Black Twitter keeps making fun of Tiger's hairline

>black Twitter keeps making fun of Tiger's hairline


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LMAO look @ this d00d w/ his wyte ppl hairline lmao like nigga get it str8thened

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most blacks don't have real hair so they're insecure about half blacks who do

>making fun of Tiger's hairline
>meanwhile LeBron's spraypainted hairline changes more than the tides do

They make fun of his hairline too

Literally everyone makes fun of LeBald's shoe polish painted hairline

>giving a shit about (((media))) darling golfers
a new low in your life

t. Underaged b&

Not recognizing the goat

>a sport
lmao pick one boomer faggots

>a Sport
Pick one

why are americans so insecure and make fun of other people hairlines? I swear I never heard someone make fun of someone elses hair here. Apart from retarded stuff like pic related. Just shave if you're getting bald

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If he was insecure enough about it he'd get a transplant. But clearly hes above such childish things considering he is the GOAT. Got nothing to prove

The man is paid millions to wear a hat 99.9% of the time he is in the public eye. Who gives a fuck that some dude in his mid-40s is showing signs of male pattern baldness?

Average black male only goes bald at age 55.

look at their teeth and tans, their plastic surgeries and politicians (especially their president). burgers are obsessed with image & youth - and as as they are a utopian society, with the ability of technology to "fix" these things.

thus they cannot age with grace

Yep. The times I have gone overseas I have been pinpointed as an American not for my clothes or my attitude, but because people have said that my teeth are like mirrors in the sunshine.

then why are they so fat at the same time?

you would think someone who goes to such great lengths to care of every aspect of their appearance would also make sure he stays physically fit

It's not the balding itself per se, it's the ridiculous lengths some men go to to hide it/cover it up instead of owning it. See LeBeta James and his painted hairline

this is why they want to replace white people, non whites are the most vain, materialistic money spenders

Ryder nigga

You have to understand that there is zero middle ground here in the US. You either love Trump or hate him. You either love black people or hate them, you either love and work on your appearance and health or you let yourself completely go to the tune of being pre-diabetic and in a mobility scooter at the ripe old age of 42. Where you fall on these matters is up to you.

His mom is Asian. Their hair is so pin straight that even their pubes are like cactus needles.