Why the NHL draw like the NBA?

Why the NHL draw like the NBA?

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*Why can't

Its popular in Canada mostly, and Canada has a population around 1/10th of the size of the United States.

casuals can't see the puck is why

they should make it glow

Blacks are more entertaining than Whites

Why can’t NBA games sell as many tickets as NHL games?

as a hockey fan in texas im glad it's not as popular, i've seen what corporate has done to the nfl/nba and i don't wish on any other sports league

Basketball just a better sport. Deeper tactics, more skillful, much better athletes. Hockey more about luck than skill. Why they call it luckpuck.

have you ever tried skating on ice? now try controlling a puck with a stick while 5 other guys are trying to smash your head in

I just love muscular black men.

hockey is a sport for white men and america is full of goblinos



hockey is a sport half the country has never even attempted to play while everybody has thrown a ball at a hoop

Golf even without Tiger beats NHL. Aint no whiter sport than golf. Cope with that racist shit, but fact is luckpuck just a simple as fuck sport for imbeciles. People enjoy the fighting more than the "sport."

>tfw your friends are talking about porn and what site/studios they like and you can’t say brothalovers or else they’d think you’re a freak

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>NBA ratings down
>NHL ratings up
the state of your narrative

the only reason NBA ratings are down is because the outcome is too obvious, meanwhile one of the greatest regular season teams in history is about to get swept in the nhl

Is drawing (as in generating revenue/audience) a term in English/American or is it just something from wrestling that is getting used outside as well?

Americans love looking at negroes. That's no secret.

It's standard English. You can draw an audience. Someone can draw your attention. You can be drawn into an argument or your argument can draw criticism from others. Several ways you can use it.

pretty sure every anglo country says it. they say it here too

your mom can draw my cock in her mouth lmao im so funny

No one cares about unathletic soibois figure skating on ice with sticks in thier hand.

People want to see big strong muscular and athletic BLACK bulls running fast and jumping up high in the air.

I used to be a huge hockey fan, but the current parity and RNG pisses me off so much

>unathletic soibois
ok dude

Hockey players are tough but they aint athletic. Some dude was the best player in the NHL at like 55. That shows you the athletic demands of the sport. It's more a skill sport, like golf.

Because Gary Buttman is the worst commissioner in the history of sports.

>A league that chooses cities like Memphis, Oklahoma City, and Sacramento over Seattle and Vancouver