4:30 PM Eastern on NBCSN
/indy/ - Official Long Beach Grand Prix Race Thread
This legal in Indycar?
Will Colton do what his dad couldn't do?
Dubs and this circuit claims its 2nd fatality today
looking back at stats, Bryan was a lot worse than I ever thought. I guess driving a good looking car counted for a lot from me as a kid
when does green flag drop?
half a bong I believe
prerace is live
around 4:37 i believe
kind of weird this isn't the first race on NBC. instead they're showing tape delayed figure skating.
lets go posse
link dead...need new link!!!
Wow. Yeah that's incredibly stupid.
Posse here
Also jesus christ Colton looks like a real babbu.
Any a Acestream links?
Back when I started watching the series, I always remembered him being somewhat a competant driver on road course but being dismal on ovals with the sole exception of the 2001 Michigan Superspeedway where he could've won the race and the Rio races I couldn't watch at that time.
Then he made the switch to the IRL where he won a couple of races there, but ultimately did nothing too crazy there too.
Who all /crash/ today boys?
My predictions:
RHR with a mechanical
/sato/ time
good shit, thanks lads.
>be literally in LA
>those are the best "celebrities" you can get
rossi is a fag
azerbaijaan sucks desu
*makes soiboys seethe*
Anybody who still complains about NBC coverage can fuck off. Compared to what we've gotten in the last 15 years, this is good shit.
who is that
When is IndyCar going to grow some balls and build an oval with 90° banks?
>seethes so much he flat spots his tires in multiple races while leading and loses the championship
who is /ourguy/?
And /sato/
i can complain, i had had tv coverage with with great commentary and now nothing, fuck milles and fuck ((nbc))
sato is the only one that we all celebrate when he wins
thank you for the input shill
What do you guys think about Herta?
I'm just getting into indycar and he seems like a pretty cool guy and we are about the same age
being better than the shitshow at ABC will not make NBC immune to valid criticism. Sorry bud.
zoomers out desu
Yeah the whole foreign markets things is a clusterfuck that I entirely forgot about. Sorry user.
Not trying to shill for anyone, just standing by the quality of the production and commentary.
can't go wrong with any of the rookies this year desu
ok thanks
Colton and Patricio are both based as fuck so far honestly.
He's the king of the reddit drivers:
7. Graham FAHLHAL
reddit max
our guys
1. Will Power
2. Anyone French
3. Newgarden
4. Marco
Colton is trying too hard with his hair.
I don't trust people with hair that elaborate.
yeah I heard Herta on an interview with David Land on yt and he seemed like a chill guy
>4. Marclol
confirmed troll list
The day he wins will be based
>Wickens 4th on the reddit list
Schieb ihn Raus dindu nothing
downforce babby
Fuck. I thought indycar ministry was dead.
>Muh God
>Muh National Anthem
AMEN _/\_
Rossi or another Andretti gonna walk this depending on FCY timing. Nobody can touch them here
I gaurantee Marco will crash into one of his sponsor's products today.
>what euro driver isnt
>godless californians texting and meming during a praayer
Hope killnaan takes them all out
Didn't one of them put together a partnership on a SPM car a few years ago? Or wasn't it just some regular minister?
it's a dissaster, now that o'ward is competing the fat faggot of slim bought the rights to sell them in his shit tv package, of course the mexican badwagon will fall for it but it basically screw up the whole rest of the continent, same shit happend with the f1 coverage when perez entered
she look-a like a man
All the /turnleft/ anons do it too.
No, owning negro slaves was banned about 150 years ago, dude.
man that's a cool track
why is it called indy 500?
Is it just me or does anyone else see no difference between Murica and Best Korea in the category of being brainwashed when the Patriotic shit gets rolled out?
impossible to know
The race is in Indianapolis, Indiana and it's 500 miles long.
Because they race for 500 miles
Because they race for 500 miles around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
"Indy" is a nickname for Indianapolis.
Just because you're a low-standard having individual doesn't mean the rest of us are.
I agree that there isn't any difference nowadays.
>best korea : get executed if you aren't weeping during the anthem
>USA : get randomly shot for no reason
big differences ok?
Because its independant of F1 and 500 people usually watch.
user the other poster is pulling your pud
its the indy 500 because the hp is restricted to 500hp.
It's 500 independent race cars in one big race
It's because it started with the Indians before Columbus even came to america
Nice thanks for the info lads!
Who fucking cares. Just watch the race, man up, and quit being a fanboi like some 14 year old girl.
