Son only graduated from the middle school

Is the low education common to other football players?

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Used to be, they were goddamn cavemen back in the 60s and 70s. They're expected to finish atleast high school nowadays and the ones who aren't complete idiots study for uni during their off times.

Education is compulsory up until tenth grade (age 16) in Spain, although some students drop out before that. Many Spanish professional footballers have not completed their compulsory education phase.

>middle school education
>speaks at least three languages
here in germany half the people in higher education can't even speak proper english

Hard to succeed if you don't train/play fulltime early.

And if you're a crack you are already a pro at 16.

This nigga earns more money than your whole gen

Yeah, he can probably speak three languages because he had no other chance (no one in Germany speaks Korean, no one in Engerland speaks German or Korean), that does not mean that he can sustain a proper conversation about any other thing that is not football. I do not blame him, tho, if I had the chance to be a pro and earn good money doing something I like and am good at it, would do the same.


And most footballers go to sports specialised schools over here that get weaker performances in other subjects

Education is overrated

>earning money is the most important thing in life
Surprised this post doesn't have an American flag

Not all of them but yeah it is more common than not. On the other hand, there are exceptions. Socrates was a doctor, and Flamini is founder and CEO of a biochemical company. Only ones I know.

Isnt he only an investor?

Yes. Football is a real sport that requires you to be playing every day from the age of 4. The vast majority of players have to sacrifice education for success. It’s not like American sports where you can turn pro at 22 because the skill set is so low.

Co-founder i think.

>finish bachelors in mechanical engineering
>starting pay is 250e

>starting pay
>last for 14 years

Most football players sacrifice everything to become pros. It's pretty based I think, imagine you had the opportunity to live off playing footy. Literally a blessing

to be fair, that could be anyone in that picture

theres thousands who have the talent. most of them get injured before making it big. its not based at all

well not everyone can get lucky, would you want an unlucky player on your team? It's just life

Here clubs have the players finish high school in some private schools were they basically get everything handed to them for free. My sister had some Roma youth players as student.

We have special schools for teens that play sports at a high level (and a few wannabe pro football players that never make it)

>that does not mean that he can sustain a proper conversation about any other thing that is not football.

yeah It's not like the school "teaches" you so much bullshit that you end up memorizing it just to vomit the info on a test and forget about it the next day
anyways, young players playing for big clubs like barcelona, city etc have teachers in the training facilities where they live. they still need to pass the bullshit exams at the end just like any of us

This. I should have focused on football.

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