Friendly reminder that ABL still means Anyone But Leicester. If you wish to abbreviate Anyone But Liverpool, please kindly use ABLiv.
Yea Forums custom is that Leicester get priority over the term ABL, because they have won a Premier League title, whereas Liverpool have not. Hella newfags here who seem to have forgotten this, so I'm just passing by with a polite reminder.
Thomas Phillips
Christopher Peterson
No it doesn’t
Robert Garcia
Aaron Howard
ABL for sure then. Currently rooting for Liverpool to win their first title
Henry White
Ummm no sweaty we are the main characters of the EPL
Mason Garcia
>not Chelsea
Even the most famous Liverpool moment of all time in the Prem came at Chelsea's hands
Aaron Robinson
Livorno are based wtf?
Caleb Adams
You don't even play in the EPL
Jeremiah Peterson
Logan Stewart
No such league. It's the PL.