Come on this should be on NBC
will this race get more than a ,2 rating?
who can stop him. 2nd place all the way to the ship
If the ratings get worse, next year it will be on CNBC
Maybe have Cramer announcing it?
how many minutes is 1 lap?
Hate thist rack desu. Bourdais the only one who can race it
I have a feeling we will get buried by the masters replay on CBS
impossible to know
because they race in de car (indy car) and because 500 cars in race
t i g e r w o o d s
Get Allen Bestwick in there.
500 cars? how can they all fit?
rosenqvist will bomb herta and pato out and people will seethe
What lap does Rosenshit put himself into the wall?
>swedish drivers
rolling for first driver in the wall
ever been there. Track is nearly a mile from end to end.
They don't. He's meme'ing you.
Turn 1, Lap 1. He's gonna out-Sato Takuma Sato today.
some say it's over 3 football fields long
I fucking LOVE commercials
There should be a race with 500 cars for 500 laps around the Milwaukee Mile.
It's really really wide
what if they had a race with 1000 cars for 250 miles instead
I don't watch football, so no idea how long that is.
Milwaukee Mile is dead user. It's just a matter of time until they bulldoze the track now.
The cars are small and the track is big
Any 1 mile track would work
over 17 f1 cars in length.
wow really? fucking rest in peace that's a good track. 110 years of history
Nurburgring VLN race?
Loudon then? it's the closest to Milwaukee IMO.
Nah, let's do that in Martinsville
I will never understand flying starts
do you go to indycar when you stink at F1?
Fucking erricson
Safety car
Fucking hell Ericsson
isn't that a fine?
>Eric's son
I have a problem lads. I meant to buy salt & vinegar chips but I accidentally grabbed all dressed and the bag is already open.
makes sense on an oval and they crashed like every race when they did standing starts so they quit.
Le mans starts were teh best when you start running to your car.
>pagenaud dropped 2 spots instantly
who replaces him next year?
Don't Americans love "the big one"? ;)
Veach is trash
>swedish drivers
>F1 drivers, 'best in the world'
Surprised that wasn’t rosenqvist
Hopefully rossi
looks like someone needs to learn how to drive.
burger here, what is "all dressed"?
>pagenaud damage on first lap again
France cucked again
like barbeque but worse
Pretty much. You also go there if you do will in F4/F3/F2 but don't have the money to get to F1. (Rosenquvist)
I was just about to post that. Also, the starting motor system needed for Indycar engines would (Allegedly) cost more than the whole car.
Pato O'ward? Unless McLELren poach him instead.
NASCAR is for retards and drunks. Also, they somehow still get more TV ratings than Indycar, which arguably has the better live attendance figures and overall racing package.
Are they /ourfinancialservicescompany/?
Rossi, Penske absolutely wants him.
I can see them going for the bogan meme : James Davison. Or some guy currently in F2 not named Mick Schumacher.
Not a bunch of viable option for them currently.
idk, no F1 drivers really ever do well in Indy if they sucked in F1. Chilton, Ericson and all ther est are big memes.
>NASCAR is for retards and drunks
interesting when you go to indycar stuff and they are all pricks.
NASCAR gets about 20x the tv ratings
You deserve that for choosing salt&vinegar over ketchup.
First Long Beach GP I watch, is it like Monaco? No overtakes?
>financial services
IndyCars just aren't designed for standing starts. The clutches aren't as forgiving as in F1 cars. Also, the cars can't idle for long without overheating. By the time the last rows line up, the first row's engines are getting too hot.
Rossi? Sato?
why are the faggots that stream this on youtube such sperglords?
Rossi drove for an absolutely terrible team come on
>The clutches aren't as forgiving
what is a pit stop?
I think Dixon would've had it but didn't want Rosshit to wreck him on lap 4. Smart, calm and cool racing from the champion.
Maybe you should quit being poor
Very similar. The front straight into turn 1 is really the only GOOD place to pass.
aussies don't have any other option moron
Yeah... I'm just bitter about how bad /turnleft/ has gotten. I mean jesus, drivers were complaining about aero-push AT RICHMOND LAST NIGHT.
It's the greatest mystery in racing IMO.
Indycars arent as big as F1 cars yet so they can still pass in a few spots. Eventually Long Beach will have MOnacos problem of small streets for big cars.
Last year had soem great passing.
And they stall regularly leaving the pits.
Also, they get pushed by their crew and they're only revving to get up to pit speed.
this year its >lolkylewins
Lmao colton
o'ward btfo, get that fucking beaner out the series
>mexican 'drivers'
Maybe you should quit being ignorant
>state of chevy
More like... O'... O'No...
