Also /beav/ and /piano/
Kucherov to have hearing for boarding hit
Also /beav/ and /piano/
Kucherov to have hearing for boarding hit
Other urls found in this thread:
hockey is gay
go knights
your flag is gay
hope the teds take it all lads
My thoughts:
>Lightning - Blue Jackets
Tampa Bay's defense looks slow, but it would surprise me if they didn't turn this around
>Islanders - Penguins
Penguins have to stop the odd-man rushes through the neutral zone. Otherwise they will lose the series.
>Jets - Blues
This series is the closest one. Jets need to get one step better goaltending from Hellebuyck if they gonna comeback.
>Sharks - Golden Knights
If NHL wouldn't have such abhorrent refereeing, Sharks would've had a 2-0 lead. Sharks need to stop playing that risky at the offensive blue line, especially Burns, and need better goaltending. Vegas need Fleury to be the 3rd period Fleury this whole series.
If I was a Sharks fan I would consider shooting up the referee dressin room. How the fuck they made it a goalie interference when the only thing that was in the crease was one of Fleury's skates...
same, fuck the lightning
>get 8 (eight) powerplays
>get outscored on those powerplays 2-1
>muh refs
absolute fucking moron.
Laughing SO HARD at Sam atm.
Not as much reddit as your mothers rotten pussy you fuckning paki nigger scum. Don't ever @ me again.
Seethe harder, reddit.
Markus please do not throw the F word around here. We are all friends.
Some of those are actually pretty aesthetic.
I was especially talking about the goalie inteference you retarded spic faggot. Go back to watching niggercollide or apehoop like you did before last season.
oh yeah i forgot about sam. what a fucking loser lol.
for and any other objective retards out there:
Rule 69.1
This rule is based on the premise that an attacking player's position, whether inside or outside the crease, should not, by itself, determine whether a goal should be allowed or disallowed.
>whether inside or outside the crease
>inside or outside the crease
Digging this Swede tbqh
the call was interference because couture hit fleury in the head. it doesn't matter if he's in the crease or not.
Islanders have been fucking with the penguins well, but have kept Crosby and guentzel off the scoresheet as well. I know it isn’t going to continue, but this series looks in the isles hands. Penguins probably will be coming out VERY hungry on game 3 regardless
this is the aesthetic.
>all those brackets where blots win it all
>using redditor words
>call me a redditor
Oh the irony
>Tampa outscored BJs 17-3 during their 3 game regular season sweep
>be sweden
>be retarded
>dat bad hit
Yeah, he's gonna be gone for 2 games, maybe 1
Who is that handsome ossified gent in the middle?
Torts activated the trap
Reddit is absolutely boiling tonight lads
Kadri did a similar hit last playoffs and got 3. Kucherov should get at least 2.
>he didn’t make a crack bracket where tampa loses in the first/second round
Embarrassing desu
him? doesn't matter, he's not in the ploffs.
in my life, i don't think i've ever been as mad as sweden is at this very moment over the shorks shorking and kucherov chimping out.
So were the Teds just hiding their powerlevel all season to lull us into a false sense of security?
Where did you get this picture of Pettersson?
our year
Torts activated.
just the hungrier team desu
i earned it.
Torts making the Lightning seeth with his 1-2-2 trap
based fellow skellybro
Felt cute, might delete later idk
it's funny that Torts was the lightning's coach for their 04 cup
imagine losing two games at home already. jesus christ i'd ask for my money back.
So a goalie can skate to the the hash marks, stay down in butterfly position and get hit and a gaol would becalled off? Don't think so Ching Chang.
From what I see, Islanders have played a perfect game. They've barely let Penguins on the inside at all, and the few times Crosby or Kessel have been there, Lehner have been a wall. Lehner plays like a Vezina candidate while Murray does not. Hopefully, someone on the Penguins can skate around pretending drikning alcohol and make Lehner angry. He's an unbalanced dude and it would be funnier for the series to no be one-sided.
