBA, the higher seed gets more games than the lower seed so the advantage is blatant to the higher seed team thus reducing competition.
if youre talking about home court advantage, they get 1 extra home court game (game 7) which almost never happens anyways because 1st seed hasnt lost to an 8th seed in literal years.
>they make the best regular seasons team play knockouts for the best team to even get a trophy.
is there something wrong with that? do you want everyone to get a participation trophy? best team wins it all, thats not an american only thing at all
didn't we just have a thousand of these threads made by yuros last year when someone got put out on aggregate? now because it's americans laughing at the away goals rule suddenly you all love it. toppest kek
But certain goals are worth more, I know it's a lot for a low IQ lad like yourself to grasp, but come on.
poos and china don't give a shit about povertyball either so half the world literally doesn't give a shit
No, they aren’t.
American sports are so lacking in competition. You have 36-37 yo players still playing in teams on contracts because no one is ruthless enough to cut them. Everyone cries and fawns over retirement ceremonies that go on for months (Wade/Kobe). European soccer is ruthless, they cut aging players and maybe give them a last day sendoff.
There are no world cup equivalent for American sports where Europeans compete directly against the whole world. There are no club world cups where European teams travel half way across the globe to play obscure teams from other continents. Americans cover in face of actual competition hence their disdain for European players in the NBA etc etc.
Lot of irony in that image considering you're in a football thread started by an American.
>This is coming from the country that decides who wins with a literal coin toss
Yeah it doesn’t seem that popular with third world shitholes
>But certain goals are worth more
Europeans are incredibly fragile to criticism. Trump merely bantering one of their politicians send entire European nations into the streets protesting him
>You have 36-37 yo players still playing in teams on contracts because no one is ruthless enough to cut them.
ya im sure a multi billion dollar organization/team wont cut someone, just like how Isaiah Thomas got traded to 4 teams in 3 years after playing well for all of them, or Derrick Rose for the same thing, ya im sure theyre ok with wasting millions because they dont have to hurt players feelings
i cant believe some of the posts brazilians make on this website, i just hope they dont actually believe what theyre typing
BASED thread OP
wogs and poverty ballers eternally BTFO
>Europeans are incredibly fragile to criticism.
That’s rich coming from the most arrogant country on earth
not an argument
Oh shut the fuck up. I know about American sports so don’t try to slip past like a snake. I’m talking about the playoff order of games which was 2-3-2 and now is 2-2-1-1-1 which means higher seed team builds momentum + the higher amount of games.
Fucking weak motherfuckers can’t get it through their head that both European teams get home and away games with the chosen order is completely random.
And the final is played in a neutral venue.
Fucking weak bitches can’t make 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 format with the 7th game in a neutral venue + nba finals all 7 games played in neutral venues because you weak bitchasses complain about travel time/ticket prices/athlete workload when the same issues are present in Europe.
Fucking weak soft ass bitches. Can’t actually think objectively because someone else does it better than you.
>Participation trophy
Fucking motherfucker. The best teams are actually rewarded with a load of cash. The top ranked team in the regular season gets 36-39m and CL winners get 15m.
You guys don’t reward success. You’d rather reward every “franchise” owner. Fucking participation trophy mutherfucker.
In Europe, the best get rewarded every step of the way.
Learn from Europe about competition, weak ass bitches.
why don't you spin some money in the air and see how it lands?
The fact that someone else's arrogance offends you only proves . You must have an extreme inferiority complex is someone else thinking themselves superior makes your entire continent assmad.
That already happens. Learn2football m8
Oh shut the fuck up. Right now, Isiah Thomas and Derrick Rose would be in some Russian league or Spanish 2nd tier league playing for peanuts and not on Veteran minimum.
Don’t pretend Americans are ruthless when you have only 30 teams per sport. Europeans have thousands and you can drop down levels like a stone.
Torres in Japan.
Pretty much all English players to Championship since the influx of foreign players.
Did Kobe get a 2 year deal after his achilles or not? Zlatan after his ACL got no contract from United and now is in the MLS.
Don’t pretend Americans are ruthless. It’s very clear you are not.
