Ajax vs Tottenham semifinal

>Ajax vs Tottenham semifinal
>Jews in my CL final

How did we let this happen?

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>da joooooos lmao xD


Haha nice

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Neck yourself, shlomo.

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Unite against anti semitism

De gea played great that game

Some of you muslims are okay.

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City will be the finalist

Porto will win the CL, screencap this.

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Would that make the other semi-final the anti-semite final?



You know, maybe Islamism IS the salvation of the west, after all.

>hates and oppresses women
It's just a matter of time until incels start to follow islam

>just a matter of time
nigga what?

>hate women
>hate gays
>hate jews
>love pedophilia
they're pretty much already indistinguishable

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>allowing Jews into the final only to get destroyed by a Muslim
you can't write a better scenario than that

Top post.

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G-Guardiola will save us from the Eternal Jew

fuck jews lol

This is why Yea Forums is the best board.

You're a Semite too though