It was a regular fucking hit. When did hockey became a sport for poofters and it's fans such fucking pussies? he dumb Blue Jackets guy trried to reach the puck while on his knees and was at the boards. He is 100% hittable. If he doesn't want to be hit, he should no go after the puck.
Simple as.
What the actual fuck was that call on goalie interference in knoights - shorks?
was kind of expecting it from the Jets 2bh.
dab loose are just too good right now
Won't even give you the (You). You'd have to be braindead to think that was a "regular" hit.
read a rule book ahmed, you're embarrassing yourself
he's fucking pissed rn
read the rules again m8, i know damn well you saw the post, but chose to ignore it.
league cracked down on hits to the head in the latest collective bargaining agreement. you can thank CTE.
Nikita Poocherov and John Pooper absolutely seething
Literally IIHFWorlds tier call
Remember when we were somebodies?
>complain about refs
>still get 8 pps
>be -1 due to allowing 2 shortys
o i am laffin
>pathetically linking your own thread
That wasn’t a hit, he brushed up against him and Marc Andre faggot took a dive
>runs Yea Forums
>literally can't keep threads from getting autofucked.
>inhabited purely by dog fuckers.
yeah, nah.
Read my response again you dumbass dyke whore.
>Make fucking abhorrent call
>Try to make up for it by giving SJ a million PPs
>Abhorrent call shifted the game's momentum so much, it doesn't matter
The game was literally decided by that call
lmao @ tranpa gay
what a shit team
shit fans
shit everything tampon lame
Please tell me why anyone should give a fuck about your opinion? You will be in a niggercollide thread discussing Las Vegas Raiders by this time next year.
>Abhorrent call shifted the game's momentum so much, it doesn't matter
lol cope. not the knights fault they scored more on your multiple gifted powerplays than you did.
ya boiling. can't wait to watch you cry after the next few games too.
Will you be back on reddit by that time?
shut up you seething faggot
the superior swede plays for vegas
You've obviously never played a sport before if you think a 3-0 comeback being stolen because of a non-call to PPG wouldn't absolutely decimate a teams spirit
all your fanbase does is complain about life not being fair. your team is, has, and always will be, fucking chokers m8. imagine being reverse swept.
they played fine in the second though.
If you think that was a fair call in any sense of the term, you are the reason why the nuHL is how it is
What did he mean by all this?
I don't give a shit about Sharks or Golden knights you dumb faggot. But I do think that every spic fuck like you deserves to be gassed.
t. shorks fans complaining about an actual correct call, but refusing to admit their team played like shit after giving up 2 (two) short handed goals in their 8 (eight) power plays.
Bottom line is it happened and the series is 1-1. This is unfair to you because they have shit goaltending and you know you’ll most likely get btfo in at least three of the remaining games. I agree the call sucked but if your goaltending wasn’t so feeble it wouldn’t be an issue.
shorks fucking suck and will get bounced in the first, but fleury took a dive.
then shut the fuck up no one cares about your faggot opinion retard
The team played like shit and Vegas won the game. Still doesn't make that call correct
t. neutral knower
Keep saying that over and over, I'm sure the people who know nothing about hockey and are only here for the playoffs will keep regurgitating it to make you feel like you have people that agree with you
did they edit the top down image showing him being elbowed in the head too?
Consensus reached
it was the correct call according to the NHL rulebook. it was a weak call, but it wasn't wrong. he could've been 10 feet out of the crease and it still would've been an interference penalty because he got hit in the head. The rule was put in place to protect goalies behind the net. I could see the rule getting altered in the off season
there was contact definitely, but not enough to warrant the flailing around from fleury.
Imagine >your team not being up 2-0 right now
fuck that's degenerate
i'll link you to the exact rule again bud
Imagine rooting for a team that has so little going for it that you have to autistically defend blatant refpuck
I agree with you, like I said, IIHFWorlds tier call. They tend to shift their rulebook after controversial calls, but that doesn't really matter much. This puts up a precedent of goalies purposefully bumping into players in order to draw calls.
