Who's the real system babby now LOL?
Who's the real system babby now LOL?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Messi only won trophies with Barcelona
>Ronaldo won trophies with Portugal, Manchester United, Sporting, Real, and serieA soon as Juventus top scorer and assister
>Ronaldo is a system babby
He won fuck all at Sporting
In those 9 years at Madrid he played with like 3 different midfields doe?
>Not relevant in Sporting
>Not relevant in Manure (Who are, Scholes, Rooney and Giggs)
>Not relevant in Juve (Literally worst season in 4 years)
>Got ass saved in Real (Bale, Ramos) and Portugal (Eder)
by system babby you mean made literally di maria, ozil, modric, and james rodriguez all looked like top 5 midfielders when playing with him, then yes
the fact that this board's collective brain is so obsessed with messi (who is indeed better than cristiano), to the point where they constantly underplay TSU's achievement, is pretty sad
>eder singlehandley won the title for portugal
>his manure squad managed to reach the finals the year after he left
>was carried in pretty much every final for real
>won jackshit for sporting
>juve had more success with higuain than with him (and higuain scored more goals)
kek great player
Nah. They just dislike having months of a Romanian on a proxy claiming Messi is shit and Ronaldo is better, so much so that they deny fucking factual stats and instead create arbitrary definitions of what counts. Some but not limited to are:
>Only goals past quarter-finals count
>Only trophies won in the last 5 years count
>They don't count if you've only been at one team
>They don't count unless it's one of these two cups
Etc. The only thing, after all this time, I can think of is that Twain is actually a Messi fan and he's doing the 200IQ posting to get people to hate Ronaldo. See, on Yea Forums, you never get somebody to hate something by being on the opposite side. You get somebody to hate something by being on the side you hate and being so utterly cuntish that people end up hating that side purely due to association.
The absolute state of this post
how do u faggots hate messi, this cunt is a fucking magician with how he wills the fucking ball in between defender's legs, all while 3 of them are trying to kick his fucking shins off
>Messi is considered irreplaceable by one of the biggest clubs in the world who are willing to pay him the highest wages ever seen
>Ronaldo has been sold for profits several times now
And people wonder who is the more valuable player.
Serie A is a rigged league.
>Twain called out on using his Canadian proxy
>Quick, post pro-Messi so I can go 'n-no i'm this guy, b-based Romania/New Zealand/Uruguay/etc'
First time on 4chins in 1+ years, who’s Twain? The last personality I remember is the Algerian shitty fan
its probably the retarded hungarian with the NZ proxy that hates messi nonstop.