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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw wanna replay but I'm too lazy to apply all the fixes to get the PC version up too par and pcsx2 wont let me apply the widescreen patch for some reason

I just managed to run it on Linux this week. I gotta get the save game editor to work properly too so I can get my Zebra Cab with blue bumpers.

I tried to play the PC version but i got to the hydraulic mexican car dancing mission and cant figure out how to fix my keybinds to beat it.

It's just changing the 2 with 8 on numpad or doing what I do, just do it with the inverse controls.

isn't that in san andreas

I dont remeber it being in SA.

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 109K)


that's san andreas

>that flag
>that post



Doing stunt jumps while Sister Christian was playing in the radio was fucking great.

Attached: 1535536350737.png (681x440, 268K)

That's SA. The Mexican guy you go up against in that mission ends up dating CJ's sister (or maybe he already was).

best game

Oh fuck youre right. Im fucking retarded.


Yes you are, but we figured from your flag.

driving at full speed in highway with "running down a dream" on the radio was awesome.

VC > SA > 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > dogshit > 4

Wildsyle, Fever 105 and Flash FM were the only good radio stations on VC. Rest of the game was pretty great though.

Just fucking remake it already Rockshit


It's perfect as it is, a remake would ruin it.

>not GOAT


I'm the monkey and you're the cheese grater.

they're too busy coming up with skins to sell on GTA online

the thing i liked about 3 is that it didnt have a map
so u had to actually remember the streets

Current gamers would hate that so much

>Wave 103 wasn't the GOAT GTA radio station

Attached: soy.gif (413x243, 51K)

I can't imagine San Andreas with GTAV's movement system. it's too stiff and slow in comparison because R* became obsessed with realism.


these are the yuros that ruined the board

Whats your favourite radio stations on each GTA you've played?

GTA: Radio '76 FM
VC: Fever 105
IV: K109 (weakest radio stations in GTA)
V: Worldwide FM


1. Wave 103
2. Flash FM
3. Fever 105
4. Radio Espantoso
5. V-Rock
and then you get the power gap. No other game had so many good radio stations at once.
>muh SA

SA has on their top tier K-DST, Radio X, K-Rose but that's it. Radio Los Santos is not incredibly brilliant.






what went so wrong bros

By the way, EFLC > IV radios on most cases, save for Vladivostok.

GTA V is not a bad game, but it will never have the Nostalgia flavor VC and SA had. We grew up playing those games and naturally we'll feel them dear to our heart. And those kinds of games are so out of place now, specially with the possibilities you can have in modern videogames. Players are looking for self-insertion and customization of everything and would not be easily impressed with a Cuban Hermes shooting fire from the pipes when they can make ALL cars shoot fire from the pipes on modern GTA.

why are the new GTA games so shit in comparison to the kino days

the only good station on IV was on the PC where you could play your own music lel. although just or unjust on the talk station was funny.

idk, i think it's also the story lines

you grew up

*blocks your path*
>also the lead singer is gay
>also he's cute

Too realistic.

Attached: GTA 3D universe.jpg (1100x286, 386K)

fuck me learning 3's map as a kid was a glorious experience, I can still remember every street and corner like I lived in the damn city for half a decade. bully and GTA3 had GOAT map designs, fucking rockstar needs to go back to those days


>rating 4 that low
There will be CONSEQUENCES

this, the old GTA had absolutely retarded fun stuff, then 4 fucked it up by wanting to be like call of duty.

this mite be true but I played LCS/VCS recently for the first time and they were better than 4 and 5 imho. same for bully, I got on it in 2014 and it was fucking dope, 10/10
also I fucking love TBoGT even tho 4 wasn't that great for me

IV is shit

The weapons in TBoGT and recruiting a bike gang in TLatD should have been in GTA 4. That would have made the game more fun to play.

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The biggest disappointment was how you couldn't modify your character in IV.

In San Andreas you could have a buff muscular guy or a fat fuck or whatever you wanted. It was a big disappointment to me that there wasn't a gym in IV.

they could have made 4 work if it has a better story

a bunch of eastern euros building up an organized crime empire, while mildly hinting of some dark war past is good enough for a story - you dont need some 2deep4u messages about war and children and bla bla
but they went too far with the 2deep4u stuff

IV was rushed, that's the only conclusion anyone can take from this. It has a less ambitious and shorter timespan where the events happen. It's almost like the games and episodes happen within two months while Vice City and San Andreas takes place in over a year.