>the fury of Nigel
I’m sure it did make the entire continent mad, you fucking retard lol
like clockwork
to be fair to Euros, brits aren't a fair representation of them as Brits have a seething chip on the shoulder towards Americans. Even europeans all over the site will readily observe this peculiarity of British posters
>which means higher seed team builds momentum + the higher amount of games.
as they should, since they are a higher seed
in other news, im taking a morningshit the size of a mountain right now
>loudly announcing such a thing when you're that close to 83 millions Germans
That’s the whole fucking point, motherfucker.
European teams both get home and away games so it’s completely equal. Whereas weak bitch ass Americans give every advantage to the higher seed because the “Ooooh my gooood, travel times are soooo fucking long”. European don’t give a shit if you are the higher seed, in Russia or fucking owned by a billionaire, all get equal games and winner gets all the money not “revenue shared among franchises”
Participation tropher motherfuckers.
India, you're alright
Incoherent rambling.
It's to account for refballing. Refs poop their pants when having to make calls against the home team.
>European teams both get home and away games so it’s completely equal.
>completely equal
>series tied 1-1
>goals tied 4-4
>score 4-3 in game
ah yes, truly a fair sport, but im not going to try to prove you wrong because you are defending a sport where pretending to be injured every few minutes to bait out refs to give penalty kicks is a ok.
Anyone else picturing an underage 110lb internet-tough-jeet?
The away goals rule encourages away teams to play more attacking football, which leads to a higher amount of goals scored. Home teams always want to be the dominant team so naturally they attack. Away teams want to take a chance at getting atleast one away goal instead of just sitting back and waiting for their home advantage. How is that a bad thing, considering americans always seem to critizice the low scores in football games?
If you watched football you'd know how it's far more difficult to score away from home
>you'd know how it's far more difficult to score away from home
sounds like a case of mentally weak athletes to me, since it cant be a physical thing
Well yeah unlike in American sports football isn't just about physicality, it's also about creativity and decision making which is effected when you're playing in a stadium with 70,000 opposing fans
Is it all the gay songs you sing? Is it the great pride Ngubu Moklembe, Hassan Al-Mohmmad, and Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona take in defending their home pitch of Bolton?
Oh shut the fuck up. All I see in American sports are franchises tanking to get high draft picks because there is no threat of relegation and letting a 40 yo quarterback dominate.
If I want to see competition, I certainly don’t watch American sports because what is that statistic? Since 1990, every NBA final has had Jordan, Kobe, Duncan, Lebron till 2019 except for 2 years.
That’s not competition, that’s repetitive snoozefests.
yeah that's true football fans are famous for their racially tolerant views
>it's also about creativity and decision making
imagine being so narrow minded you believe american sports, ESPECIALLY football, doesnt involve this
Its no wonder why coaching is called infinitely more important in football than other american sports due to playmaking and strategy
>amerilards low baiting in this thread
I don't know what's worse, yuro replying to it or amerilards defending their weak ass babby sports
I'm still blown away by the idea that people actually defend away goals, truly mindboggling
How many blacks are there in the NFL/ NBA?
>it takes three quarters of a game for someone to attempt a scoring play instead of seven eighths
wow amazing
>creativity and decision making
yeah, to flop or not to flop? should i roll around or not? should i clutch my leg or my foot? how loud should my cry of pain be? pretty interesting choices here admittedly
There's lots of strategy in American football, say, it's just that's almost always done by the coaches, not the players. Players stop and are told exactly what to do before anything happens.
In football, you can have all the drills in the world, but aside from a bit of shouting from the touchline, the players are out there alone for 45 minutes at a time
Oh no, he can't defend it. It's an objectively shit practice. There is no thoughtful defense or rationale. That is why he keeps calling us fat. He has nothing left.
I fought the Taliban in Afghanistan. I swam with sharks on the sewage saturated beaches of brazil. I walked barefoot down a designated shitting street in Mumbai. But boy, let me tell you what the most intimidating thing I ever encountered in my life was. A bunch of brits singing sweet caroline on a saturday afternoon.
haven't called you lot fat once but now that you mention it
How much do you weigh, lad? Be honest.
Away goals only matters on draws, if you're shit enough to let the opponent team scores many goals in your stadium then you don't deserve to pass it's simple.
It's actually less retarded than a coin flip with whoever scores a touchdown first wins.
