Playoffs have truely started!
1st round, 2nd game(s) tonight
Jackets @ Lightning (1-0 in series)
Penguins @ Islanders (0-1 in series)
Blues @ Jets (1-0 in series)
Knights @ Sharks (0-1 in series)
Let's go!
Playoffs have truely started!
1st round, 2nd game(s) tonight
Jackets @ Lightning (1-0 in series)
Penguins @ Islanders (0-1 in series)
Blues @ Jets (1-0 in series)
Knights @ Sharks (0-1 in series)
Let's go!
first for threepeat
Let's go blues
Missouri more like misery lmao :spooky:
leafs nation includes all of canada
I'll allow it
Blues fan from central Illinois checking in. Where did all the Blackhawk fans go ?
back to raddit finally
tampa bay more like grandpa's gay ahaha your nana and I are getting divorced
Except white heterosexual males
Who else comfy /rain/ for their game
my problem with /hoc/? too fucking gay
that pic is Missouri as fuck
so is this /hoc/
even st louis has a qt or two
/Buffalo/ here , nice spring showers
Look up the abomination that is St Louis style pizza and despair
i bet its probably better than chiraq pizza
strip clubs outside of town are pretty gud though
>t. Trashville Predditcuck who has never bean to Chicago
there's skyline chilli in ft. Lauderdale?
They don’t even use mozzarell they use this weird processed bullshit
>@FlutoShinzawa: Jake DeBrusk is not practicing
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
what happened to hughes lel
i-is he bust?
/hoc/ 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the sunbelt, both man and beast and the animals and the fowls of the air; for I repent of having made them. Amen
>It's real
literally means nothing during the ploffs
>/hoc/ not mentioned in OP
good afternoon leafs nation
>yfw the Isles win da cup
>expecting more from some gay dane
where is his big honking kike beak, everyone in Long Island is a Tier 100 rabbi
>the Teds win 15 games in a row
>lose 4 in a row
I'm sorry :(
good afternoon
Holy shit, you're right.
Utterly unacceptable. It's fucking amateur hour over in Legoland.
Bergeron missed a game last year and the Leafs still lost
Im a Laffs fan but im still not confident in this team
>everyone in Long Island is a Tier 100 rabbi
it doesn't say /hoc/ you stupid yuropoor kiddie diddler go fucking die
The islanders are fast becoming the Seattle Seahawks of the nhl
I washed my face with a new kind of soap and now I’ve broken out all over SHANT be watching the game at the bar tonight
islels get blown out tonight but the series still goes 7 cap this post
>Im a Laffs fan but im still not confident in this team
nice false flag faggot we're winning the cup
someone make a proper thread with the proper /hoc/ subject line. Incompetent Danes FFS
here is a /hoc/ thread
What do we think about Star Wars?
Nothing fuck off to Yea Forums
Wow, just wow. I can't help but laugh at the play.
>pooins fuck up on the powerplay
>Marner goes in on a breakaway
>DeBrusk trips him from behind
>he slams into the boards injuring himself
>Marner scores on the penalty shot
It's like they demonstrated over a 7 second span of what not to fucking do.
the eternal dane
go knights
Off chance but does anyone have any Niagara Ice Dog memes?
anyone watching the game tonight haha
I don’t think Panthers fandom extends that far. Even Naples pulls for the Bolts, so it’s not like all of Southern Florida is for the Panthers.
It fucking snew today in Winnipeg
Harsh times yo
Blots nation ready to play actual hockey tonight.