Is 25 too late to try my hand at skateboarding...

Is 25 too late to try my hand at skateboarding? I am considering buying a complete oldschooler to learn and maybe branch out into other kinds after picking up the basics. All the local shops stock mostly Powell Peralta completes, they any good? This one salesman I talked to is trying to tell me I am too old to try and should just get a surfskate for the "fun" in it.

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>Is 25 too late to try my hand at skateboarding?
Of course not, but you won't get to pros, but you'll sure have fun. You don't need to be the very best at everything in life, just enjoy it.
Also skateboarding is unironically, they even have a general there so fuck off.

lol go back to ur nursing home boomer

Is skateboarding allowed in Israel?

no, but learn how to fall properly, seriously
your bones are not as elastic as a teenager's
careful with your back, a bad fall could fuck you up forever

Sorry, I only realized there's another board after posting and tried to delete.

We are not Iran

Yeah I realize that even now (was a medic). We don't heal as easily as 12 year olds and my back is already fucked from 3 years with the kit lol

it was unironically illegal to skateboard in norway from '78 to '89. use, buy, sell etc. considered a "dangerous toy".

Please don’t bully Iran. And, honestly, I think it’s too dangerous for adults as novices, you’ll get hurt even if you’re naturally coordinated

In local lingo, "not Iran" is the go to colloquial for "we do not behead you for doing X common activity in a modern country"

Different strokes for different folks

Of course not but you will never be “good” there is a reason kids start early. I’ve skate since I was ten and can only say I was good by the age of 20-22. It’s something you have to do everyday or you lose it.

25 is the new 15. Just fucking do it faggot, why would it be too late? You still have 5 good years before you become a boomer

Don't do street, ride bowls or mini ramps. Street will just simply fuck you up.

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say goodbye to your knees

>used to skate when i was a teenager
>tfw couldn't even do a fucking ollie

takes like 1-2 months at least of practicing to ollie. cant underrate that trick, even if it is the most basic. and that is why skateboarding is beautiful

Lol no skater that starts at 25 will be airing like that in a concrete vert that’s like saying someone that starts playing hockey at 25 will make the NHL.

who cares? it's just as fun to roll around and go fast m8

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I started last year at 29, I am having a lot of fun.

Most important thing to learn is not put your hands out when you fall forward or your elbows back when you fall backwards. Just don’t move, flop like a fish and fall on your ass or shoulder/arm when you fall so that way you don’t fuck your elbows and wrists up when you fall


If you don't learn to roll out of it you're going to get fucked.

fuck I hope iran nukes you

this but unironically

laughing so hard at this dumb fucking leaf projecting his disappointment that he never impressed his dad by making it into the NHL.

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Fuck off been skating since 95

Mom I ripped my jeans again is not a sport.

back in my day, when someone made a skateboarding thread on Yea Forums, all you'd see was:
>stonerplank is not a sport
>weedwheels is not a sport
>stepdadrebel is not a sport
what happened to this place

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Jus bee urself! :)

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based nanny state

linkinparkroll is not a sport

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Try a long board, my dude. Nothing better than carving down a wide empty road. They're also almost impossible to fall off of.

>This one salesman I talked to is trying to tell me I am too old to try
what a loser.
naw, you're not too old at all.
people take up downhill skiing and ice-skating at older ages, and they're significantly more difficult.
Just wear wrist guards, bro.

death cruisers are great for beginners ya

I'm 21 and am already too lazy to pick up my board
had 360 flips on lock on my day, what a fucking waste

lol gay and not skateboarding

I learned how to swim at 29. Go for it, just don't be a retard like me and jump into a river after a week.

Back in my day Maple were the best ones to start off, cheap, aesthetic and reliable, are those still being made?

Ignore everyone in here. For everyone who isn't a skater themselves, seeing people over the age of 20 skateboarding is cringe af.

>downhill skiing
Is there any other type of skiing? And no, langlaufen is not skiing. Completely different sport.

user just don't I'm 27 and bought a skateboard just to cruise around town nothing fancy thinking that is never too late to learn and I fucked up big time I couldn't even transition from gaving momentum to getting back on my board and after 5 times that I was about to break a bone I quit for good. Buy a city bike !

Go for it, you can use your walking stick as balance.

Yeah start fucking up your hips and jumping around on concrete all day for no reason other than to impress 14yo girls.

its in the olympics :)

i'm not an expert but living your life depending whether or not some neet shitposter thinks you're cringe isn't the best idea

Skateboarding was the GOAT thing to do if you were a teen in the late 90s/early 00s and wanted to get girls

How the mighty have fallen. I can only catch kids riding around on scooters these days

why are you guys so physically deteriorated so young lol
l turned 27 last month and desu lm in the best shape of my life. joints feel great, back used to hurt from weak core but not anymore since deadlifting on the regular, cardio still improving