The only retarded thing is that they still count during overtime in case of pure draw
me on the left
>I fought the Taliban in Afghanistan. I swam with sharks on the sewage saturated beaches of brazil. I walked barefoot down a designated shitting street in Mumbai. But boy, let me tell you what the most intimidating thing I ever encountered in my life was. A bunch of brits singing sweet caroline on a saturday afternoon.
Away goals break the tie because you can’t go to extra time if the goals are equal and a team has scored more away from home.
It’s the same concept of goal difference, it’s to give the team with more goals the edge.
Not the American way where the higher seed is given all of the advantage before the tie has even begun. Can you imagine the beauty of NBA playoffs when its a 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 format with the 7th game in a neutral venue. You can’t because “Travel time”.
You are basically proving my point right now. It's a ridiculous tiebreaker to break a 1-1 tie with agg points. Look at the first game, the team up one goal won't know whether to sit on the lead or get aggressive and save up goals for a maybe tiebreaker. That's the problem, it's a coin flip strategy and it's not based on who the best team is like PKs or OT would have been.
You guys are objectively wrong about this one. There are better, fairer ways to handle tied series.
note: I said agg goals, but same problem with agg/away goals tiebreaker -- it's too random. The better team is planning to win that particular game, not planning to stash a bunch of possibly meaningless goals for later use.
Weather report is unironically the coolest stand.
I always wondered why Copa Libetadores doesnt have the away goal rule for the finals but not for previous rounds
>bbs forum
Shit, I used to say that when doing the meme. Glad somebody else has.
based poo in loo btfoing mutts
>The only retarded thing is that they still count during overtime in case of pure draw
How is that retarded? The away team has to play an extra 30 minutes away.
>shits in the street
Burgers are right. Away goal is garbage.
Away goals rule is what makes CL football watchable. A single goal is enough to change a loss to a win. It forces away teams to attack because 0-0 away is a mediocre result at best (see Liverpool- Bayern). You can argue that the rule does not make much sense in itself but the sacrifice is well worth it. Look how many interesting ties CL has produced this year and now compare them to any world cup or euro knockout competition (it's a single tie but still).
whatever dude. If higher seed didn't get any advantage, that would make regular season even more meaningless and boring than it is now.
Also if you think 2-2-1-1-1 in NBA is bad, look at Euroleague where the quarterfinal series is best of 5 and first 2 games are play at the higher seed ground which means if you cant steal any of the first two games you basically have to go on a pseudo sweep to defeat the higher seed.
Well why dont they do it like this:
If home advantage is true, then treat is as self-obvious.
If you win 2-0 at home, and you lose 4-2 at away, then the overtime and penalties should be played in a neutral location.
But wait, its football, its entertainment, its nothing.
>If home advantage is true, then treat is as self-obvious.
huh, that's smart
>If you win 2-0 at home, and you lose 4-2 at away, then the overtime and penalties should be played in a neutral location.
>But wait, its football, its entertainment, its nothing.
HOLY SH- *head explodes*
Away goal influences both games depending on who starts first at home.
>first game ends 0-0
>go 0-1 in home game
>now need 2
>get upset
>start attacking all the way
>score 2 but drain your energy and concede again
>need 1 more
>score more
>concede again because completely worn out
Yep, every game ever happens in your sequence.
Maybe 1 in 50 matches the losing team somehow pulls it back.
They are all "mercenaries" anyway, there is no sence of "home" and "away" in world football anymore. Maybe Barcelona has an advantage at home because of the larger than normal playing field, and they are trained for that.
> arrogance = fragility
Oy m8 yu got a liocense to post on this adult site?
The only correct answer
Why is it so hard for your pea brain to understand?
Oh shut the fuck up motherfucker.
Get it through your goddamn head. Regular season winners get 37-39m in cash. CL winners get 15m. Fucking moronic weakass bitches. That’s why everyone cares about the EPL/La Liga you fucking moronic moaning like a women bitches.
European football awards winners. There is no regular season prize money and another fun fact there is no NBA finals winner prize money. Americans don’t reward winners. They’d rather cower to franchise owners and revenue share because they are afraid to ramp up the competition. Tanking exists because there is no relegation.
