What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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probably being a homosexual playing a sport for women

injury and mental fragility

nothing. he had a glorious career and won everything.

>world champion
>euro champion
>cl champion
Nothing really.
He doesn’t play basebore though.

he looks basque but doesnt have one of those meme basque surnames

Never won a league title anywhere he played

his family is from Galicia

is that why the US women's national soccer team so good?

*wins everything*
*joins a retirement league in beautiful japan*
it's perfect, he didn't do anything wrong
if i could switch places with any soccer player, it's him

Torres: Based Castilian Spaniard

Busqets: Dirty socialist Catalan dog

Look. Just look at that disgusting animal keel over and squirm while a literal Spanish god slides in proud victory at the heart of the disgusting socialist shithole known as Uefalona. Yeah that's right, Uefalona. Their corruption runs to the top of the most hated orginization in not only football, but the world. Game after game the white Christian god fearing Spaniard stands tall against his defeated enemy. On all fours like a woman getting fucked in the ass, Busqets falls down humiliated in his own backyard. This is a moment that will forever be in Yea Forums history. TORRES TORRES TORRES

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nothing at all

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> wins CL
> golden boot
> wins WC
> wins ECx2
> cucks barca
> moves to based nippon over chink dollar

nothing he was perfect

Benitez broke him.

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>joined liverpool under benitez
>played really well under benitez for several seasons
bad post
it's this despite being a decent player all-round, he was really reliant on his speed, and when that went he seemed to lose his enthusiasm too

He never recovered fully from injuries because Benitez always rushes his recovery. He was overly reliant on Torres because his signings at Liverpool were generally shite. Torres’s alternative was David N’Gog.

There was something wrong wirh Chlsea desu, not the other way around

nothing he's the goat

Benetiz forced him to go to the world cup?

>Mickey mouse leagues are important

Should be pretty obvious. The knee injury at Liverpool fucked him up forever. How Liverpool managed to sell him for so much is a mystery to me, how could Chelsea's board be so dumb? From then on, he was practically MLS tier, barring one decent season at Atletico Madrid, iirc.

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>he won everything
>no he didn't
>well actually I didn't mean he won everything

He was always a meme hat got famous for meme goal against a shit German team and that allowed >Spain
to win their first ever European championship after decades of literally shitting the bed ith fantastic teams like in 82, 86 and 90.

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>you’ll never Torres post like you did in the Barca game EVER again

Fuck sake man, time goes fast

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God I didn't remember that one, Torres is absolutely shit

absolutely based

>Torres made 64 club appearances in 2012-13
Can't find any one who made more in one season, which is surprising considering how shit he was

haha holy shit thats actually true

What's amazing is that he has been so shit in Japan. His confidence is obviously completely gone, as is his pace but Jesus Christ, surely he can do well in Japan of all places?