Redpilled athletes

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Would of played basketball

iirc his dad is wealthy so that's really fucking unlikely

lanklet cope

>this Manley cope

>try to say manlet
>it autocorrects to Manley
FUCKOFF. Fucking manlets at apple coping like this

Attached: D792702F-008F-4702-8968-0EC112848D10.jpg (568x489, 260K)

> top left
In my neighbourhood, you didn't need to score three goals in order to take the ball home, being a gypsy was enough.

> top right
Good evening to everyone except to riverakiko because you're too fat, man

> bottom left
I would shag Sara Carbonero (Iker Casillas' wife) without a doubt, fuck Iker, I'm sure that son of a bitch has a shorter cock than the side of a euro coin

> bottom right
Why do some 14 year old girls have such big boobs nowadays? Is it because they hold their breath while they suck dick?

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have sex


Attached: babel.png (1268x827, 216K)