>yfw X team wins the Champions League

Post em. Will post the template in the next post

Attached: 1.jpg (1218x912, 640K)

Attached: yfw x team wins the cl.png (1218x912, 33K)

Attached: 4B804608-5FF9-4DCB-8280-74984209526B.jpg (640x480, 120K)

Of all the teams in the world, you chose Liverpoo. Embarrassing.


Attached: MESSI.png (1156x912, 599K)


Would Emilialovingman kill himself and redo to avoid a Liverpool title?

Good thread

Good thread

i actually cringed desu

shut up monkey

I actually Tadic-eg

Attached: 7-1.png (388x192, 64K)

Fuck Ajax

that's literally my thread lel

fuck you

Attached: mfw.png (1080x767, 430K)

>majority weeb reactions

Attached: animequestionable.jpg (345x370, 35K)

Attached: 1550300145274.png (1218x912, 550K)


Attached: win.png (1280x912, 1012K)

absolutamente basado
