>trying to object to this and everyone laughs at you and calls you a wanker
it's not fair lads
wtf, so this whole thing was actually real?
I thought it's just another clickbaiting exaggeration
The UK gov is out of control desu
So, if you have a Fortnite account you won't be able to access?
>Yeah vat do you want?
Can I get an age verification card? I'm tryna have a wank mate
imagine you get fired because your employer gets the news you watched animal porn
>Oi, ye got a loicense for 'at smut mate?
The UK is the biggest nanny state in the world.
They'll just show a picture of a youtuber and ask you to name them. If you get it right, you get blocked
Won’t people just torrent porn then, seems like a retarded idea desu
>mfw Muhammads corner doesn't sell age verification cards because it's against sharia law
>I'm here for the job interview.
Great, I'm going to need your social media accounts including your age verification card number.
This is literally bible-belt tier puritanism. Do this retards really think it's wrong for curious, horny, pubescent young people to watch porn? fuck outta here
They’ll push it back again. Just like they have for the last 2 years.
That's finna be a major 'Yikes, dawg' from me.
this desu imagine having your first sex without ever watching a porno beforehand
the vast majority of people are too lazy to learn what a torrent is
pirating is something the scary hackers in the 8ch*n deepweb do
Why do you care about this? Surely none of you are underage, right?
will you have to register what you visit too?
worse if he finds out you don't exclusively watch government-sanctioned blacked porn
top lmao
Good news. anyone still watching 2019 is a pathetic degenerate. please fuck off.
I don't want to give a copy of my passport to porn sites
Why don't they just go to /gif/? No authentication required.
it's nice to witness how the average internet user gets less and less literate and autonomous the easier it is to browse the internet
Yeah I wouldn't have choked her, tried to jam my cock in her ass, and would have never thought to cum on her face.
because then you're just fapping to 20 second webms without being able to watch the source and that's pathetic.
The problem is having to hand your credit card information over to prove your age, which will almost certainly result in a massive data breach. The alternative to that is the embarrassment of having to buy a fucking porn pass from the local shop.
Why do people try to take it out of context so much? You can also verify online for free using your bank card. The whole thing is only going to affect big commercial websites too. Websites that are just users sharing porn videos aren’t going to be affected nor are websites that have porn on them but it’s not the specific purpose of the website. Only websites like Pornhub that get paid a lot of money by production companies to promote their content will come under age restrictions.
well, it's the opposite
but i got some insight into your life
>The problem is having to hand your credit card information over to prove your age
dude wtf, can't you just show your id and that's it? are they literally going to register your credit card?
Do you have to go to your local shop?
Why not just drive to some shop in a neighboring town or even further away where nobody knows you and buy it there?
>the islamic republic of britistan
Whats wrong with torrents
Nah fuck these cunts, I'll just use a VPN
>You can also verify online using your bank card
I wonder who is behind this post
nigga I thought the same as you
Can't believe we're actually going to need a loicense to fookin browse the internet now.
I wouldn't be surprised if it extends to Yea Forums soon, mobile ISP's here have already blocked Yea Forums as an Adult site and you have to opt in to get access.
at the same time that software keeps getting slower and sloggier the more powerful processors become
the future is a reactor burning nuclear fuel as perfectly efficiently as possible in order to power a fidget spinner spinning at 50000 rpm
>2021: VPNs are now illegal because kids are using it to access adult websites
what did he actually mean by this
>You can also verify online for free using your bank card.
Oh wow can’t wait to do that! Let’s pretend like having to hand over bank card information to visit legal sites is perfectly normal in a Western European country in 2019. No dystopian implications there at all.
How does the UK have the money to pay for politicians and all the agencies involved in these types of decisions?
Is it because no Army?
this has got to be bait
same but i imagine they'll block Yea Forums too, so in order to post here you'll have to get verified
it's a fucking joke
Honestly, fuck all these boomer governments trying to restrict the Internet.
you what m8
the average internet user today knows much less about it than whoever started using it in 2005 or earlier
you guys used to be kinda cool seriously what the fuck happened?
