How would you allocate these?

How would you allocate these?

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Other urls found in this thread:

all have soul except liverpool

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All 4 have soul

Barca is soulless now. Spurs and Ajax are unironically soul.

soul: Ajax, Spuds
soulless: Barca, Liverpool


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First time in decades where all 4 teams are the good guys




Mobile Fag here.

Soul: Ajax and Barceolna
Soulless: Tottenham and Liverpool


fuck off

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Barcelona and Ajax soul

As much as I hate to say it they all genuinely have soul. Barca and Liverpool get bandwagoned more but I wouldn't say that takes the soul out of them.
Soulless would be Man Shitty or P$G

Ajax soul
nice to watch
good fans
(((unfortunate ties however)))

rest soulless
liverslip have their plastic "atmosphere"
lads, its tottenham plus awful songs

All in the soul category desu. Maybe spurs in soulless


pretty much

Rank them by number of CL won so
Soul: Tottenham
Soulless: the rest


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Vidal and Suarez

Soul: Spurs and Ajax
Soulless: Barca and Pool

Only one with soul is Ajax. Barca is too much of a final boss and English things are soulless by definition

Based and redpilled

Spurs will be the first fortunate tie for them.


Soul: Liverpool
Soulless: the rest



thread over, everyone go home

The more logical one, anything else is just a meme.

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You notice a soulless team when the flags claiming it has soul are not from the same country its in.

just get the fuck out of here redditors
being an underdog and get ot beat a favorite =/= having soul
fucking idiots

How do Liverpool have a plastic atmosphere? They've unironically and literally the best atmosphere in the UK.

t. Villa fan

power gap

power gap


We don't have a Catalonia flag yet, user.

>They've unironically and literally the best atmosphere in the UK.

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lol shut up you stupid mexican


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based zoomer jews got it

Bang on.

>t. Villa fan

>Narrator: He wasn't a Villa fan

Can't believe I agree with an Americano, but yes

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Name a club with better atmosphere.

Would be Spurs Ajax but Jews don't have souls so no one

based germany

Lol I love how in every CL campaign redditers love to make these sorts of charts and root for the "dark horse"

Be it Dortmund, or Roma, or Shakhtar, and now Ajax....

It's sad you losers can't see how much you bandwagon being contrarians.

>small teams soul
>big teams soulless
fucking Reddit

please watch this 3 minute video in its entirety and tell me how Barcelona can possibly be soulless

>inb4 seething EPLELs

So is barca a lot less soulless than liverslip or how does this work

Liverpool ARE Football.

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this is it chief

All soul desu

I have to say that liverpool have the most soul of the four, considering that they are the board's team.


all football clubs in 2019 are soulless

Yep, thats a based from me.

Boy if I weren't such a fanatical Villa fan I'd surely go for Liverpool la

Celtic, Everton, Newcastle, Rangers, Man U, Leeds, Spurs
Anfield is massively overrated, only an actual Scouser would say otherwise.

>Le root for underdog teams to prove how much of a hipster you are even though you never cared for them

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barça is more soulless than liverpool
should've made it less confusing

Look at how much you all hate Liverpool. This shows how great they are. Liverpool are the driving force behind this entire board. Without Liverpool what would you all talk about? It would be fucking boring; Ronaldo VS Messi and irrelevant burger sports. Liverpool are both the antagonist and protagonist for literally all sport. There has never been a more unique, special, soulful, beautiful and ELITE club than Liverpool FC. You can lie to yourself all you like, but your seething bitterness shows the truth: That Liverpool are literally the greatest sporting entity in the Universe.

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brown hands


Soul: Ajax
rest is soulless crap

>Man U

Oh yeah because that corner with their plastic OLES AT THE WHEEL flags was great atmosphere. Okay m8


Small ground, full of moaners


Big ground full of moaners




New stadium is dead


Okay I'll give you that and only that.

Jokes aside, you can't ignore the atmosphere Anfield has on a european game. They literally wrecked City last season because of it.

Literally don't care for Liverpool and I don't think I ever will

Nice reddit comment

>thinking the cop is more atmosphere than stretford end

>typical bin-dipping bullshite
Haven't you got a bag of bones to be grieving over, you fucking runt?

Imagine thinking that chanting "Liverpool" over and over counts as atmosphere

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cheeky cunt.

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>dat paki skin
>dem filthy fingernails

fucking kek

It's white skin and I work for a living, unlike you, scabby little scrote. My fingernails are full of shit cos I'm a mechanic. What do you do for a living, suck dick?

