We've got it in the bag lads. No one can stop us.
We've got it in the bag lads. No one can stop us
Valverde is the only person who can stop us, unironically
Liverpool 2-0 Barcelona
Barcelona 2-1 Liverpool
Liverpóol can and will, fuck off
>muh valverde
fuck off with that shit, as if anyone else other than messi is worth shit in this team
Livershit? I don't think so.
First hand is in Camp Nou
Then swap the two around; same results
>Best CB pairing in the world
>Arguably the best goalkeeper
>real Madrid cunts were saying Ajax was shit
They got raped
>Juventus raviolis were saying how god Ronaldo will destroy Ajax
They were destroyed
>Barcelona bitches say how easy is going to be to defeat Ajax
They got...
I favor Liverpool slightly, although if Barca score an early goal at Nou Camp and go full autismo led by the sultan of autism then only god can stop them.
Also, fuck Valverde, lol
I'm afraid of Liverpool, ngl.
>best CB pairing
Only Pique
>best goalkeeper
way past it
no goals in the CL this year
He's a falseflagger. Legit Barcelona fans like me are nervous because we're facing an actual good team like Liverpool
>Liverpool actual good team
Oh no...
de light and de jong are going to barca next season
>Not scoring at Camp Nou
First leg ends 3-1 Barca
1st legs in Camp Nou 2-1 Barcelona
2nd leg at anfield 2-0 liverpool
easy liverpool victory
I'm not joking, Liverpool is the strongest team of the remaining 4. Our defense sucks right now.
Dembele is the 2nd best attacking threat in the team
If Barcelona give up an away goal then the tie is over
>easy liverpool victory
When is anything ever easy with Liverpool?
Klopp is a better manager than Valverde by a long long distance and the man mountain will stop the midget. There is no way they win.
liverpool defense sucks too, I saw today's game vs Porto, and they were very permeable.
Plus their offense isn't remarkable. We can lose, but it would be very dissapointing, we need another CL win desperately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Messi will leave the imperious man mountain looking like Phil Jones
No it isn't cause I don't trust Liverpool to not give up easy goals
>we need another CL win desperately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That we do, my brother
he is only 1.93m, he isn't that big, people say that because he is black and they are cucks or something,
just checked because it seemed that way to me, and in fact Piqué is taller than him by a cm
Messi has never played against a world-class CB like Virgil Van Dyke
Aquest any SÍ! Confio en que guanyarem la sisena.
when you realize Suarez hasn't scored an away goal since 2015 and has 0 goals this champions league.
Valverde is unironically a great coach
Barca is actually well organized, can defend and, what lost max 5-6 games since he's the manager
but oh no more tiki-taka, Valverde sucks
He's been raping Sergio Ramos for well over 10 years.
That's why he's gonna end up scoring 5 against his former club
(That was the joke)
he does seems to hate Liverpool with a passion
>"it's just Ajax"
I bleed blaugrana but I have to admit I keked
You haven't watched Liverpool muhc have you?
Neither have you.
12 English club have played against Barcelona in total of 42 at the Camp Nou in European competitions, only twice have they come away with wins. Liverpool & Liverpool.
>liverpool fast counters against slow as fuck barça's midfield
>first leg at camp nou
>valverde being a faggot
tough game for barça that's for sure
Messi has never scored against Liverpool.
>posting the same ignorant shit in numerous threads
reminder, Argentina had never defeated Ecuador in Quito: Messi did it
reminder, Barcelona had never won at Old Trafford: Messi did it
actually I wanted to post here. my mistake. and ignorant my ass this is all valid points
Retarded points.
read my other reminder. he can't handle Liverpool. I was more worried playing today even leading 2-0. I was hoping we got Barcelona in the draw. A very very easy win.
kino kit
Suddenly everbody is an ajax fan now, fuck off jose
lmao all those nignogs with easy chances against livershit. You better pray messi doesn't get half a yard of space.
Messi hasn't scored against a good defense all season
Barca have the ability to rest key players in the league as it's pretty much sewn up. Liverpool can't.
Plus, Barca's defence in the CL is based.
Liverpool will rest players if they have to. They only have Cardiff, Hudderslfield, Newcastle and Wolves left. The toughest part of their schedule is over while City still have Tottenham and United away
City are out of the CL now though, Twain, you fucking spastic.
>Every NZ flag is Twain
Fuck off; also that doesn't mean anything. They can still drop points even without rotation.
Fuck off, Twain.
Is that all you can say?
Fuck off then. Clueless wog.
Clueless? How? Because I think City are more likely to drop points?
Both teams would wish to have avoided the other. Seeing as the first leg is home for Barca, i think Liverpool have to shock them there to go through. Get an away goal or two at the very least. Alba/Messi combo will annihilate Arnold/Matip. Also Suarez and Coutinho returns