What the fuck is wrong with the UK?
it will happen, mobile ISP's like EE already mark this site as Adult
Yeah just like this was gonna happen on April 1st then didn't
Tories will keep pushing it off so long as there's a threat of an election because this will upset voters lol
Nothing, he's just memeing. But hey, there's a lot of porn sites with full scenes in fullhd that allow you to download that shit, so why use torrent for porn?
if ure not a zoomer then what is the problem ?
we've got stupid shit like May getting in when literally no one asked for her to be there, brexit that literally is basically just arguing back and forth over nothing to waste time, random bollocks that makes no sense
Yeah, it’s so dystopian to not let 12 year old kids watch a whore with fake tits getting fucked by a big black man in the ass with no condom. How dare you take that right away from children!! They need that to form a healthy mindset about sex!
>are they literally going to register your credit card?
That’s the idea. If you chose to register online, that’s how you’ve got to do it. The alternative is showing your ID to a shopkeeper and paying (!) for a card with a code on it which you then use to access a free site. This is the beginning of totalitarian internet control in this country. They’ve very cleverly chosen porn as the jumping off point hoping that people will be too embarrassed to put up a fight. This has nothing to do with protecting children.
So you'd spend £10 a month on a VPN for the rest of your life instead of a one off £5 card from a offie? Interesting.
Of course it is, but nobody in the government wanted to be 'that guy' who said 'this is fucking retarded' because they'd be labelled 'that weirdo' (as if it's weird to watch porn). The hilarious thing is it's been delayed for 2 years now. It was suppose to come in at the end of 2016 iirc.
It's the major porn sites because general blocks didn't work.
>the average person in the UK has any say what so ever
We have no control over this mate. They literally do whatever they want and people who complain are ignored. The public has no control. This is the same as your government shitting on your constitution with the Patriot Act. You didn't do anything then, you don't do anything now. The government doesn't care about us.
Based, porn is an american invention
it has become a niche thing, like p2p filesharing
given the choice between putting time into learning a tool + simple program set up, and paying for a finished product with a nice interface, ppel choose the latter. so instead of using torrents now we just pay for a netflix subscription
They're coming for more, you'll need a VPN to come here in the future
Checked and I was just having this talk with someone. It was coming, pic related
Parents responsibility, you fucking cancerous faggot
Remember not to tell or talk about VPN's. If enough normies learn about it, then it will be ruined for the rest of us.
Remember the internet before normies swarmped it and it turned it to shit?
Enjoy the internet as long as you can, i have seen the development from the start. Anonymity is a myth, even with VPN. Compare the free internet from the beginning with the state now and see that restrictions will lead to not only IP-based Tracking (thanks MI5 and NSA) but to actual Personalized Internet Access with actual ID-check before you enter certain services. See china, see USA after the Patriot Act, see cameras everywhere, see the forced restrictions on privately owned companies like google and facebook. Enjoy it as long as you can.
t. Boomer
I'm sure. And nothing will happen. I'm a drop of rationality in an ocean of ignorance mate. There is nothing I can do about it. Nobody cares enough here.
imagine actually thinking this is about the children
>let’s compromise the safety of people’s information because parents are shit at parenting
The problem is not the internet itself, the problem is children having as much access to the internet as they do. Parents should be putting restrictions on devises. The government should not be putting restrictions on the internet, which is fucking China-tier.
But if you think these measures have anything to do with protecting kids then you’re stupid anyway.
I think is a good move. We have to fucking earn our priviledge to watch porn back in the day. Someone would need to buy that black & white magazine showing tits and hairy pussy, or you have to hone your ninja skills at home for when the cinemax chanel was unscrambled so you could watch it at night.
Kids this days have 4k porn on their phobe with out even paying WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BULLSHIT.
Also as I get older I realize porn makes your brain turn into mush with all these weird ideas like the principal I think is believeing one is entitled to sex from unknown women or that any women that even looks at your way is because she wants to fuck. Porn should be banned imo.
yea that's what parents are supposed to do champ
there's a pretty clear slippery slope in the random walling off of information by a government
>buy age verification cards
who profits from these?
>tfw you need 3 (three) licenses to slice your fried egg with a knife while watching porn
just sink the whole island at this point
that would get you a raise in wales
Parents are shit, mate. The alternative is the government punishing the parents for being shitty parents which is just as dystopian as restricting porn. Did you even attempt to fight this like I did? No? Then you're complicit. I wrote letters and asked for it to not happen. They don't listen, but at least I tried.
That happens in the USA as well mate.
