>20 words essay due tomorrow
>haven't even started yet
help me brehs
>20 words essay due tomorrow
>haven't even started yet
help me brehs
Thank me later bro
>120 page thesis due in one week
>still have 20 pages to do and half the simulations don't work properly and the professor won't give any help
>20 words
it's fucking nothing
Just blame your thesis advisor bro.
That's only 3, 4 if you don't use contractions
Just be a neet.
At least you got illsborough numbers
>working on holy week
what's the subject
>half your simulations work properly
you lucky bastard
lmao i'm fucked when i have to write anything that requires more than 400 words and i'm supposed to go to uni in a bit
i think i'll just become a neet
Just get the first word written down and your half way there
>I like cummies in my tummy. Yummy, yummy, cummies in my tummy. Yummy in my tummy, cummies are so yummy.
Exactly 20 words, you're very welcome.
bro just do a really long introduction
Yall ready for finals lads? I'm pretty fucked desu. Gonna drop a bunch of acid right after I take em and forget how much of a fuck up I am.
>i'm supposed to go to uni in a bit
You'll get used to it desu
Don't go neet, it becomes too comfy and you lose too much time to shit all
>mongolian haikus
>tfw when always wanted to be physicist
>about to finish my undergrad, so still made it pretty far at least
>shit grades, no connections, no experience
>grad school as it is now sounds like hell, not that I'd get in anyway.
>getting a "job" sounds boring. (inb4 pretentious dreamer)
>ADD and depression, main cause of academic difficulties
Lads, why the fuck do people put so much pressure on deadlines and grades. Who gives a shit, the universe isn't going anywhere soon. Just give me some problem to work on and leave me alone.
I don't even think I care about results, I just like the doing the math and learning. I wish there was some sort of low-pressure casual science collective. Fuck society
I'm no brainlet, although I am clumsy. I understand the physics, but i doubt if do any better in some """lesser""" field.
he's a faggot to be honest, goes weeks without answering my emails and calls for no good reason
The worst thing is that I've looked over them with my advisor like twice or thrice, and he keeps telling me to do the same things on all occasions which are proven to not work. Got another meeting with him on Monday, hopefully we break some ground this time. This shit has taken like a year out of my life
College ain't that hard unless you're a complete brainlet. You just need the correct mindset for it, and time (if you're working a difficult job you will have issues). Every retard has a degree, why couldn't you etc.
>15 page report due in two weeks
>I just try to write one page a day, even if it takes me like 6 hours
I'll finish eventually.
I unironically printed 2 pieces of paper with this sentence written all over it and then I scotched them on the wall right in front of my desk
Med student life is a bitch
>20 words
Come on user, you can do it
we usually can't write six letters properly here
You're fucked bro
I'm in the same situation desu. I'm graduating in a couple weeks, but I'm a lazy cunt so I just did the minimum. Now, all my job prospects are shit and grad school is not an option
My method when I was still in uni to write essays was to spend a day simply drafting the basic structure and gather all the references I would use for my arguments. I would then procrastinate until I roughly had a week left and would read all the material I had gathered and reference all the main points into my essay. I would then procrastinate until the day before, spend the whole day and write roughly half then wake up the early the next morning and finish the essay in the school library and hand it in one minute before the deadline.
>spend a day simply drafting the basic structure and gather all the references I would use for my arguments.
It was good advice so far