the biggest redpill in American sports? realizing Barry Bonds is the greatest player in baseball history
The biggest redpill in American sports? realizing Barry Bonds is the greatest player in baseball history
haha le redpill meme xD
>gets one of the highest obp by doing nothing
yeah he's pretty good
Trout is already the GOAT. Barry memed on used car salesmen moonlighting as pitchers.
Greatness is a matter of context, which is why Ruth will remain so probably forever
For example, I think Rodgers is a much better sheer talent than Brady, but as it happens Brady has managed more Owls and more exposure, therefore he's greater no matter what my personal feelings on the talentwise comparison.
he is not the greatest because of steroids
The biggest redpill is about to be forced down your throats when Josh Allen leads the Bills to 8 SB wins
In terms of pure position players Ted Williams was better but Bonds is definitely top 3 along with Mays.
>Barry memed on roided freaks throwing the hottest pitches in history
everyone was on peds, level playing field