>ISPs and routers already allow blocking of websites
>Parents too lazy to actually take care of their kids' viewing habits so they need to complain to the government instead
They've started advertising them on TV in my country now. Thing is, even if it isn't hard to set up nearly everyone is likely too braindead when it comes the Internet they don't see its value.
I wish they'd get on with it, I want to see what happens. It'll be hilarious when it's just pornhub and xhamster and they ignore the thousand other porn sites
What's the betting somebody will make a key generator so no need at all?
They do it in UK too.
That is all that's happening. They're blocking the major porn sites because when they tried general sweep ones it blocked non-porn stuff, which is why they've taken two years to get to this point. Even then I'm willing to bet it is DNS based too.
>2016: Wanking loicence to be in effect March 2018
>March 2018: Legislation delayed, wanking loicences to be implemented ''by Easter 2019"
The fuck did I build up a stash for if this shit is never coming in effect?
btw fuck off jannies this is not offtopic, wanking is an sport, if you stand in a circle and do it on a biscuit.
Seeing as they're £5 one off cards, local shops, really. If it was £50 then the government.
>UK already blocks 'torrent' sites
>It's just the major ones
Wow. I'm sure those 12 year olds who have grown up with the internet will be STUMPED by this move. Just outright ban all porn like China and South Korea. Muslims might be offended otherwise.
>slice your fried egg with a knife
Honestly, that sounds like a brutal suicide attempt
Based and boomer pilled
>one solution might be a service called AgeID, administered by MindGeek, an adult-entertainment behemoth that owns sites such as YouPorn and PornHub.
>MindGeek estimates about 25 million Brits might want to use its system.
Surprised these cunts in Whitehall aren't in favour of introducing an 'air and oxygen tax', after all, there are over 60 million Britons which are prospective customers for one!
So when Labour get into government again won’t they just repeal it? Porn actively promotes race mixing which the left love to use as a tool to destroy identity and patriotism.
>Buy thousands of 10GB USB
>Download thousands of gigs worth of fetish porn
>Label each USB a specific fetish
>Sell USB sticks online for hundreds of £
Holy fuck how haven't I thought of this sooner?
>so they need to complain to the government instead
Expect no one has complained. This has nothing to do with porn. It’s about controlling and monitoring ideas. The internet caught governments off guard, it fundamentally changed everything. Now they’re desperately trying to reel back control. Would something like brexit (rightly or wrongly) have happened without the internet? Probably not.
sauce me up senpai
>Porn Sites
I’d bet Instagram is more harmful than porn.
>repeal it
No because they voted for it in the first place. While I'm all for preventing kids seeing porn (since it's literally degeneracy magnified) I think this should be an opt in system not an auto-out system. Ie, parents who don't want their kids seeing it can opt into the system where it blocks the porn etc.
True, when has porn ever been linked to a suicide?
And have you called for it not to go ahead? No? Then you're complicit. Write to your MP. Write to politicians in general.
there's porn on Yea Forums...
glad we're on 4channel
Hey buddy, a little more respect for muslim culture, eh.
If your children don't hate niggers, you're not doing your job as a parent.
You’ve already said that you wrote and it did nothing. This is not a fucking vote. They know people don’t want it but they’re going to do it anyway.
based jews working simp ass whiteoids
>porn license
The establishment has seen how much of a disruptive influence the internet has. They've identified child protection as the means to destroy the free, anonymous online sphere.
Porn is the obvious starting point. How many people are realistically going to be vocal about defending their right to freely access porn? It's going to be social media next - they're going to talk about the damage Instagram and whatnot has on the mental health of young kids. Then they're going to round on trolls and say that social media anonymity needs to end so that there's more accountability for 'hate speech' and 'online harassment'. These age verification checks are going to be replaced by individual internet licenses. Before you know it, every single thing you do on the internet is going to be archived and logged on an easily accessible government database. In the age of big data, it's going to be the government that monopolises your data, not big corporations. And they're going to sell your data to fund the infrastructure that keeps you under surveillance.
The internet, which started out with such promise as a free and anonymous space free of government interference, is going to become the conduit for the most repressive regimes in human history. Every single move you make, every single endeavour your undertake is going to be logged and recorded by the government and sold off to private corporations looking to monetise you - the citizen, the consumer, the slave.
Imagine what the internet would look like if this was actually about porn and the government conspired to lock every ‘porn’ site. You’d have to put sites like twitter and reddit behind a wall immediately. I don’t even know how they’d handle google and bing video and image searches.