How long until the media starts to attack Tiger after this win?

How long until the media starts to attack Tiger after this win?

Yes Tiger Won Again but he’s a friend of Trump etc

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I doubt they will.

He only shook hands with him, it's not like he put on a MAGA hat and shouted "Trump 2020".

Anyone that voted or supported Trump needs to die.

AOC will save this country.

He's not white so no one will care

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He voted for him, they are good friends. They always play golf together.

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I hope the MSM roasts him. People need to see how he’s a Trump friend.

Fuck off /pol/ even if it's true no one cares right now. Tiger just won a major after more than a decade and the first thing you think of is this? Tell me you're not here just to stir up a hornet's nest.

All Trump supporters need to be dragged out into the light for all to see.

His shirt may as well have said make America great again on it across the chest. Disgustingly insensitive to wear that shade of red.

>wins his first major in a decade while trump was president
i think it's clear he's winning

You should have just left the first line, you overplayed your hand.

Why do you pay attention to "the media"? That shit rots your brain

>insane comeback after 10+ years for former GOAT to win another major
>your mind immediately jumps to TRUMP HATE REEEE
god i'd hate to be this much of a loser

can you faggots give it a rest.

Of course Tiger's conservative. He's extremely wealthy, hangs out with aristocrats at swanky elite clubs all day and is half asian. Asians are based.

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People on twitter are already butthurt

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No shit. How do you think he won his 5th.

absolutely based. what a great time to be an american who loves their country

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why the FUCK do you care about the media and ratings you fucking fuckoids.


Tiger the cuck. Has to give half of his 12 million win to his ex wife. Lmao


hmm, something tells me this gentleman did indeed vote for Hillary

>those glassy eyes
wtf did this dude snort half colombia or what?
he looks completely empty

>AOC will save this country.
by bankrupting it and implementing massive inflation?

>tfw ywn play a threesome with Trump and Tiger on one of Trump's private courses while they swap stories about banging pornstars

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yeah dumb bitch should stick to bartending and also stop pretending to care for the poor because she's actually from a normal income household unlike Mr TRUMP who's father had an annual taxable income of $0

>politicians care about people
you have be over 18 to post in 4chins

>lol dude fuck morals nobody cares about anything but money bro
how was ur first weed?

>Asians are based.

Asians overwhelmingly vote Democrat

Pablo straight scolded, based and kankerpilled

I dont give a shit how much money candidates grew up with
I care about their policies.

No, Ilhan will

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Fuck off leaf, this doesn't concern you

The leftist press will. They always do.

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Fuck any and all Trump supporters


the future is female and Muslim!

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I was surprised by that white beard, turns out it's real - looks like he dyed it for Christmas in 2016.


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Unironically based

Is kino back on the menu bros?

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get this shit to /pol/ and stay there

They are unstoppable. With grit and determination, anything is possible.

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Maybe there is still hope for this timeline.

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>paid for by rabbi schmuley
Fucking double furhers germanbro checked

who is brennan and how was keanu ever JUSTed and how did he UNJUST himself?

Zoomers getting shat on

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>Francesco "Surrounded by Mulanans" Molinori ass hurt about spilling the spagetti on 12

>known white nationalist Tiger Woods meets with racist and bigot

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My father-in-law is happy about the result at least.

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around blacks never relax

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why did you decide to post this?

looks like mac daddy santa is back on the menu boys

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If/When he gets cut in the PGA Championship.

what happened to the window casing?

Because watching golf with boomers is comfy as a mothetfucker.

Shade is down

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How much of the pot is he taking home, this was one hell of a redemption story

do your in-laws know you're posting pictures of them on here?

About $1.86 million ($2.07 million minus the 10% caddies usually receive) before taxes.

Do you browse Yea Forums with them?

Wait what, wasnt the pot $10 million?

nike is gonna have a field day with marketing. shifting focus from muh kap and muh pregnancy to tiger is fucking back

Yes, and the winner takes home 18% of that.

Well, nah, but good to chill with to watch sports on the teevee with. He was stationed in Germany in the 70s and played the football there, so he can at least appreciate the game.

Well, I just blurt out things that are posted here.
>let's see what crazy people on the internet are saying about this moment in the game!

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Tiger is a well known Uncle Tom.
Everyone knows this.

good for him I guess (I assume you mean real football)

where's your wife btw?

Yes, the real football. Shes doing the dishes.

>How long until the media starts to attack Tiger after this win?
Most people love Tiger: blacks, asians, whites, liberals, conservatives, foxnews, cnn....

Most people don't care that he banged porn stars/cheated on his qt3.14159 wife. He isn't going to get any blowback in the media from playing golf with Trump.