What a filthy wog.

sucking dicks > being a mechanic
Think about it, he earns more in 15 minutes than you probably do in a day.
Plus his hand remain clean, and he probably gets tiped.

only acceptable answer

>man u

Good guy ranking

Ajax >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Liverpool >>>>>> Tottenham >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barcelona


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so you're stupid and brown, good stuff. Also, FYI, just because you're getting your hands dirty throughout the day doesn't restrict you from a fucking nail brush and some soap you filthy subhuman

Stay away, fat lad.

What's the fun of supporting a team that you don't care about, and is expected to go trough?

Cringe. Typical Scouser

literally the opposite

absolutely based
t.boomer doomer

There is only one answer.

Attached: the only answer.png (3658x614, 131K)

Not an argument

All soulless except Ajax

what's "soul" for Yea Forums??
being out of CL semis for 20+ years?

Yes, pedigree is out the window. If Barcelona misses the semis for the next 15 years they go back to being soul again.
Yes, it is that retarded.

All soulless.

>doesn't restrict you from a fucking nail brush and some soap you filthy subhuman
Says the retard who's never worked with motor oil or petrol or anything other than semen.
You can't fucking use a nailbrush because it's ingrained as I work with the shit all day. I use a heavy duty non-solvent chemical green handwash with sand in it which helps some but a fucking nailbrush and a shower doesn't cut it. It takes ages to get my hands clean, you think I'm going to do that every night?
Fucking Yea Forums is full of pampered little zoomers nowdays.

It's full of pakis like you more like.
Fuck off.

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How am I a paki? I'm whiter than you, muhamed. I can trace my family back on this island over a thousand years. You're literally jelly. Go out and get a proper job you faggy little dolite.

who are these old men

Seething paki. lmao

The only reason you think Barcelona and Liverpool are soulless is because they are popular, that's literally it.

Soul: Ajax
Neutral: Barca
Soulless: Liverpool
What soul ?: Tottenham

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yeah the killer atmosphere of liverpool

>Satan in the flesh

I'd like to agree, but Barça is historically soul, and history is far more important than present

>it would be better if the same powerhouse team won every year.

Ajax, Barça and Tottenham all have soul
Liverpool had soul in the past but they sold it to the devil to make it where they are now.

How do they get away with it?

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Barca lost their soul when they started acting like shit cunts and selling out to the Middle East.
Liverpool and Spurs have never had any soul.
Ajax are the only club that do.

Barca is the only soulless team left

Only people who think Barca has soul are third world spics, poojeets, terrorists and soibois

Liverpool is the whitest city in England. Where the fuck do you even get this paki meme from?

What a fantastic insight


>t. Jordi Miguel Al-Saraqusta


All have soul. it's the greatest semifinals ever

evil clubs like poonited, halal, pissgee and shitty are out


Man in hat > red chicken > blue cicken > told timey ball

you shopped it

People that unironically rate ajax as good guys don’t know how cancerous their fans are here in the Netherlands.
Foreigners that just watch for the football or like their history might be different.

>Liverpool is the whitest city in England

>Where the fuck do you even get this paki meme from?
Your shitty brown hands, you mucky wog.

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Ajax doesn't have a history?

>barca historically had lots of money

imagine thinking the teams from the home of football are soulless, where as two sides that dick over their country has a soul


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actually this
faggot jealous prem hater

>Barça is historically soul

Barcalona's "soul" starts and ends with the efforts of Ajax.

t. Raktic

>thinking barcelona is simply a football club
lmao ahmed

All soulless.

All clubs have soul, but Tottenham the least I would say. Barca/Ajax/Liverpool has a lot of soul.

t. seething paki customer

this tbqhwy

All 4 are soul
Barca as a club and city has a lot of soul, fans from other parts of the world distract you from this fact.

>The club is bigger therefore it must be souless

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This is the best CL in a while

Not sure why people think Liverpool or Barca are good guys? Utter fucking scumcunt clubs.

Holy fucking based

pisv fan spotted

> Being occupied by kebab for over 500 years

Thnx for your comment mudskin rape baby


Spain didn't exist, Arabs didn't conquer it. Spain was created in the act of expelling the Arabs, retard.

this is a beautiful work of art

That's actually it. Ajax obviously has soul, Barcelona definitely has soul as a club but on the other hand they are a bit of a soulless franchise now. Scousers don't have souls, of course, and lads, it's Tottenham.

love how Yea Forums is just kids who come to make jokes their dad taught them about teams they don’t like while they take a break from watching a castro1021 stream.

Well Barca IS a more of a south american club than a Spanish (Catalonian) one. Imagine supporting a club that plays with like 3 people from your own country.