United captain Young is subjected to vile racist abuse on social media after failing to deal with Messi in defeat by Barcelona, as Kick It Out calls on Twitter to take 'serious action'
United captain Young is subjected to vile racist abuse on social media after failing to deal with Messi in defeat by...
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>the absolute state of nigger fans
He was pretty trash though
How stupid do you have to be to post this stuff with your name attached to it
Wow 6 tweets, only 4 of which are sincere.
All racism on the planet would be solved if black people just stopped giving the word "nigger" so much power.
if alexis sanchez aka. the chilean lasogga was your best player in a champions league match, you cannot really pin it on one player
notice how none of them are british
they are >weak mind
i mean the colour of his skin has nowt to do with how shite he is, racists need to get over it
Then racists would just call them monkey, do monkey noises and so on. How you're not supposed to give power to that.
/pol/acks already get offended when some negro does a movie as a character that it was meant to be white, imagine if one of their white players was abused by a whole stadium. Just saying
happens all the time here.
All players are abused in Portugal, not just blacks
What do they do to racially abuse the white players in Portugal?
they don't racially abuse, but they abuse him still.
why would we abuse those of the same ethnic origin as us?
But if there is a blonde player(rare here), I have heard them call it "loiro de merda"
Most common insult for black here is "nharro de merda"
All racism would be solved if one race genocided all others
So all players aren't abused like black players then.
How about you fucking Kick It Out, lads?
There is literally nothing wrong with Mbwembe and Ngubu hitting a cheeky one and making a dash for it UP THE CENTRE HERE COMES MIMBWASA! STRAIGHT DOWN THE GARDEN PATH, THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR!
Still won't stop The Grauniad and BBC News running stories about how evil white people in Britain are over the next few days.
All players are abused due to genetics, just like black players.
Messi is abused for being short, which is genetic. Ronaldo is abused for being a gypsy, which is genetic. And so on.
why would we offend those that are of our ethnic origin, on their ethnic appearance?
Africans probably would offend whites if whites played there, it's natural, the public hsa to make the footballers uncomfortable, in order to help the team!!!!! And nothing offends/frustrates blacks more than being called black and other synonyms
>why would we offend those that are of our ethnic origin, on their ethnic appearance?
Because we are all different in one way or the other, we're not chinese.
but a Spanish will not be insulted if I called him piece of shit spaniard, or something like that. it has no effect on the player.
not that any Spaniard plays in the Portuguese second division, the only games I attend live
also I bet Portuguese/Spanish player are called divas, moors or greasy fucks or something in England for example, yet they don't complain in twitter about that
If you don't want to be subject of racism, go back to africa
this too, they live a comfy life here, winning 1500 euros a month in the second division, plus they know it's just banter. We don't physically assault or harm them
People aren't killed, exploited or excluded en mass due to height and Ronaldo isn't a gypsy, if he was then it would be the same as racially abusing a black person. Gypsies don't even get the chance to play football like black people do, so it would be arguably worse.
The question isn't 'why'. You made a statement, that all players are abused like blacks, and that statement is false, as blacks (and other races) are abused racially in addition to the abuse all players get.
>People aren't killed, exploited or excluded en mass due to height
Neither due to skin color
>People aren't killed, exploited or excluded en mass due to height
Not yet
Having said that, the pygmies in Central and parts of Eastern Africa are, but I was mainly talking about Portugal in particular and the West in general.
They aren't, I've only ever seen 'moor' used on here and have no idea what it means. same with 'greasy', that's not a stereotype we have, in fact i can't really think of any stereotypes we have for hispanic/mediterranean people.
Black people are massively different looking, many hispanic/mediterranean could pass as english.
People are racist to people that 'don't look like they belong' which is fucking retarded in this day and age where you can travel to the other side of the world in less than 24 hours
>People aren't killed, exploited or excluded en mass due to height
And people are due to race? The only place I know of where racial murders, exploitation and exclusion are happening en masse is in South Africa against white people. Bet you have no problem with that.