Isles are (were?) the underdogs even though they’re the higher seed
>Abhorrent call shifted the game's momentum
If 8 power plays couldn’t shift the momentum back, it’s the fault of their shitty team
t. canes fan, who has even less going for them than literally any other team in the playoffs.
>Skate out of crease directly into path of player
>Get hit
>Free GI penalty
But we’ve only played one game
apparently you're so retarded, you still didn't read the verbiage of the rule, even though i linked it to you.
the problem is that it was called a no goal on the ice. it should have been called a goal and then challenged for interference.
Shorks fans dont know the rules of hockey. We learned this during that one Bruins game.
Only been one game and your team ram showed some good life towards the end (though your six man offense was offensive in a bad way)
Good argument, have a nice 16th birthday
Rule doesn't explain how a penalty was added on top of the disallowed goal, dumb fuck, nice reading comprehension
> Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates INTENTIONAL or DELIBERATE contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.
Now stfu.
test cricket
this. there was no intent to hit fleury
>provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.
Vague wordage like this is what causes horseshit officiating in the first place
is played by "people" who shit on streets
>INTENTIONAL or DELIBERATE contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease
based retard proving himself wrong, you can take note too brainlet
>Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted
fucking retard.
>intentional and deliberate
It wasn't INTENTIONAL or DELIBERATE you absolute fucking brainlet, watch the game before quoting the rulebook like a big shot
>provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact
He made no such effort.
>elbowed him in the head
you retarded seethelads should get some sleep.
>/hoc/ after dark
*snaps at the end of the game*
you also snapped over him getting in trouble for snapping at the end of the game ya dummy
Being 2 feet in front of the crease doesn’t count as intentionally avoiding the goalie?
I wish I had a common flag so I could shitpost anonymously...
he doesn't need to. fleury was out of his crease. pavelski has the right to be there.
>Out of crease into path of player
>Player isn't looking at goaltender
>Moving out of way of Vegass player
I think your wojak reaction image says more about you than any amount of words possibly can
Not thinking about pucks deep and shots on net right now
It's on the player to know where the goalie is, not the other way around. If the goalie is 2 feet in front of the crease, you're supposed to notice it.
I lived in the sunbelt for a year, I fear its taint will forever be on my soul.
Staurday is beer day
so now that vegas fans have fully exposed themselves as second year morons, it's time i go to bed lads.
I guess you just missed when McNabb assed Coutures right hand?
t. Per faggot Bjurman
>i'm right
you dumb niggers can keep arguing, but guess who won the game?
the ref decided Couture intended to make contact with Fleury when he skated right at him. The point of contact was Fleury's head so he gave him a penalty. The NHL made these rules to prevent hits to the head. It was a weak call but it wasn't wrong. Bottom line, the refs basically gifted the Sharks plenty of PPs afterwards and they responded by giving up 2 short handed goals, so you can't really blame the refs for the outcome of the game when the sharks were playing like dog shit
>sunbelt arguing hockey
Flames will shit on either one of these trash teams next round.
Now no one can take you seriously
russians are fucking embarassing
>a levelheaded and fair answer
The rule is meant to prevent players from interfering with goalies getting back to the net. You think a goalie can just skate up the ice and the opposition must dive out of his way?
>The rule is meant to prevent players from interfering with goalies getting back to the net
where does it say that?
>the ref decided Couture intended to make contact with Fleury when he skated right at him
He had his eyes on the pcuk the whole way. The refs were wrong.
>you can't really blame the refs for the outcome of the game when the sharks were playing like dog shit
I've never once in this entire thread blamed the refs for the loss. I've only blamed the refs for that horrific call.
there is no "right to be there" rule. A goalie is allowed to come out to challenge a shooter without fear of getting clipped in the head.
shorks just fucking suck. they had plenty of opportunities to win that game.
bardown dudes are a bunch of faggots, but i'm in love with emilie, even though she's a hasb fan.
