Friendly reminder that ABL still means Anyone But Leicester. If you wish to abbreviate Anyone But Liverpool, please kindly use ABLiv.
Yea Forums custom is that Leicester get priority over the term ABL, because they have won a Premier League title, whereas Liverpool have not. Hella newfags here who seem to have forgotten this, so I'm just passing by with a polite reminder.
No it doesn’t
ABL for sure then. Currently rooting for Liverpool to win their first title
Ummm no sweaty we are the main characters of the EPL
>not Chelsea
Even the most famous Liverpool moment of all time in the Prem came at Chelsea's hands
Livorno are based wtf?
You don't even play in the EPL
No such league. It's the PL.
Chelsea are disgusting 70 IQ racists, nothing more than a relic of the past.
I'm a supporter, I can absolutely say we
Thank you.
>racism is low IQ
Found the basedboy
ABL = Leicester
ABLi = Lincoln
ABLiv = Livorno
ABLive = Liverpool F.C. (Montevideo)
ABLiver = Liverpool F.C. (Liverpool, UK)
>I'm a supporter, I can absolutely say we
But Liverpool don't play in the EPL, whether you want to say 'we' or not
Found the mouth breathing inbred!
Found the söyböy
t. NIGGER from reddit
t. Doesn’t have a degree from a top tier university and thinks living in his 750 sq for NY apartment isn’t shitty
Come to CT little nigger I’ll fucking rape you
Blessed containment thread
t. seething /pol/tard mong
t. Will be a nigger for the rest of his niger life.
Lmao. Poor white trash detected, sorry that you're from the worst state in New England
you have to go back
19th* you disgusting fat piece of shit.
Fuck off you seething ABL shit. This is our 19th Premier League title and 6th Champions League, keep coping.
>uses wikipedia as a source
ABL = Anyone but Leicester
ABLi = Anyone but Lincoln
ABLiv = Anyone but Livorno
ABLive = Anyone but Liversedge
ABLiver = Anyone but Liverpool Schools FC
ABLiverp = Anyone but Liverpool Homeless FC
ABLiverpo = Anyone but Liverpool (Montevideo)
ABLiverpoo = Anyone but Liverpool
ABU = Anyone but Udinese
ABUn = Anyone but Uniao da Madeira
ABUni = Anyone but United Arab Emirates
ABUnit = Anyone but United Services Portsmouth
ABUnite = Anyone but Ubon UMT United
ABUnited = Anyone but Manchester United
ABA = Anyone but Alfreton Town
ABAr = Anyone but AC Arles Avignon
ABArs = Anyone but Arsunda IF
ABArse = Anyone but Arsenal de Sarandi
ABArsen = Anyone but Arsenal Tula
ABArsena = Anyone but Arsenal Kyiv
ABArsenal = Anyone but Arsenal
Official Premier League site any better for you?
That’s not very nice of you and you should definitely read up before insulting others. Liverpool still has zero titles
based and redpilled
Blackburn Rovers > Liverpool
>18 "titles" when English football was played by pub teams and players were fat builders who smoked cigarettes at half time
>0 titles during the era of world class teams and imports
fuckin kek
ABL = Anyone but Leicester
ABLi = Anyone but Lincoln
ABLiv = Anyone but Livorno
ABLiverpo = Anyone but Liverpool (Montevideo, Uruguay)
ABLiverpoo = Anyone but Liverpool (Liverpool, England)
ABLiverpool = Anyone but Everton
Liverpool are the current EPL champions though
>ABC Anyone But Coventry
>ABCh Anyone But Charlton
>ABChe Anyone But Chester
>ABChel Anyone But Cheltenham
>ABChels Anyone But Chelsea
>each team has won a league title since Liverpool last won theirs
It checks out
ABA = Anyone but Alfreton Town
ABAr = Anyone but AC Arles Avignon
ABArs = Anyone but Arsunda IF
ABArse = Anyone but Arsenal de Sarandi
ABArsen = Anyone but Arsenal Tula
ABArsena = Anyone but Arsenal Kyiv
ABArsenal = Anyone but Arsenal de Sarandi
ABArsenalF = Anyone but Arsenal FC
1 Premier League title
1 Premier League title
0 (zero) Premier League titles
I'm glad this meme will die when Klopp picks up his second consecutive PL title next season.