Enjoy those 12 races pato
Eh, at least it's not as bad when almost half the field was made up of Brazillians & Mexicans.
He's in a shit-box from Carlin and Chevy fucking suck outside of Team Penske.
>signs with chevy
>trying to run such a fuel strategy that you get passed by half the field at a track where track position is very important
Carlin.... big brains over there
>based patient Dixon letting Rossi sperg on by
That's why Dixon's a 5 time champ.
>Chevy fucking suck outside of Team Penske
just look at the team and driver names running the engines. Not chevy's problem. Penske likes being the only competent team on the engine.
>Eh, at least it's not as bad when almost half the field was made up of Brazillians & Mexicans.
I too miss the 2003 CART season.
They're going full AJ Foyt Enterprises on this "strategy".
True. But i wonder if it bothers the GM brass that they've got all of their eggs in one basket, no matter how amazing that basket is.
At least they brought sponsorship that lasted the whole year and was on their cars for every race...
How is this nigga hurt your just sitting in a car bro?
based Tecate livery on Pato's car when?
rossi posse will be cucked soon
Just got back. How's my boy doing?
Did you guys see that other helicopter?
Odds on a midair collision?
His team is running a 6d strategy extremely complex
>i-its my back guys, thats why im slow today
they're apparently doing a fuel saving strategy and it isn't looking great but who knows
The car has no power steering and is physically tough as balls to drive. Also, even though the car has a more upright seating position than most openwheelers it can work back muscles that most people don't even know they exist.
Also, the driver is relatively old (43 years of age).
The seaon following his first win IMO.
There is no way its called indy 500 because its 500 miles long, that would be 200 laps, but I only see they need to do only 85 laps
>True. But i wonder if it bothers the GM brass that they've got all of their eggs in one basket, no matter how amazing that basket is.
>Implying ECR spends any money on their engineering staff for road course setup
Really doubt its a chevy engine issue,
will he get his seat back?
You're confusing the Indy 500 and the Indy Grand Prix. They're separate events. The grand Prix is on the infield road course.
no. at this point he is that 30 year old jobless boomer taking up space on his friend's couch
O'ward doesn't deserve to share the same livery as based Adrian Fernandez.
It depends on how well he does at Indy. He's in the 5th Andretti car this year, so if he fucks up there's no excuses.
You may not like it, but what you're looking at is peak trolling performance.
Good thing he's a calculus hobbyist and can figure out complex problems in his head.
Foyt is also running shocks from walmart
so this is indy grand prix?
You only NEED to do 85 laps, but most cars like to do about 200
O'Ward himself said that he's not on Adrian Fernandez's level yet anyway.
>replying to leafposting in 2019
Does anyone here know the actually science thats in a bottle of beer?
lol conor is shit
Oh yeah, I forgot that they have no fucking clue how to set-up a car on road courses and use old, shitty shocks.
ok maybe Modelo then. They do a lot of advertising lately
This is the Grand Prix of Long Beach...
Indy Grand Prix is early May. Indy 500 is at the end of May.
racing series based on cars designed to race 240 mph at INdy
>Indy GP
A circuit race based on a modified F1 US Grand Prix circuit, meant to make up for the falling out with F1 and actually use the track
>Indy 500
An oval race that everyone likes
basado y rojopastillado
ah okay
1 for sure new engine manufacterer and one possilbe other new one.
WHo are they?
Chance of anyone but Rossi winning?
>Stream died
oh boy
O'ward is doing competitive lap times now. Guessing he isn't on any strategy and just got shook in the early laps.
decent but low at this point. Dicks son is on some goofy ass strategy and a caushon will murder his lead. He did the same thing last year nad lost.
based, thanks.
Skoda :)
BMW & Hyundai IMO.
I could see Alfa in IMSA with a rebadged Ferrari GT3 engine though, like Lancia did in the Group C days.
I'm going to guess they won't sign because BMW wants hybrid garbage and Hyundai and the rest aren't ready
rucci gang rucci gang rucci gang rucci gang
why do the penske cars have to have shit tier liveries
Still 20x better than the last Mexican indycar prospect, Esteban Gutierrez
Just sayin'
>serrucho fetuccini
how about some mew chassis that arent fuckugly dallara lawndarts
>the city of dick's son
I'd like to see Mercedes back with a badged engine by Nissan (like they did in IRL with their Infiniti engines), but none are feaseable.
Pato is a really good racer and in better equipment, I bet he'll make you proud.
2022 would be the year that happens. INDYCAR management are fucking memes though so i dont expect that to actually happen.