>I know more about hockey rules than you
You faggots want to keep arguing about a garbage call, or the fact that the shorks absolutely blow on both the power play and not letting vegas scored TWO short handed goals.
intent. we can argue about if there was intent or not. i disagree, but the refs didn't so who the fuck cares. that's not why they lost.
Why does /hoc/ always come running to the aid of nuHL officiating only when it's a shit call against San Jose?
A goalie isn't allowed to skate around the whole defensive zone and not being hittable
Because shork and knight fags are the west’s tampa and carolina posters
>e-everyone's against my team full of perennial choking faggots
I can't wait until we're the relevant california team again.
First shorty, yeah obviously the Sharts fault but what you people constantly bringing up the shorties forget to mention is the second shorty was after the Shorks were shook as fuck from the disallowed goal
where is that in the rules?
it was a weak call but it was legal for them to make the call based on the official NHL rules. I think the bigger issue is the inconsistency of calls. Some stuff they call right away and other things they let slide. There was lots of cross checking and late hitting in the game too that went unnoticed by the refs
>69.4 Contact Outside the Goal Crease - If an attacking player initiates
any contact with a goalkeeper, other than incidental contact, while the
goalkeeper is outside his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal
will be disallowed.
>A goalkeeper is not “fair game” just because he is outside the goal
crease. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case
where an attacking player makes unnecessary contact with the
You've got to be kidding me man.
now everyone shut the fuck up.
i never read what anime-posters say anyway, they have brain damage
>where an attacking player makes unnecessary contact
Fuck beanerheim. Denied us hockey kino in the battle of alberta for a shitty series with a god awful collapse.
>not unnecessary
Swedish education, everyone.
You're right
He is if he doesn't have the puck
yes, sweden, that's left up to the interpretation of the ref. you can disagree with it all you want but it doesn't make it wrong.
Kinda like retardation in your brain. Unnecessary, but you still have it
Nigga just move on from the call. I could go on about how bullshit the offside call is regardless, yet you still want to go on about this call. I hope calgary beats the shit out of the both of you clowns
As I've already said. Couture has his eyes on the puck all the way. The contact was neither intentional or deliberate.
That's weird, a post is quoting me but every time I look it's just a pile of trash.
>Couture has his eyes on the puck all the way
His fault for not knowing where the goalie is.
Nope. That's not hockey and nowhere in the rules does it say that a player have to know where the goalie is.
it's implied by the previous rules you've been shown.
This will be argued over by anons until the next set of games.
the refs make shitty calls every playoffs, this isn't new. the only solution is to develop A.I. referees that can calculate 100% accurate calls, but that's probably 30 years away. By then players will probably be skating on synthetic ice
i thought we were talking about deliberate contact
Shannon confirmed right call was no goal no penalty just as I said
>read the rules
You guys truly are dumb fucks
VGK in 5
hockey in less than 12 hours lads.
ohhhh yeah, the guy that doesn't watch the games.
>Shannon is always right
no u
>shannon confirmed
I would say Knights in 6, but I like your optimism
>synthetic ice
The horror
>jones spooked
>erik karlsson gassed
>vlasic dead
5 sounds tempting, but i'm gonna stick with 6 lads
That series is going 7. I just see the sharks and knights wanting to beat the shit out of each other and exchange blows
Sweden is seething hard today
There will be defensive lapses but the issue is that every other team's defensive lapses have skaters there to cover for them and the Sharks don't. Again, has Vegas given up a breakaway from the blue line like the Sharks have? No. Has Vegas given up the numerous 2-on-1's or 3-on-2's that the Sharks have? The answer is no. You cannot pretend that defense is not a heavy contributing factor to this game tonight.
But Shannon isn't allow to use the fuck word anymore!
>Every team went up 2-0 in their series today except the Sharks.
didn't think i'd enjoy the lgbtning get btfo by the teds this much
Rick Nash had some great highlights
it is pretty based i have to admit
I liked when kucherov hurt the Finn guy funny to see how mad they are when it's only two games in lol
I'm 2 for 2 so far lads
he's out for at least 2 games
Why is Laine wearing a jewish hat
>open youtube
>no good videos in recommended
>exact same videos, just rearranged
i thought i was the only one
Life is suffering
I started watching people fight in fast food restaurants so I get those and hockey videos
i think it's mostly because ted is banned.