Maybe stop considering racism as bad as murder like in spanish speaking countries.
Just because you aren't educated to know about them doesn't mean they aren't happening. They happen around the world constantly, including in your country. Furthermore, in recent history they have occurred. That the only example you can think of is South Africa simply highlights your myopic attention to events.
In this day and age you can also google in 10 minutes and get educated on why race realism is true
if you are talking about Portugal and the west, no one is being killed or exploited or excluded, no one.
there are several examples of gypsies players i can think of instantly such as quaresma or ibrahimovic.
unlucky for you
I am blessed and rejoice with every new scientific finding
Which you have proven by completely misinterpreting my point
Yea, i can think of jews killing Palestinians ib mass, aswell as racial mass muder in Saudi Arabia so he is wrong.
Nobody is being killed due to race in Portugal or West Europe
And again, I wasn't talking about intelligence autismo
You aren't talking about sports either
>the comments
I though only white people where allowed to be rasist now, whats going on?
Yes they are currently and yes they have been in very recent history. Denying it shows either stupidity or extreme ignorance.
I don't know if Ibra and Quaresma are actually of gypsy (romani or other) background, but if they are and have been racially abused due to then then that's the same as racially abusing blacks.
If they are, why do you think naming two shows they aren't being excluded? Are you not aware that out of the millions of gypsies in Europe, and the world, only naming two shows they are being excluded? On that point, how many black managers are there in football, when over 1/3rd of all players are black in Europe? Even something this simple you must understand.
just don't be black
kill yourself
>Yes they are currently
No they aren't. Racism doesn't exist.
>there are still customers who didn't expect a 3-0 beating or worse by Barcelona
Don't say that, thats like telling him his religious world view is just made up fluff.
They are. Racism is made-up -- marketing.
>On that point, how many black managers are there in football
Nothing is stopping them becoming managers. They're encouraged to take coaching qualifications but they don't bother. Then, despite not having any sort of managerial skill or academic understanding of management, complain about not being hired.
you were the one saying gypsies don't play football and i just prove you wrong
and i'd love to see the examples of those claims of mass murdering in the West
>muh white sout africans
white saffas are richer than black ones, have better education and are killed at a lower rate. the majority of the victims in the farm attacks you hear about are black
>They're encouraged to take coaching qualifications but they don't bother
Do you have any evidence to support this claim?
I said gypsies don't get the chance like black players. So far you have names two people that might not even be gypsies. That does not prove that gypsies get the chance like black people, it proves my point that they don't. I thought you would be able to understand that.
>i'd love to see the examples of those claims of mass murdering in the West
Most of the nigger slaves had nigger masters. Niggers kill the most niggers.
Maybe just maybe, not being a racist (as in, knowing there are differences and acting based on that) makes you a dumbo
well then whites are also being systematically being killed
my point being both were terrorist acts
i don't know maybe he saying is a gypsie will make you understand.
Your point was that:
>"no one is being killed or exploited or excluded, no one"
Which was very easily disproved, and you now concede that this does happen.
Saying he is a gypsy will make me understand what? How can you not understand that 2 gypsy players doesn't equal the thousands of blacks people who are able to play football?
lasogga carries his team unlike that midget
errmmmm quiet clearly the black gentleman in the tweets gave them all the n-word pass so this is a non issue really
>How stupid do you have to be to post this stuff with your name attached to it
who cares, in normal countries you can't have your whole life ruined for """""hate speech""""" on twitter
>not calling them n-worders exclusively
If they were in their own countries it wouldn't be an issue either.
are you black?
>get out of my club
>my club
>the state of seething Man Utd plastics
same goes to you
Funny how that Thomas guy is the only English sounding one
Was the bird that pooed in his mouth also a racist?
muhammad sadiq is just as english as john smith, bigot
Bird shit is usually white so it's pretty clear it was a coded message of white supremacy. That pigeon's lucky it didn't get a police caution for hate speech.
