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But m-muh triple d-doubles...

Russ' game will age terribly after 31. He'll drop off a cliff when the athleticism fades. Can't shoot, overrated passer, selfish player.

>b-but he got a triple double!!!1111
OKC out 1st round yet again

Chucking faggot


>next question

Russell Westbrook and James Harden haven't won titles yet for one good reason, they're trash

He’s already finished

he rarely dunks anymore as it is

He looks like a platypus.

Imagine thinking he's in the same tier as Lillard, Kyrie, CP3, let alone Curry.

lol he missed that by one rebound

yeah but look how many rings he has

I don't know what I was expected in this series desu

Is is true that he is queer? Gay? A homosexual, a poof, a poofter, a ponce, a bum-boy, batty-boy, backside-artist bugger. Is it true he is bent? An arse bandit who lifts those shirts. Is he a faggot-assed, fudge-packin', shit-stabbin' uphill gardener? Does he dine at the downstairs restaurant? Does he dance at the other end of the ballroom? Is he Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. Does he fuck and get fucked? Suck and get sucked? Does he rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the f***in' time of his life with him?

They it's an "open secret".

He had to guard Lillard what do you think was gonna happen?

>le triple double man

let's see if paul george has any regrets after the series lol

he plays the game right. contributed in other ways. just looks bad because the loss.

Harden hasn’t won a title yet because warriors. Plain and simple

woulda been interesting to see one of those rocket teams go up against JAmes and his cavs

If the Warriors didn't have KD the rockets coulda won it all last year.