The NHL had their obligatory bring your kid to work day. We're not sure who exactly is his dad, but my guess is Doughty.
Last year the Bolts played the Debbies in round 1
The Bolts got swept in the regular season by the Debbies
Grease would not shut the fuck up about it even when the series reached 3-1 and in the third period of game 5
Regular season means jack shit in the playoffs
Especially when teams purposefully rest their starters against good teams and say "take the points and fuck off"
The Bolts just aren't hungry
They will lose out in 4 and deserve it
A new study has found that
A revelation, for the casual retards
As a relatively unbiased viewer I genuinely believe that this call was made because someone higher up wants Vegas to win
...s-standings bitch...
then why did they give the sharks so many powerplays afterwards
These are shaping up to be one of the best playoffs in a while. Also
>a team that was heralded as the best regular season team ever is getting swept by a team that has never won a series, was outscored 17-3 during the regular season and said team will never be remembered as the best team but instead as the THE TEAM THAT CHOKED as their start player sperged out and got himself a 1-game suspension instead of 2 because of his start status
oh man I love playoff hockey
Anybody got a webm of the Kucherov hit?
Tin foil hat is back on. We have not had the benefit of officiating in ANY of our games against Vegas but I don't want to think there is corruption and favoritism going on..
Last digit is how many goals the Bolts will score for the remainder of the series
This bullshit call threw the game giving 2 goals to vegas. The refs again drastically shifting the momentum of the game and ultimately the outcome. I know the NHL competes hard with the NBA this time of year, but competing over shittiest refs? Why do i feel like the sharks always get fucked over by bad calls like this on home ice? Its getting uncanny, you can almost predict it. The NHL really must hate Thornton... like Acadamey Awards on Leonardo DiCaprio levels of hate...
shant negotiate with terrorists.
That's not a webm nigga
Happy to see us get the W, but, I've gotten hateful/harassing messages in two hockey threads the last couple days and honestly it's making it hard for me to enjoy my team and this sport because I'm always in these threads when I'm watching games.
Refs are never wrong.
desu sharks fans have noticed this happens a LOT VS vegas. some of the most egregiously lopsided officiating of the past 2 seasons has happened against them, like not even debatable to 30 franchises type of reffing bias.
as for this call... actually 2 bad calls, both resulting in a goal in vegas' favor. inexcusable and taints the entire series. sharks will have to win an extra game vs the refs.
>repeat for rest of the day
>go to sleep
>hope I never wake up
One of these nights has to be the last, desu famalam
>tfw my get is gonna get Tampa possibly swept and Jon Cooper fired
Honestly feels bad because I actually like Tampa especially my boy Stamkos.
Guys how do we unironically fix Tampa Gay?
>Tampa sports
Pick one
push it somewhere else
we don't lad, we just laugh and ridicule them for months, if not years.
the numbers have spoken.
I can handle it
Jagr 1999 vs. 2019, still unstoppable
What an idiot
why would he do this to
>nutuvaara :D
How do you think that Game of Thrones will end?
>pierre talking about hedman's chirp of how the blue jackets choked a 2 game lead last year
don't care about the teds or lgbtning, but i hope the teds sweep em lmao
>Lehner being elite
Good start, these playoffs are going to be fun
for me, it's the retarded /aaf/ fags getting hyped over the relocanes losing.
I have crippling depression and dive deep into different sports to distract myself from it
also Go Knights!
when's the kuchys hearing and do you think he's getting anything?
Why.jpg did the Bolts give up?
quads confirm
should be soon. bet he gets 2 games.
Oh boy yes sir can’t wait to be in Brooklyn again!!!1!1!
>Hedman's mouth writing checks his ass can't cash
They deserve to be swept
Checked but we have no idea what the guys on the other side were also saying. It's just Pierre trying to stir up shit among fans.