Getting pretty fucking tired of this South African white oppression meme
>turkroach immediately gets triggered
You're an anti-white cunt then
Amen, those guys' grandfathers used to beat black people so quite frankly they deserve to be butchered in their sleep.
>“The black is vastly inferior. There can be no question of this among contemporary and unsentimental biologists—eminent Europeans for whom the prejudice-problem does not exist. But, it is also a fact that there would be a very grave and very legitimate problem even if the negro were the white man’s equal. For the simple fact is, that two widely dissimilar races, whether equal or not, cannot peaceably coexist in the same territory until they are either uniformly mongrelised or cast in folkways of permanent and traditional personal aloofness. No normal being feels at ease amidst a population having vast elements radically different from himself in physical aspect and emotional responses. A normal Yankee feels like a fish out of water in a crowd of cultivated Japanese, even though they may be his mental and aesthetic superiors; and the normal Jap feels the same way in a crowd of Yankees."
Thomas Hanks-Rossiter
Joseph Mensah
Mohammad Marshal
Moja Bhuda
@ftconte wasn't traceable
When all of those shouting nigger on twitter are nigger's themselves, is it racism or is it nogs just flinging shit at each other like normal?
Detective user on the case.
>gets paid millions a year for kicking ball around
>gets called nigger on twitter by nobodies
>muh feelings
Fuck off and play ball you nigger
Maybe if you hadnt colonized half the world and they wouldnt be in your country? Look what China did after they sailed around the world: build a fucking wall that can be seen from space, they didnt want shit to do with all the barbarians on the rest of the planet, yes, that includes whiteys whom were drinking from the same water they shat in the dark ages while China was the peak of civilization. China is 99% Chinese, you jelly?
that's literally just some /pol/poster
I don't really get this excuse. I get paid thousands to do some paperwork but I'm not going to let anyone mistreat me. Not my boss, not my coworkers and especially not some customers.
>black people having any agency what so ever
you mean the Jews right user?
>People aren't killed, exploited or excluded en mass due to height
the ugly face of lanklet privilege
>all racism would go away if we pretended it didn't exist
Why do foreign fans get mad at their defender when they fail to contain a GOAT? He does it every week are you just not used to players getting dabbed on in a slow league or something?
Wouldn't stop the hate though. Whatever race is left would just start infighting for other stupid reasons. Like tall vs short or whatever.
Not true, racism didn't exist in modern form before the 17th century. It was invented to justify African slavery and to prevent an alliance of black and white working class Americans. Ultimately it all leads back to the social relations contained within the mode of production
Racism did exist before that. It was diffrent from modern racism but it did exist.
shut up nignog
>leads back to the social relations contained within the mode of production
Congrats, the real issue indeed. The elite use whatever means necessary to keep the people divided amongst themselves. The so-called "isms" are doing a great job at that.
Oh shit.. that sucks nigger. I'm sure he's very saddened right now.. in his mansion, with his many cars, he must be heartbroken.
Hence my first sentence. Racism is not a sociocultural phenomenon, but one arising from the economic level of abstraction and its translation into politics and culture
Imagine thinking this was ever effective on Yea Forums. Proper thick you mate
Well, I love an ism or two, but yeah general left populism is clearly the way
Stop being such a cuck and have some self respect
Hearty kek.
>imagine thinking this was ever effective on Yea Forums
>gets immediately triggered by it
pipe down, nignog
What you said is still wrong. Racism was used by the modern pro slavery movement in the western slave trade but it wasn't invented by them.
Relax autismo. You must be 18+ to post here, sod off.
I don't think you can actually tell how I'm feeling
I would disagree from what I've read. 'scientific' racism absolutely did not exist until after the slave trade started, at which point it arose to produce explanations and justifications. The original theory was that black people were just culturally backward and could be civilised if brought up in the west, which justified the freedom of some descendents of black slaves while white slaves still existed. Was only long after slavery became (mostly) exclusively a black phenomenon that more fundamental theories of race originated. Source is Asad Haider's Race and Class in Trump's America.
