Check some mls teams Facebook pages

>check some mls teams Facebook pages
The fans are all successful yuppies with families and blue color jobs especially Seattle sounders fans.

Attached: FB_IMG_1547764043391.jpg (1137x640, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sounds like Palmeiras' fans

>blue color

Attached: dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg (900x900, 83K)

>blue color
Europopes ladies and gentlemen

Autoguess mistake you autists

>blue collar jobs


PLEASE watch our league

>blue color jobs

>galaxy wins the two years the Kongs won the Stan lee

phoneposting faggot lurk more

based or cringe?

Attached: Sounders-GOT-Tifo.jpg (2250x1500, 1.56M)


>blue collar
This might be the worst OP in living memory

>having no local culture of your own to celebrate so regurgitate the dross you're fed by TV for free

What the HECK does that have to do with soccer?
Furthermore sounding is the act of putting solid rods up your urethra.


>checking a fb page
yea you lost me there la

Attached: 1356834237026.jpg (125x121, 2K)




>not having a capo demand more beer money so he can successfully lead family-friendly, politically-correct, lgbtqiaa2+-positive songs and chants to coordinate with our rainbow-flag tifo displays
>not bringing your wife's daughter (male) to the game and asking the capo nicely if she could bang the drum a couple times
And you say we don't have a fan culture?

Pacific northwest was a mistake

>watchers on the wall
>seated in lower bowl

good post

nobody can be more based than the gook chicago fire capo, who asked to have his capo stand moved away from the >ultras into a spot where he could try and be on TV more

>watchers on the wall
>can't see shit through the giant banner

Based leaf is not wrong. Thank you for the good post.

fucking gay mate

That is the worst thing I have ever seen.

MLS is gay as fuck

You should check out the Austin FCs’ chants. Just embarrassing...

ASL is 100x times better desu, both the American Soccer League AND American Sign Language.

What does this even mean?


Attached: 1550613089876.jpg (888x894, 68K)

>my little soiccer