>shit teams like the Jets are gonna get swept
>half decent teams like Minnesota don’t even make the playoffs
literally hiv positive
Love ( laughing at ) Vasi
Tampa Gay blew a 3-0 lead
finlan runS this genreal
Kuuko Kaaka is a bust.
Probably about half the remaining cast will die off, at least one major death per episode. Jon and Dany both die. That smug cunt Arya unfortunately lives, as does Sansa. Best we can hope for at this rate are memes
Whats the point of a record breaking season if youre gassed by april?
To be fair knights vs sharks is the best and most even of matchups. Most predict it'll go to 7 games
dupes fans into buying season tickets.
>3 (three) threads up at the same time
never change /hoc/
The meme?
>have to give a team a regular season trophy because an 8 seed will probably win it all
>change classic format into a semen slurping one
>losing 2 at home to Ted from Akron
laughing SO HARD at the Tampon Gay LGBTing
>losing 2 at home to Ted from Akron
surely you jest
Just shagged a gril lads, took a pic and everything
did it burn
don't underestimate sunbelt teams on the road, since they have no fans they use away games to imagine what it would be like
phone poster begone
No grils showering
Reminder that (((repeat offender))) is a ridiculous predictor of the length of a suspension. Kucherov should get 3 but isn't a repeat offender because he received no discipline for his hit on Vatanen last year.
it wasnt a hot gril?
What kind of faggot actually takes the time to sit down to use a computer to shitpost
>faggot time zone
Cut it out right now "fren"
>tfw phoneposting from work
uh oh, least coast is up now lads. it's time to FUCKING SEETHE.
It’s 9:30 we’ve been up for hours
Up since 5am
Teds in 3
No u
Pacific is objectively the best time for hockey.
I'm thinking Turnbull has a conky
It's called Eastern STANDARD Time for a reason, you AIDS faggot
>A bunch of beaners and hongcouver
>Best time zone for hockey
Isn’t pacific also called pacific standard?
gril was scorching hot
weird, no one on the East Coast is seething about not knowing the rules
only the West Coast and Sweden
For me it’s based Atlantic standard time
central and mountain are objectively the best
For me it’s moon time
>games start at 11:30 PM
not based at all
for me it's hammer time
For me it’s pizza time
Yeah, they're just seething over being in the shittiest timezone for hockey in north America because they're used to it being made up to them by having everything in "their" time. Now that it isnt they whine and bitch like a bunch of children and I'm not going to change it. Ever. So you can bitch and moan pointlessly forever.
Thinking of beer.. Should I get some? Also
>the best finnish artist
East coasters are both seethers and liars
Someone would lie to me on /hoc/? now I’M seething
What beer Pekka?
I have 17 Lappari's
Petition to welcome Finns back to /hoc/ and banish Swedes.
petition denied this is a finnophobic general
Alright, guys.. what's going down..
I mean, what's going on.. you know?
>do ya know?
>first game today starts in 4 hours and 44 minutes
Submitting new petition to just banish swedes then.
great idea
>t. High council member
Came to discuss hockey and you retards are arguing about timezones, take that dumb shit to reddit
Hey at least the first game should be goo-
Man fuck this. Only SHIT games on tonight
pacifinigger spotted
You must be new here
So, wait.. does that mean people of Swedish origin can't post either??
Cause I think my Grand Dad was swedish
>doesn't even know his own ancestry
shut the fuck up muh heritage mutt
>not even a member of the Council
shut your own, at least I'm asking the real questions over here
the only good weeb is a dead weeb
just gonna put this here
/hoc/ says no to racism
Give it to me straight /hoc/
Do my blues have what it takes to go all the way?
c-can finland win? ;_;
Good morning /hoc/.
Carolina is gay and bad at hockey.
