Attached: Dimitar Berbatov.png (500x500, 346K)
ITT: Post players that are literally impossible to hate
Levi Kelly
Other urls found in this thread:
Brandon Wood
but i hate him
Brayden Butler
>le lazy godfather meme
>don't even have the numbers to back up being such a cocky fuck, unlike Ibra
Leo Sullivan
i hate how over rated he was. literally an even worse version of giroud who himself is a shit ibra
Blake Sullivan
lazy sack of shit, lazier than Ozil even
Nicholas Wright
Nathan Thompson
I hate him
Owen Lopez
I like him for rekting palmemes
William Richardson
>scumchester players
>impossible to hate
I even slightly dislike Juan Mata after he went there. Shit club with entitled shit fans, nothing to love about someone wanting to play for them
Jason Thompson
Jayden Harris
this is not the Players impossible not to hate thread
Jaxon Robinson
This faggot is scum and only other scum (south americans) would like him
Camden Evans
t. not rhodri or the giggs family
Parker Jones
Looks like he'd be a family man!
Gabriel Brown
you cant hate Hazard
Oliver King
Milner and Hendo. ABLs can fuck off.
Josiah Barnes
its impossible to hate this CHAD
Ryder Edwards
i don't hate him but he definitely makes me uncomfortable. slovenly appearance and despite being good at what he did, reminded me of the retard in gym class who meant well, but was unpredictable. seemed like he might slobber on you.
Carter Williams
Nolan Bell
Why hello there
Parker Bell
Santi cazorla
Benjamin Sanders
John Myers
is that gynecomastia?
Brandon Young
he looks scottish, but then again im a dumb person
Elijah Moore
Damn you are superficial
Tyler Nelson
Aaron Murphy
Hey, that's me!
Connor Foster
No, that's cancer.
Dominic Sanchez
No era penal
Brandon James
Mate he doesn't look Scottish at fucking all
Adam Flores
Matthew Stewart
Dylan Hughes
Unlike giroud he scored goals, though
Carson Diaz
This. Also probably Müller and Reus.
Henry Gonzalez
Camden Phillips
Along with Xavi and Iniesta. Can't hate the old guard of Spanish players that we grew up watching.
Ryder Rodriguez
Cooper Hernandez
Bah Xavi was a cunt m8 you don't remember everything
Colton Young
Xabi was a cunt too, people only remember what they want to remember.
Angel Cooper
Ryder Rodriguez
but i hate him
John Barnes
Isaiah Ortiz
But that's impossible
He's the best English footballer of all time, AND he's a family man
Angel Harris
I hate him. Most overrated player ever. Reddit incarnate. Le run around and look like you're working hard man.
Carson Watson
Anthony Scott
Alexander Scott
That bitching, diving, stumbling son of a bitch? Are you fucking kidding me?
Dominic Allen
fuck this gutless, elbow-throwing thug. also he was scared of flying the pansy
Jose Reed
Jaxon Edwards
Based le cheat on his wife then be forced to leave the country so you transfer to Bayern man
Logan Howard
Owen Carter
This one wins. Everyone loves Wayne Ronney
Gavin Ross
don't like him wearing that cap
if you're not man enough to play without protection don't even bother
>ooh but my skull might get caved in
Not an excuse. Not at this level
Nathan Hill
Always hated that cunt
Robert King
Carrick. Nedved. Henrik larrson. Dirk kuyt. Jimmy bullard before his presenting days.
Dont @ me lads
Oliver Diaz
I'm pretty sure his brother hates him. So do I as a matter of fact.
Jeremiah Ortiz
I know he's a bit reddit, but N'Golo Kante is impossible to dislike.
Austin Martinez
Kevin Russell
despite being a Vascofag, I hate him since he became a leftard commie
Andrew Robinson
Put him in a skirt and he's Braveheart.
Brayden Brooks
Larsson and Nedved probably. Carrick played for ManU, so it is automatically hated for that. And I know Henrik did too, he is the only exception in recent times
Carson Green
The Braveheart you know was an Australian guy, you prick
Luke Wood
Daniel Bennett
mt hair in 2 years
Cooper Powell
t. Bozonaro's cattle
Grayson Miller
Fuck off, you anglo fucking shit. As if I'd know any celtcuck at all, as if I'd watch a fucking anglo movie about some anglopictish village robber. You're all fucking English to me, island monkey in exile fucking shit.
Ian Martinez
Daniel Davis
>You're all fucking English to me
Correct. They all belong to England and speak our language kek
Landon Cooper
Based and St.Georgepilled
Anthony Gutierrez
unwarranted aggression from germany
how unexpected
Anthony Hill
historical revisionism by a seething celtoid
how expected
Joshua Ross
why was this cunt always angry and bitter
he looked like he had a permanent hair up his ass
Adam Ortiz
imagine living in a city that doesn't have as it's patron
Jack Sullivan
Anthony Green
st. michael > literally lucifer >>>>>> """"st."""" george
Parker Diaz
I still feel bad for him about the defeat to Croatia
Bentley Wright
Adrian Bell
200 IQ player hated by brainlets
Kayden Lewis
Charles Morgan
based Juninho best free kick striker ever best OL player ever
Jose Parker
Cameron Powell
only true answer so far
Nolan Cook
Behead those who insult Batigol.
Oliver Sanchez
rip sweet prince
Nathaniel Rivera
+ D. Silva
Matthew Rodriguez
Nathaniel Carter
Josiah Roberts
only paki man u fans hate based phil jones
Joseph Hall
>Played for pretty much all the London clubs
Why don't people hate him more?
Adrian Clark
>Johnny Foreigners will never be this comfy
Why even live?
Isaac Evans
Tell that to Fiorentina kek
David Nelson
They guy could beat people off the dribble tho.
Juan Taylor
I'm disappointed none of you idiots posted him
Jason Turner
Austin Nelson
Elijah Jackson
Brayden Smith
Luke Sullivan
hate this pretentious nigger
Dominic Rivera
this duo
Nicholas Cox
your opinion is discarded on the grounds of 7-1
Noah Smith
such a based season from both and the team
Parker Gray
>Brazilians pronounce his name "Grafitsh"
Elijah Price
People actually think berbatov and ozil are lazy never watch the Le tiss. Literally didn't train and ate nothing but McDonalds his career and still single handily kept Southampton in the pl for 10 years
Aaron Roberts
Wyatt Myers
only cucks would hate him
Sebastian Wood
Literally impossible to hate him
You're lying if you say you do
Isaiah Brown