I could see BMW opt for a V6 M5 and a 4cyl M3 which would make INDY somewhat appealing as they try to convince people that a V6 is as good as the old V10.
What do they mean by this?
New car is supposed to be coming soon, but Indycar might delay it if more manufacturers agree to race.
Bad news is it's going to be Dallara again unless we get two new ones, because then the rules would open up to multiple chassis companies.
You mean Infiniti right?
> mercedes dominating more motorsport
They're already publicly talking that Dallara will make the next chassis as well. Not even going to do the charade of looking at an open market this time around.
as for the Nissan engines, yes.
>theres actually some race
>they change to a random onboard
I wouldn't say anything is "FOR SURE"
A 3rd, German, manufacturer has been in negotiations. They want some sort of hybrid system(will Chevy and Honda agree?). I think it's either BMW or Audi.
There's a 4th in talks as well, but that's not nearly as advanced and a total mystery as to who.
I think there is a 0% chance that there are multiple chassis manufacturers. But yes, there should be a new chassis, bodywork, and engine format coming in 2021.
power ruining his season what an idiot. just hold on for a top 5.
Dallara will for sure make a chassis since they built that factory in Indy.
But you may get another to come in if we're lucky.
Black smoke off of the left front. Brakes might be fucked.
Could be Peugot with their coming launch in NA.
Literally every car does that coming into turn 1. Race brakes, son. They're dusty.
and didn't even locked the brakes,the front left disc might be cooked
>But you may get another to come in if we're lucky.
From where? Who will take the risk to spend money on making it and who will take the risk on buying from them? It isn't like the time when tobacco money was everywhere and people could change on a whim.
What a fucking amateur pit stop by Hertas crew
OMG Herta get a real pit crew
Imagine Herta with the #26 crew. You know Michael is
After a pitstop like that, I'm not surprised Pato O'Ward bailed on them.
>yfw Marco now is a co-owner of his own car
As much as I'd love it to happen, it Isn't.
>Miss Reynard
That's a boy car, ya dingus.
Marco is 98
Veach is 26
How can you tell?
the penis gives it away
It puts less strain on Dallara to supply for the whole field considering how many people are wanting to make teams. Last year at some ovals people were forced to run converted road course chassis because no oval ones were available.
Dallara may be open to competition.
Veach has one more year after this.
He's signed through to the end of 2020.
oh frugg
Sorry a bit buzzed
they've left people out to dry before, wouldn't be anything new for the andretti mob
Oh boy I am in deep fucking shit /indy/. GF found out I placed a $2,000 on Newgarden winning Indy. She is throwing a hissy fit, calling me a pig and shit. She managed to calm down.
She is 35
I am 26
She has been pretty clingy lately, and keeps bitching to me about the need to settle down and her biological clock. I'm not her first but I do like her alot, got promoted a few months ago and my boss is training me to be his successor. I wanna focus on that. The other caveat is that i'm shit with girls, could not get a gf for the life of me in college and H.S. Only when I hit 25 was i getting good results.
What do I do? Also fuck /adv/ they give shit advice every time.
post pic of her, blur her face if you want. Need to say see her body to gauge properly.
You're fucked.
I have seen this copypasta on f1, but with 5 grand, you are not gonna fool me leaf!
what kind of job/income does she have? put a baby in there if it is good and let her be your sugar mommy
My advise is to fuck off with the blog
hello pasta leaf. How's the weather in Stockton today?
>>She is 35
>I am 26
you keep getting younger my dude, yesterday was 27.
>Will Spiner
wtf is this the Vettel of Indy?
>I placed a $2,000 on Newgarden winning Indy.
$2000 leaf bucks? but's that's like 5 burger bucks. why is she so mad?
its rainy kek
What are $2000 chinkbux worth in real American dollars anyway, like about $3.50?
imagine if vettel choked all those red bull championships away in the final races. that is Power's level
Hey, user, you're going to root for me at Indy this year right? Girls rule the world, and Racing is a sexist sport.
Newgarden is shit at indy bro
>implying im going to swtich from BMW to chevy
when will she stop scamming generous donors from their money?
she hates the w-series though
Who is this hambeast?
Pippa Mann.
Maybe Veach would be better if his camera was in focus
yeah it seems like shes always sponsored by some donation company
emphasis on the MANn part.
wing damage ohhh nooo
Veach sounds beta
no tacos today
Time to cut this bum
like a fucking brick
RIP Colton
Another zoomer is exposed as shit
kek has plenty of hair though
>rolling the car down pit lane to the garage right when the pit window is opening
hes like 4 feet tall
Veach going for the undercut!!!
