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Is the rest of the world even trying? who can stop us from winning our 13th?
Adrian Perry
James Jackson
we are unstoppable
Alexander Butler
Caleb Davis
>2022 World Cup
>Qatar wins the tournament
>First AFC team to win the WC
>First team outside of CONMEBOL and UEFA to win the tournament.
Watch it happen
Ian Harris
No one else cares about soccer.
Christopher Fisher
Hudson Morales
pathetic excuse desu
Isaiah Ross
fuck off worldcuplet
Nathaniel Evans
Fuck off non-UEFA scum
John Stewart
>when you realise that 0 (zero) South American teams have reached the World Cup semi-finals in FIVE years
Jaxon Roberts
Christian Turner
I get the impression Twain was unloved as a child.
Cameron Diaz
the state of the rest of the world
Josiah Howard
What's wrong with that? Romania is a member of UEFA.
Christian Thomas
>look up all SA "legendary" performances
>only happened when Europe was destroyed by world wars
Tyler Cruz
it's time for another
Matthew Cox
South America is doing pretty good as it's more than 50 countries vs 10
Jackson Brooks
Blake Bennett
actually the exact opposite, Europe is way more fragmented yet won more
how many world cups would Brazil have won if they were split into 12 separate countries?
how many world cups would a giant country Spain+France+Germany win?
really makes you think huh
Cameron Williams
>Europe population: 741 million
>South America population: 422 million
Levi Diaz
>how many world cups would Brazil have won if they were split into 12 separate countries?
Why would we separate into 12 countries tho?
Like, Argentina and Uruguay are pretty small and they still have 2 WCs.
Thomas Brown
Jeremiah Edwards
Absolutely fucking based, who the fuck can stop us???
have sex
Ryder Miller
>Europe's most recent world cup win: 2017
>South America's most recent world cup: 2002
Julian Diaz
Dylan James
average european country population: 13 million people
average south american country population: 42 million people
like I said more fragmented should mean less chances yet Europe dominates.
Kevin Bennett
>Imagine being UEFA, having gazillions of euros, top facilities, top coaches, traininh staff, top medical facilities, top academies, the best specimens of ngubus and also having the power to naturalize any player in the western world and africa only to be 1 (ONE) world championship ahead of a malnourished, disease ridden shithole like South America.
Levi Moore
Reminder that we were guaranteed to win this world cup but FIFA didnt want us to win it so they banned our stadium for like 10 matches and we ended up losing
Isaac Brooks
You guys are the scummiest diveballers on earth
>In 1989, Rojas was in goal for Chile's 1990 FIFA World Cup qualifier against Brazil at Rio de Janeiro's Maracanã stadium. Chile, down 1–0, would be eliminated from the upcoming World Cup if they lost. Around the 70-minute mark of the match, Rojas fell to the pitch writhing and holding his forehead. A firework, thrown from the stands by a Brazilian fan named Rosenery Mello do Nascimento, was smoldering on the pitch about a yard away. It seemed that Rojas had been hit by the firework, an incident that could've had the match nullified and possibly even have had Brazil penalized by FIFA. Rojas, his head bloodied, was carried off the field; his teammates then refused to return claiming that conditions were unsafe. The match was unfinished.
>Video evidence later showed that Rojas had not been hit by the firework. His head injury was discovered to have been self-inflicted with a razor blade he had hidden in his glove. FIFA awarded Brazil a 2–0 win, effectively eliminating Chile from the 1990 World Cup. As a consequence, Chile was banned from the 1994 FIFA World Cup and Rojas was banned for life, along with the coach Orlando Aravena and the team doctor Daniel Rodriguez
Jaxson Gray
Chase Collins
Jack Perez
I like the part where non world cup winner euro countries claim success of others for their own. That would be like paraguay claiming success for SA WC winners success. Just odd af considering romania hasn't been in the wc in ages.
Brayden Scott
Africa and Asia do
Ryan Allen
>That would be like paraguay claiming success for SA WC winners success
nothing wrong with that
you fat cunt
Mason Kelly
Aaron Morris
Kevin Rogers
Germany and Italy have more world cups per capita than Brazil
Kayden Kelly
>implying people gives a shit about golden medals in olympics
I mean, >we won it in 1992 but due to its irrelevance there is a reason why it wasn’t talked about before.
Jaxson Cruz
Technically there wasn't a final in 1950, so it really should be 1 all SA final
Christopher King
Include Olympic golds too.
Tyler Powell
Grayson Kelly
It doesn't work like that. By your logic, Yugoslavia should have won far more than they did.
Jonathan Kelly
yes it does
South America split into 50 countries would have won shit
David Gray
South Americans are based as fuck desu
Christian Thomas
No one, literally no one on earth, would say this were they not south american lmao
Henry Perez
>implying people gives a shit about golden medals in olympics
Apparently FIFA gives a shit about the 1924 and 1928 olympics in particular, or Uruguay wouldn't be TETRA
Jason Barnes
Whitout checking the flag I was 100% sure the thread was made by a guy from a country that has never won a WC
Also, keep in mind conmebol only has 10 members, uefa has 55
Caleb Powell
SA teams are drowning in their arrogance, every team besides Brazil is b tier, their average quality might be c+ tho, it has a somewhat good quality
Cameron Bell
france technically has 0 as africans carried them