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based traditional gender roles

good to see it still exists in the US

He means Brendan Fraser. The guy in the picture he posted. He's an actor who used to have leading roles in Hollywood movies like The Mummy and George of the Jungle, but his wife divorced him and he had to pay big alimony payments, coinciding with a career decline. He is actually the origin of "JUST", which refers to the phrase "just fuck my shit up", which originally referred to Brendan Fraser.

Thankfully Brendan's shit is now getting un-fucked. His alimony payments ended a few months ago (pic related) and he now has a major role in a DC comics TV series.

I don't know the details of why people are saying Keanu is unJUSTed, but there was that meme of him looking sad on a bench, and he did have some badly reviewed movies (e.g. 2013's 47 Ronin, which was critically panned and lost a ton of money). But in recent years he's done the John Wick films which have been critically well reviewed. So that might be why people are saying he's unJUSTed.

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Well there's this

this but unironically, stay out of american politics you insufferable cuck

american politics are way too entertaining to be ignoring them right now

if americans want the world to stop caring about their politics, they should've elected hillary or at least elect some other "presidential" person in 2020 who won't be making mind-boggling, unprecedented headlines through twitter on an almost daily basis

Based Tiger sees through this fraud

>who won't be making mind-boggling, unprecedented headlines through twitter on an almost daily basis
Yeah, how dare Trump say good things about good America and bad things about liberals? He should use his platform to say bad things about America and good things about liberals like Obama did. That would make obsessive foreign countries (such as Germany) happy.

i know who brendan fraser is obviously

also, keanu reeves is not married
his ex-gf had a miscarriage and then died in a car accident (she was on drugs) a few years later, but that was already in the early 00s

he doesn't have any kids and isn't married, so he doesn't really fit in the same category as brendan and tiger, who both got cucked by their divorces

Why are Uncle Toms so BASED???

Because they see through the bullshit of black """"""""""culture""""""""""

calm down cletus, I didn't mean to criticize your beloved god emperor

what I'm saying is he's way too entertaining to be ignored
i, for one, will miss him once you elect another boring establishment shill who will bring back the previous status quo

also, him liking america is not what I mean by unprecedented, I mean more the personal attacks on random people (actors, handegg players, etc.), his obsession with the media and the fact that he's conducting his diplomacy through twitter

Im sure its already on Twitter

Actors and athletes aren't random people. The media is a powerful establishment, not some poor, defenseless babe. And Twitter is a tool of communication that Trump successfully manipulated better than his opponents.

You sound obsessed, Klaus. Please have sex.

>And Twitter is a tool of communication that Trump successfully manipulated better than his opponents.

and this is unprecedented, which is what I'm saying

if I sound obsessed, you sound confused
not sure if sex helps with that, but feel free to give it a try anyway

Stay mad soccer fans.

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I know you wanna be as politically polarizing as possible but I come from a family of liberals and know a shit ton of people who are politically left. None of them think like the sadsacks who wrote those articles. They seem to have some deep seeded issues they need to talk to a professional about. It's really not as simple as

And so it begins

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wtf I hate tiger wood now

everyone in power is a trump dickrider because they're all greedy cunts. if trump was black he'd be buried under a prison by now. fuck amerikkka. i'm not going anywhere you're going to have to come shoot me in the head FUCK YOU

>a professional golfer is conservative
Wow so surprising

I thought most of them were liberals

Why are blacks doing so much better under Trump than Obama?

>strong country club culture
>Strict dress codes for attendees and players
>Mostly old white people
>Almost every top player is from the south (UGA, Bama, Florida schools, OK State*, etc)
U fucking wot m8?

What makes you think they are?

Only the dumbest of goys will get mad at him for shaking Flumph's hand.

>He doesn't shalom in his home

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AOC facial abuse campaign ad when?
Also sports!

tiger is a cunt for many reasons, his support for trump just being the latest in a long line

Never liked tiger, but white-bearded tiger changes everything desu

>tfw your son will have ton of options of white, pink nippled, educated, red pilled virgins aged 22-28 who saved themselves for husband


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Lol they can't. This was one of the greatest sports accomplishments of all time. Definitely the greatest comeback of all time. Tiger is beloved again, bros. Everything is right.

But Trump is raciss no way he'd actually give a black chinaman a present.

Based and redpilled
Shlomo seething at being accurately portrayed as per

genuinely quite inspiring desu

My mate is dating a ruski bird who was a virgin at 20 when they met, and somewhat redpilled.
She told me it's a big thing over there

One semi-nigger won a golf tournament, duh.

He's black so that would be a conflict of interests.

I feel like asians are less influenced by their demographic compared to others.

Obama congratulated him too. It evens out.