Isn't it pronounced "wear-ta" and not "her-ta"? Any brown people / south Californians confirm or deny please.
>Son of Dicks
>the state of dickson
Rolling for next driver to get fukt
No. There's no "U".
do these cars still run on methanol or ethanol? or is it just high octane gas?
Get this Swede shit off the track
so no one knows lol
Iowa Corn®
Nah it's E85 tho
Watch the iowa race from anytime recently, they never shut up about Iowa Corn fueling the cars because E85
It's E85.
Thank you amigo.
Its in the graph on the bottom right
somebody please do us a favor and crunch into the wall.
thats not good for the drivers
Once NBC starts going "through the field," you know the race is dull
need a rogue fan to drive a forklift onto the circuit
wtf doctor tell me more about jardiants
>street circuits
I've missed this, how the fuck did Hinch get ahead of Rosenqvist?
>Marco giving his sponsor ZERO airtime today
What? His sponsor is in EVERY camera shot.
Long Beach is huge port, for all I know it might be China concrete. Need to be certain.
Not Marco's fault they didn't put their logo on their shit...
Team told him to quit driving like a retard when he put the car into the wall during qualifying
>Pagenaud ahead of Power
and all it took was Power fucking binning it.
Well, it looks like he used most of his push-to-pass, so maybe that's how?
Long beach is a great race but this has been a boring one lads
>Long beach is a great race
But it actually is tho
IMSA yesterday was NUTS
The IMSA race is usually top banana t b h
long beach is always shit, everyone likes its because it's muh monaco gp of the us, imsa saves the weekend
what is IMSA?
>o'ward gonna get lapped by fucking rossi
O'Ward still beating Marco and Veach
Even more embarrassing
Sport car series.
why is he playing with his car so fast?
>zoomer runs out of stamina
not a surprise desu
honda engine do what you do
herta is herting guys
The nascar race last night was 1000 times better
>20 second victory
what the fuck is this shit
motherfucker he could have finished in the lead lap but decided to let rossi pass on the straight, what a pussy ass bitch
shills will somehow defend this snoozefest
rahal seeething soon
still better than the f1 race
>they actually gave it to him
Rahal's interview is going to be SEETHING
Refcar. Fuck this shit
What is this Formula E?
a non big 3 car on the podium? not for indycar officials
GET FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!
Strap in for this seethfest
can you say dixon bias?
Atleast Rossi our drove everyone without having a car that’s 100hp better than everyone else
lol they somehow managed to made it worse
>this interview with graham rahal is probably gonna be the most exciting thing of the race
Paul Tracy with a truth bomb
Fucking race control ALWAYS rules in favor of Ganassi.
Rahal moved before and then faded over like everyone else does, but you have to put on Ganassi Goggles to see the blocking that stands out from anyone else.
Turned off the race at Rossi checkered and missed the pss wtf happened
>crybaby Dixon
SEETHING SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not every race is a barn burner.
>deserve P3
no way you dont deserve it, you cheating scum!!
One thing's for sure... Max Verstappen will never be able to drive IndyCar
The fucking replay shows that he moved first Dixon, you shit eater.
Rahal just got jewed out of a p3 by race control in favor of Dixon.
That’s disgusting
well that was shit, see you all in a fucking month.
a fucking month.
I tell ya what I am shocked Ganassi got a steward decision in his favor, who could have predicted it
oh didn't realise it was a 3 week break... why is that GP on a Satuday?
can we just admit sports cars is GOAT
desu, i dunno what was worse, that or f1....
Without BOP? Yes
F1 because of the fucking HWL/MWL shit
Here we've at least had 4 different teams and drivers win
You don't know before the week starts who's gonna win
What is sports car's top level series these days?
Is it basically Toyota and the embarrassingly slow IMSA DPi's?
Yeah, IMSA has too many Cadillacs and WEC is a joke until hypercars.
Also, if you think DPi is slow, it turns out hypercars will be on pace with them in WEC so basically DPi is the benchmark atm
I hear the Hyper car idea has basically no one committed at the moment and the ACO is sweating a bit.
Glick is commited and everyone else including Toyota is waiting for the rules to finalized to present their proposal to their respective boards.
That’s correct they have Glickenhaus and nobody else. Which is why they are suddenly saying DPis might get to come too.
But Ford and BMW are pushing for GTE-Hybrid to be allowed too
see you on April 24th for the test /indy/
BMW is pushing for Class 1+Hybrid and Ford wanted a common platform between WEC and IMSA.
Dang is this really the last race before may? RIP