How do you say >de gay in your language?

how do you say >de gay in your language?

>ντε γkέι

Attached: De_Gea_01.jpg (227x350, 80K)

der homo

the queer

>ντε γkέι

el joto

de liberal

pedał w dupe jebany skurwysyn

El maricón

>o gay


>overrated fag

de peder



The family-first congressman

pecho frio

based OG banter

Attached: jesus.jpg (480x480, 47K)

de cristiano


Attached: image.jpg (498x470, 213K)

el trolazo

>o bicha

de schwulen

el puto

el catador de chotos

De hea


Le posteur originel

Дe Хea

Se la come


da woame

il frocio

El maricón

Translate please.

глинoмec пeдpищeнcкий

Joe Hart
Great shot stopper that has won his side multiple games, one bad international tournament and there career shits the bed

de gei