You have no idea how it’s like to watch a team you like, like a QPR get relegated into obscurity because they don’t perform in one year. Things can change in the matter of a year. Whereas, 76ers can tank for years after Iverson and come back to playoffs like nothing happened.
Get it through your fucking head, you tank in an European league, you are fucking relegated and can fade into obscurity.
That’s real competition and high stakes.
>He thinks a tie breaker based on rewarding a goal scored away from home (statistically more difficult and, at least, an actual part of the game) makes less sense than a fucking coin flip (an anticlimactic event completely outside of the game )
dumb frogposter
just throwing the american mutt a scrap of attention. its better than posting in one of their negro worship apehoop or niggercollide threads
>game 7 in the NBA playoffs
>tied at the end of regulation
>No overtime, the series goes to the team that scored more points in away games
It doesn’t matter. In the end, their sports are not going to get any more competitive. Football keeps evolving every year whereas Americans couldn’t figure out 3 pts > 2 pts for years when Europeans figured it out in the 90s.
Look at this bitch.
The series goes to the team that scores more points. Because points in basketball go above 80 points its unlikely they’ll ever get to the point of using away points.
Plus instead of using a playoff series to 6, where this analogy would make sense, he includes an odd game 7.
If NBA used 1-1 home and away to decide games, they would be way more competitive and not have only Jordan, Kobe, Duncan and Lebron appearing in all finals from 1990 (2) which is one of the most ridicolous statistic I have ever seen of a “competitive game”
>NFL players play 19 games a season maximum
>EPL players play 38 in the league alone
ah yes, truly you have shown me.
>Milan vs Internazionale 2003
>Literal same stadium, except one gets more fans one game, the other the return leg
>0-0 "home", 1-1 "away"
>Milan wins on away goals
>wins after shootout
>Milan won a cup with the three final games being draws.
All 3 were Italian teams who played in the league which had a reputation for tough/tactical defense. Not surprising they would be draws.
You don't get it. There must be a winner. The derby should've ended after ET and penalties, so at least you get a "win".
It should be completely illegal to go through to the next round if you never actually beat the opposition. Tottenham at least beat City in the home leg, Milan never beat Inter.
based and jojopilled
Cool it aziz. I was only talking about playoff seedings which you completely ignored and ironically you are the one who started moaning and went on an emotional menstrual cycle rant about promotion/relegation and muh winners.
Thanks to Yea Forums I have genuinely started hating Americans.
Hello where do I sign up
What would you suggest, Giuseppe?
>Best of (odd number) series>>>>>>>>(literally the worlds largest power gap)>>>>>>>>>Away Goals
ET and penalties no matter what.
If you really want to keep away goals somewhat then:
-If 0-1 4-3, accept away goals rule.
-In case of a derby (same city), no away goals, there must be a winner
-In case of a double draw, even if 0-0 14-14, extra time and then penalties
>t. Lamar Quarterback Niglet
>But actually wins
You're one salty nerazzurro aintcha
can someone explain this to me? i'm confused. what's going on? i don't care about soccerball but i want to laugh too
The team with more PoC should have the advantage because they face more racist abuse. It’s only fair.
Imagine if NFL had a home/away based playoff system with ET if needed.
Chargers draw 20-20 in LA, 40-40 in Baltimore
Chargers advance to the next round without extra time because they overcame the adversity of playing against a hostile crowd and scored 40 points away from home, opposed to Baltimore only scoring 20.
That's how retarded this is.
I get that theres an inherent difficulty away from your stadium, but is that enough to choose who actually moves forward? Why not just play a best of 3?
How many NFL games does your favorite team play, 16 and then 4 playoff games if you make it all the way to the superbowl?
Soccer has an average of 50+ 90 mins games per season if you're a top team competing in the UCL, including national cup and domestic league.
Plus, you get European tournament and World Cup every 2 years (Euro 2020, WC 2022 and so on) so your pre-season will be a mess, no time to train.
Adding a best of three would mean shrinking the number of competitors (which makes sense since the original UCL meant only the national league winners could compete) and Uefa would lose tv rights, it ain't happening.
t.inbred handegg subhuman
>live in isotropic universe
>universe has translational symmetry
>the laws of physics are the same here as they are 15 meters to the left
>soccer changes the rules based on where the team is playing