>racially abusing him days before you play him
>racially abusing him days before you play him
Other urls found in this thread:
>islam is a race
You need to go back.
It is possible to be racist to a group that isn't a race. Words don't have concrete meanings for all of time but change with their use.
fuck off sandnigger, i hope porto breaks his legs
how can you be racist against a religion?
What kind of sophistry is this? Just because the media and the general public missuses racist doesn't mean that the word is applicable in Salah's context, especially when you could just call it insensitive or bigoted (ie edgy and funny).
>being racist against tolerant and progressive sweden
god i hate this country sometimes
Jesus was Muslim
In that case I just decided to change the meaning of racism and by my definition of racism, you're being racist. Dont expect me to define it by the way, I'll just change the definition to whatever suits my argument.
reminder that Mohammed sucked off a little boy and ate his cum
jesus was a jew
So did mj. All the goats do
actual racists
Inshallah we will win the league.
I can see youve never attended a university
Idk what you're on about, but I don't think swedes encounter racist social structures against their nationality
It seems to me that a majority now agree that it is possible to be racist against a religion, including public bodies in my country such as the CPS
If a majority of people believe 2 plus 2 equals 3, that doesnt make it true. Your country is an irrelevant shithole why would you even suggest that anything going on there matters?
Would have been another day of fuck all from Salah if Kepa wasn't so shit.
I can see you don't earn £100k before quarterly bonuses
its not about social structures, but the everyday 'casual' racism faced by people like you
not only was mohammed gay, but he stole and robbeb from merchants, he was a bandit, and according to the koran, mohammed should have had his hands cut off and thrown of a building, what a thieving faggot
Please do more of this opposing teams we need an angry Salah
>a university
salah should be executed, taking your shirt off in public is haram
>Oxford English dictionary for academic matters
Deary me.
If it doesn't matter you should calm down.
Those are social structures.
>faced by people like you
Interesting assumption
>nsfw board transparent image
Got him, folks. Please go back to where you came from.
Exactly, if Mohamed Salah were atheist he definitely wouldn't get the same treatment, right?
semites are a race tho
Crusaders Pepe and Militao will each break one of Salah's legs come wednesday.
>It is possible to be racist to a group that isn't a race.
>bbc football
>every second article is about muh racism
>go into a game article to see if anyone brings it up
>all muh oil club and liverslip
t. indio who follows christianity like a cuck
Going to University isn't a measure of intellect anymore, any dickhead can go to University these days, which you did.
deflect harder
You're not wrong but only because retarded wignats can't tell the difference between a muslim and an arab.
>>faced by people like you
>Interesting assumption
i was using "faced" in the sense of "caused"
Sure smells like seething in here desu senpai
Deflecty from what? That you are a sub-80 IQ inbred nigger?
You're right, but it's almost basically impossible to know how to think well without going to university.
Yeah, it's revealing that the Chelsea fans sang about salah and not mane
Well we're all racist
An athiest footballer from a majority Muslim country would be kino
The entire continent of Europe needs to be nuked.
>but it's almost basically impossible to know how to think well without going to university
The place where you get told what to think by your lecturers and where safe spaces began?
USA has a notoriously good education system
If you had been to university you'd know that it's nothing like that
you can always tell who has never been and just reads about marxist indoctrination on the internet
As long as it makes you feel better about your debts
Vast majority of mine is never getting paid pack. Cheers for paying for it
>Doesn't earn enough to pay back his student loan
> but it's almost basically impossible to know how to think well without going to university.
I really hope you're trolling...or maybe you're confused by the fact that most unversity graduates at least have a 3 digit IQ and are thus able to to form and express something like rational thoughts - but this not something that they learn in modern "higher education".
Concerning your other point, I'll give you that " you can't be racist towards a religion" is an extremely retarded argument. It might be true in an autistic sense, but that doesn't change the fact that the sort of people who regularly attend Chelsea games are in general mean-spirited alcoholic fuck-ups, getting a pathetic kick out of being edgy bad racist men at the ground every two weeks, but otherwise are total cucks. In this instance, calling them "racist" might even be accurate, but it's not like they object to Salah's haplogroup lol..they're just trying to get a reaction and pretend that they don't give a shit about social norms. If Liverpool was still a white team, they would find something else to be assholes about.
Lmao stupid
great, now we're linguistically fluid
UK everybody. Can't wait to get rid of that stain off my flag.
>it's not like they object to Salah's haplogroup
This is unironically what Yea Forums's finest brains think racism is in 2019. Is it not always the case though that racists always maintain that they are not racist? Quite pathetic.
What does this mean? Like a skinhead who hides it?
>implying university has value outside of math and science
He was a good host
You seem to have this Mohammed creation confused with a Penn State Youth Coach/Vatican Catholic Priest
Is this the famous high IQ American?
t. kek Chappelle
Alright Wang
*bombs your net*
no it's a linguistic familly
arabs, berbers, jews all speak a semitic languages but no way they're from the same race
>words dont mean words
>gender dont mean gender
>race dont mean race
>sexuality dont mean sexuality
kill yourself, i want off this ride
Are you being thick on purpose? Why is every right winger so stupid?
The correct word is religionist
>racism means discrimination and can be used interchangeably
Ameen my brother
>Good educational system
Stop telling bad jokes will ya?
thye are
northern africans are hamitic, arabs and jews are semitic
jews have significant indo-european admixture though
>USA has a notoriously good education system