Attached: 82F7256C-1A1D-46AA-94C4-3508F6E2AA60.jpg (850x400, 45K)
Redpilled athletes
David Walker
Ian Perry
Would of played basketball
Benjamin Hill
iirc his dad is wealthy so that's really fucking unlikely
Camden Price
lanklet cope
Connor Cruz
>this Manley cope
Benjamin Roberts
>try to say manlet
>it autocorrects to Manley
FUCKOFF. Fucking manlets at apple coping like this
Isaac Kelly
> top left
In my neighbourhood, you didn't need to score three goals in order to take the ball home, being a gypsy was enough.
> top right
Good evening to everyone except to riverakiko because you're too fat, man
> bottom left
I would shag Sara Carbonero (Iker Casillas' wife) without a doubt, fuck Iker, I'm sure that son of a bitch has a shorter cock than the side of a euro coin
> bottom right
Why do some 14 year old girls have such big boobs nowadays? Is it because they hold their breath while they suck dick?
Logan Morgan
have sex
Joshua Harris
Liam Gonzalez