>Three lines on a shirt
What did they mean by this?
>Three lines on a shirt
What did they mean by this?
it's three lions you fucking retarded leaf
>Three lions
>Not five stars
>Jewels remain still gleaming
What jewels are they talking about?
>jewels remain still gleaming
explain pls
idiots, it's
>jews remain still scheming
England football supporters do 3 lines of coke before each game to bond and support the team
I'm sure this sounded funny in your head.
get back to the jungle favela monkey
those bananas are not gonna pick themselves
lel i always thought they said that as well when i was younger
>put stars on their shirt
indeed, send us some refugees so we can use them as slaves
>he pays for africans to fuck their wives
>the absolute state of sweden
They don't make for very inspiring footballers though
Fuck you Sven, your cucked country would let the favelamonkey "immigrate" to ur cuntry because u faggots need to he culturally enriched.
Swede c u c k
It’s not very well known but Adidas offered the band a reasonable sum of money for them to purposefully make it ambiguous such that it could be heard as three lines on a shirt - a reference to the Adidas logo. Adidas knew it would be a hit and a good subliminal message with footy fever gripping the nation.
Apparently, Frank Skinner was opposed to it but David Baddiel was very much in favour of cashing in and they decided to do it and split the money equally between them and the Lightning Seeds who recorded the song. It was in the lead singers autobiography even though Baddiel and Skinner deny it or don’t mention it.
it's a white supremacy symbol where they want to wear the sole of africa on their shirt to show they still own black people with their bigoted racist system.
It was a reference to Gazza's crippling drug problem
>The Jewish one was in favour of cashing in.
Surely not?!
guy on the left looks like a super jew
Reminder that everyone, without exception, preferred Rob Newman at the time.
>Wearing Umbro
>Singing about Adidas
alright Landa calm down. You're right though
>Thirty Year Old Squirts
I thought this was a song about footy
We shoulda finished the Berlin Wall