*sips tea*

*sips tea*

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this is why the world's 3 richest sports leagues are NFL MLB and NBA

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America is a great country but not everything from America is great by default. It ashames me that so many Brazilians put america in an altar.

>they're still posting this known bullshit

cool alternative facts, fatty

>decide to the superb owl this year because why not
>0-0 snoozefest
>game keeps stopping for no reason
>ads after literally every single play
>replays after replays
>no action whatsoever
>turn that shit off

Yeah right.

France is ahead of the U.K if you use €€€

there's just so much better opportunity for banter

Russia not being in the top 10 is an absolute embarrassment.

What the fuck happened to Japan? The difference to Germany used to be much higher.

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this is a good start

>t. lives in a trailer with his mother, has no healthcare and earns $2 an hour plus tips

sounds pretty comfy desoo


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>NRA wants to make money
>let's waste billions pretending to fight goat fuckers in the middle east~
>they fight back

Which sport is this lads?

Freedom ain’t free

Hey, we're over-performing, nice

Do you think conversion rates differ depending on country?

A short timeline would be
1986: America and Europe force Japan to revalue the yen.
This leads to a massive property bubble and also overinvestment, bad loans, and retarded super aggressive M&As across the globe
1989-1991: Nikkei goes from 30000 to 8000
1991-now: Massive deficit spending keep the economy afloat as a falling population and emerging Asian rivals lead to the slow motion disintegration of society through casualisation of work, hopelessness and so on.
That's why anime is so popular, Japan was the dark future and then we joined them.

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>Europe has to put its entire continent together and pretend like they are a single country

GDPposting never made sense, only brings questions about why no single payer and no free post-secondary schooling.

> “free” college
> paid for by tax money

So it’s not really free then...

How the fuck are we top 10?
I guess we should do it by each state too then you retard

based retard

>no u
Great post

You're right that money is better spent in tax breaks and more predator missiles.

gdp is leading us off a cliff

The NFL, MLB and NBA comprise nearly 100% of their respective sports market share.
Real football, when all leagues are combined, dwarfs all of those sports put together.
Financially, real football is to burger sports, as an American's waistband is to a German's,

Japan are going to dominate the world after China inevitably collapse. They have the right idea. Completely homogeneous society and fucking robots and AI. We can only hope they decide that to be nice and not Nanking us all.

Japan is starting to import foreigners because they're a bunch of virgins that are scared of 3D

Japs get dabbed on at everything now.

>be ATF
>raid a family house, kill their dogs and snipe the wife
>raid some literally who's ranch and burn children alive over some alleged illegal weapon parts
>"wtf why would someone bomb a government building!?"

Get the BBC stream next time.
>Starts off, commentary team talking through the breaks.
>Throw in the towel an hour in, start showing NFL documentaries
>Bizarre moment when you realise they don't have the rights to the half time show, analysts trying to yell over the performance and show replays.
>Realise they are now screening a more interesting Superbowl game from the 70s in the gaps and only grudgingly cutting back to 2019

An American Football game without adverts is a strange thing.


Genuinely impressed by the both of you.

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>India has money

HAHA .... i'm not laffin

>Brazil is going to lose to fucking Cucknada

>Worst Korea losing to Canada