If you wanna be the meme team that loses to a metro team this year that’s fine by me
>says the finnigger
You’re winner to me Finland
>the state of Canada's pp
good post. the only race is the human race
Where is the love /hoc/?
you spend all day thinking about Canadian pp don't you
no lol
3rd period collapse incoming, canada will literally throw their bodies into the net with the puck to tie and win it
or otherwise they will be the 1st womens team to miss the gold match which would be pretty bad
Reminder people who say death to weebs are worse than anime posters
Imagine being mad at anime on an anime website.
Knights would probably be their biggest threat, not sure how they've matched up through the season though. So yes a meme run is possible.
Doesn't everyone?
you're both getting it on day of the eraser
>no Poulin
>now no Turnbull
Okay retard
i'm not mad at anime. i'm mad at weebs.
>Jackets take 2-0 series lead
>Islanders and Blues also up 2-0
>Knights/Sharks even 1-1
avs will take game 2. you heard it here first.
*seething weeb voice*
Okay retard
The absolute state of Bolts.
If you hate weebs, you can always head back to r*ddit
finland is beating canada so I'm pretending to care about women's sports
>implying that trash reddit team will even get a game
Finland loses again in 3..2..1..
This is the Minnesota mindset
>Going to the bars to watch the hockey games
>They're already over by the time I get there
Kek west coast faggots.
>tfw blots ruining your bracket
Why did I think thing would be different?
>he didn’t have the teds winning the east
Have you paid any attention to hockey the past two weeks?
almost anything goes
I thought they would slump mode afterwards.
Tampon Gay is the /cric/ of the nhl desu
Wondering how much Vegas payed the refs. Maybe that’s why ticket prices are so high for Vegas cuz they have to pay back the refs
finland winning kanada
Imagine not liking cute girls
How can one team be so #based and #redpilled
Nigga vegas beat the sharks. Sharks had EIGHT MF ABCDEFUCKING power plays, and gave up TWO short handed goals. The sharks crapped their chance to go up 2 games. Refs had nothing to do with this besides a very stupid call, but move on from it
>get 8 power plays
>other team scores more goals on those than you do
The ABSOLUTE state of California hockey
no goal
Hgfdejjkuyfs356ugxe hey finkand will kappo do well for rangers
whys there a little boy refereeing a world championship playoff game
Hhaha 54578r32 hajahaya funnyyyyyyyy9999
99 hretky
Is this Finnish?
getting tired of your shit, mountain jew
>Shittsburgh and Tampa both out in the first round
Add Bombston and I'll be content with that result
t. Bolts fan
really cant expect anything else than canada about to score
the pressure is just continuous
Add caps and the east will be perfect
Add in laffs losing in round 2 and I will cum
kanada shit worse than finlan :DD
If a goalie gets hit before the shot, it's interference
Holy shit binlan
How do I get a qt hokkei referee gf?
4/62 :&
the sunbelt getting assblasted is there anything sweeter
>womens hockey player named "nurse"
>[LeBrun] Kucherov’s phone hearing with Player Safety was held this morning already. Everyone awaiting decision.
here we go :)
Isn’t it Darnell’s sister?
1 game
You heard it here first lads
Finnish GM.
norway is not sunbelt
>leafs losing at their own game
Could be 3, should be 2, will be 1.
>the absolute STATE of Canadian “””””””””women”””””””””
You're next.
I think she’s a basketball player
cant wait for seething canadien dykes complaining about the non-goals :DDDD
gary hates europeans but loves sunbelt teams, what will he choose??
oh no they’re watching women’s “hockey” again
GREAT posting from Finland
No one in Canada cares about women's hockey. There's a reason their leagues fail
Kanada btfo
>in our home league those would have been goals
>in international competitions rules are much more strict, less physicality
can imagine it already
*blocks youre path*
not so fast findaldndn
>finns are only left with dykepuck now that bulbust and lainbust are ded.
sad. soon they'll also be >rags
>invent sport
>be fucking SHIT at it
Is Canada the England of hockey?
