fucking hell.
Fucking hell
>serie a
>47 shots
Based goalie
Whomstever manages Empoli is high IQ
>only 18 on target
wow who cares
Weak attempt at Bennyball by Empoli. Inefficient, and they left points on the table.
kek. KEK.
BASED Bennyball
okay, now this is epic
high iq lad detected
Me in liga masters
Aurelio Andreazzoli.
Former staff in Roma from 2005 to 2009 and then from 2011 to 2017 with a few months as actual manager in 2013 where he manged to lose the only match he was asked to win, Coppa Italia final against Lazio.
But the real IQ in this is that in all that time he was in Roma, he literally lived inside the club grounds, without EVER getting an apartment.
>He was sacked on 5 November 2018.[6] He was re-appointed by Empoli on 13 March 2019.[7]
I don't think that's happened in the PL.
it happens quite a bit in low table clubs here
happened with monaco
He will be coaching Chelsea in 2022
Hell why not this year?
Roman has run out of people.
He needs to be the manager of a bigger club than Empoli, before he sign up with Chelsea. Roman doesn't like ""experiments""
The current Chelsea manager has literally won nothing before, I'd say that's a huge experiment.
Patrician as fuck
please watch our league
>muh possession
Is this /guardiola/?
B-but had the ball...
This is why I love football, people think just because your on the attack you're the better side, but no, you can control the game all you want, if you can't score you're just as shit.
Based and oilpilled
How do not get frustrated and just clip the fuck out of somebody goddamn
I love this one
Literally every single stat speaks for Freiburg and yet they got btfo
the beautiful game...
based and neapolitan pilled
>7 on target
Proves how useless stats are since they don't show what kind of chances were created
>they don't show what kind of chances were created
that's where you're wrong, kiddo.
xG rates the tactics of a team but the most important is always the player's performances
>xG rates the tactics
no, it rates the goalscoring chances the team got
but user...it rates the effectiveness a team has to control the game and offer itself goalscoring opportunities, tactics.
Me on fifa
DrÄ…gowski masterclass imo (in my opinion)