Relax autismo. You must be 18+ to post here, sod off.
>general left populism
Ha, so you still believe in politics? Democracy is the rule of the dumb, leaves a nation divided and unable to act on its best interest because all involved parties have to be in agreement, which by default they can never be because they all have their own little interest in mind and have to keep their ignorant voters happy. A meritocracy is the best system ever invented, see the rise of modern China: the rule by the most intelligent people in a country. China is the only country left on the planet that acts in China's best interest vis a vis a small elite that control all capital which have usurped the world's national sovereignty.
China's inequality rate is higher than fucking america.
>angrily repeating other people's words back to them
lmao such a nignog
China is a developing country and thus can not be compared to a fully developed industrialized country as you are doing. USA in 1900 was inequal as fuck too, even more so than China today. The Chinese even have a motto that addresses this "there will have to be a few to get rich first, but we will all develop in the end"
What makes me sad is that people are calling for bans on free speech.
It's literally name calling. It's a fucking word. "Sticks and stones" and all that, fucking adult children calling for Big Brother to ban mean nasty words on the internet. Fucking pathetic. I hate these people.
Couldn't you have picked a country with better universities to study in Chang? Good to see you're remembering to spout CHINA NUMBA WAN to any and everybody you meet.
China's banks: owned by the government
Rest of the world's banks: owned by random fuckers with a lot of money
China's oil companies: owned by the government
Rest of the world's oil companies: owned by a rich group of old white men
China's government: responsible for the fastest rise of a nation the world has ever seen
Rest of the world's government: busy saying the hottest shit to get votes, fucking interns, handing out contracts to their buddies etc
Maybe if you understood how the modern world works, as in knowledge of political systems/economy, history, economics and geopolitics, you too would see how fucking based China is. Get to studying, wanker.
>Source is Asad Haider's Race and Class in Trump's America.
LMAO imagine feeding this shit to your brain and believing it
>wants twitter to take action against discrimination on its platform
>implying that twittter doesn’t discriminate on its platform
if it was a city player the media would be adding on to the racism
all that abuse would’ve been just fine if they just didn’t mention that he’s a negro
this but unironically
It's not Ashley Young's fault, he should have been replaced years ago. He's trying his best.
>meme player making 6 million quid annually
>Starts and captaining arguably world's most popular footballing club
>Repeatedly blunder
>Some anonymous twatterfags called him "nigger"
It must be very painful being him
Sad that being called black is the biggest insult you can give a black person
>gets btfo repeatedly
>just posts the same shit all over again
Imagine the autism necessary to say shit like that in public
Did the Scientists get shamed?
I feel like it's easy for us to say that when we have no relevant historical figures in history, but for those whose nation was built primarily by white folk, watching a crioulo in a white man's pants must be disheartening.
>choosing to be black
Why do people do this?
Is it really racism if you only using their skin colour as an insult. For me, it's no difference than calling someone fat. They are abusing Young because he had a shit game not because he is black. The root of the abuse is his football ability nothing to do with his skin colour.
Exactly this. When you're called a black bastard, the actual point of the insult is the "bastard" part. That's why nobody ever says "you're absolute shit, you black person".
Cited and peer scrutinised academic works? How on earth is one going to get any more intellectual a source than that? Also, why is the right proud of being stupid?
China clearly have a superior way of running capitalism to the west. But I would disagree a lot with your comments on democracy. You have confused liberal democracy with democracy itself. Liberal democracy is failing because of too much liberalism and too little democracy, which explains the rise of illiberal democrats in the form of left and right populism.
'Monkey' is a universal insult, not only directed at Africans.
For instance, it is very common in Japan, and you'll see it often as a derogatory term for an ugly or unncivilized man in manga and anime.
You should know this as Brazil and Japan have a close relationship.
lol dutch and anglos both were fucking TRAITORS to the white race and have been nothing more than jewish pawns in the last 500 years or so
>abusing someone because he couldn't stop MESSI
that's just cruel
>the post that ushered in the age of Ngubu