>win first game 6-1
>lose 2-4 now
what the fuck happened to the canadian dykes
>you now remember Sweden beating the US in 2006
>watching womens "sports"
I swear if its going to be just 1 game they literally just dont want to ruin the series even though Kucherov has been wearing an invisibility cloak so far
it should be 3 games atleast due to how blatant it was and dangerous
For me it's seeing blonde ponytails poking out the back of helmets and bobbing around the ice
women’s volleyball > women’s hockey
It’s top cute when it’s the goaler with the ponytail :3
They’ll give him 2 so the blots can pretend they have an excuse when they get swept
It's also cute to see them smile through the cage as it covers their face just enough to hide the fact that they aren't as cutie as you hoped
It should be 3, just like that kadri hit last year. Bolts have looked like total ass, so if they want to wake up, they better do it now or risk getting eliminated by Columbus
Can we start the hockey already
1 more hour
go make yourself a sandwich and take a quick nap
shant be making my own sandwich
shall be ordering one online from publix
3 hours, dummy.
Yeah but publix has been replaced by kroger now
In the long run this is the best outcome. Finland on home soil + a change to win gold is a better story than a gimped up Canadian squad. They executed really well today and frustrated Canada bigtime. Congratulations
oh shit you’re right
Canes caps start at 3 though
Shut the fuck up incel
im honestly just wondering what happened
did our coach put all the players infront of replays of canada matches and watched them all day and night while drinking es?
>afternoon playoff games
Can you imagine?
oh fug our women lost to the women from binlan :DDDD
the eternal finnish-russian love-hate relationship, ever since isoviha (except alexander 1st was based :D)
Fuck now we are going to channel more money to some fucking women's hockey because of this win. Fuck you canada.
For me, it's biscuits and gravy
i am going to go hang out at the library and do some reading before hoggei maybe pick up an agatha christie book for some comfy poop reading :)
>tfw don’t have that plate in front of me right now
If they would start selling the used jerseys of the players more I would be all over that with my hard earned sosiaalituki
sitting on my back patio drinking a morning beer soaking up the sunrays
Are Blackhawks a contender for the most Reddit team in the National Hockey League?
It was good
How did matt murray win two Stanley cups?
that's gonna be a yikes from me, lad.
Canada confirmed for cucks
I'd rather have them sell the used pelvis protectors
>that pic
Yes I think that solidified it
by stopping more goals than the other goalies
>Asian kid in Vancouver mad he's hung like Verne Troyer
>Chicongolese unironically agreeing
why do bugmen like self-deprecating humor so much?
t. trashville predditcuck still seething
focus on winning games cuck or are you still obsessed we won the lottery??
Did my post strike a nerve? It sucks Jamal took your gf, but I'm not even a Nashville fan lol
>everyone who hates me is nashville
good afternoon leafs nation
t. buttmad blackcock fan who remembered that he is the one who made that reddit post
It's cope
hello friend
bitch marner and autism trashews cant even grow playoff beards. how am I supposed to bandwagon that team
Yeah heavens help your team has a shit season and gets blessed a third pick. I hope kane gets arrested this offseason
Uniroinic chances Kuckerov is not suspended? Need to know where tthis betting line is suspended
>reddit fighting with reddit
*betting line is movig
get a grip and grow up
>russia lite
Japan is welcome in my /hoc/
For me, it’s having an american or swede as your netminder
refugees are also welcome in your women
minimum 1 game atleast, though if slavnigger-mode is wanted to be culled from the sport, 3.
>a leaf in charge of banter
respect my dubbs
They are also welcome in the back of your net
thinking about buying a commemorative shirt celebrating >my team winning the resident's trophy this year
Congratulations to Finland and the Golden Knights. Two great teams in the sport of ho key.
two time world champions, I would take winning the world cup over >dykepuck 100 times over and if you are being honest, so would you.
There needs to be more porn of her.
Kucherov suspension when
>world cup
When was the last time Sweden won the world cup?
They just won the IIHF championships last year
I wasn't even born the last time Canada won a Stanley cup
never. good hard hockey play
I mean odds are there is. Also can we all agree animated>3d porn
That's not the world cup