TBoGT just put a lot of fun that 4 took out back into the game with it's crazy missions and fun side stuff. it also made me like a gay character, haven't experienced that since omar in the wire, go figure.

albeit I might be biased because I always wanted to play a GTA style game where you play as a bouncer

No it's not. Sure, it's not as good as the 3d era games, but is still pretty good.

>tfw used to get blowjobs from my 13 year old gf while playing this(I was 17)

so much this

No, you're wrong, otherwise people would agree with you.

>waah stop liking things i don't like

Attached: sete a um.jpg (634x620, 190K)

>Porn & GTA threads are the only civil threads on Yea Forums


they should have made TBoGT the main GTA4 story and made niko's story the shorter DLC. 4 didn't have enough going for it to carry on for so fucking long as it did
desu I agree with him, I was one of the few people who defended 4 on release, for all it's faults it was okay and when it wasn't annoying you with shitty controls and retarded bowling calls, it was pretty fun, also great modding framework. but all those Yea Forumsedditors who now try to act like 4 is the best shit ever are fucking annoying, they'll do the same for 5 when 6 is out

doggo threads are okay too

what should the next one be about

Vice City but it's likely they will do a 4.2TB monstrosity with many cities, including new ones.

only thing 4 did right were the physics

III: The Scarface songs one
VC: Wave 103
SA: SF UR or K-DST idk, GOAT soundtrack along with VC
IV: Vibe
V: The one with Phil Collins


Making use of the cell phone was a good idea.

gta: brooklyn underground fm
gta london: sounds of soho
gta2: funami or kgbh, cant decide
gtaiii: msx
gta vc: vcpr
gta sa: bounce fm
gta lcs: lips 106
gta vcs: flash fm
gta 4: dunno aint properly ripped all the music out yet with dj comments and merged into a file... thank you wassname open gtaiv or whatever program strips out the rpf and converts them to wavs
gta v: as gta4

was 4 the first one you could swim in?

SA you eejit

san andreas and VCS both had swimming

inb4 mods can it and ban everyone who posted in it


yea bring back Vice City
I wanna hear the monstrosity that is a 2010s South Florida rap station
>Lil Pump
>Ski Mask the Slump God
>Denzel Curry
>hosted by DJ Khaled

a GTA in London has a tonne of potential too, but I get why the Housers wanna keep it in the US (accents, them being Scottish and having that 3rd-person perspective)

1. Wave 103
2. V-Rock
3. Flash FM
4. Wildstyle Pirate Radio
5. Vice City Public Radio (you wouldnt think a vidya talk radio station would be so funny)

VC: Wave 103
IV: Liberty Rock
V: Soulwax FM

yeah i just remebered that mission in san fierro where you have to get on the triads boat or attach bombs to it or something.

You now remember that GTA: VC swimming mod, that shit was pretty fun.

Didnt play it a while lot but any of you experience doing a mission, finishing it while the sun was setting and "Crocketts Theme" comes on over the radio? That was 100% perfect

the internet wasn't so big when I was a kid I spent literal dozens of hours searching for the cheat code to swim in vice city because I was firmly convinced they wouldn't make a game where water is such a big theme and not have swimming in it

good times

VC: VCPR or Wildstyle
SA: Playback or SF-UR
VCS: V-Rock
IV: Electro Choc
V: Worldwide or FlyLo

>this starts playing

Attached: 1554846914917.jpg (750x750, 33K)

I'm surprised how the mods didn't get rid of this thread yet

guess they're not total scumbags
who knew

IV is absolutely terrible. I don't think there is a single redeeming thing about it.


Attached: 1466024523676.png (644x644, 18K)

best driving mechanics
... for me at least

>ragdoll physics
>some of the best driving in the series
>good, original story
maybe its cause I played it on console but I really enjoyed IV. multiplayer was fun too if you had someone to play with

Everytime I went into multiplayer, everyone was at the airport killing each other.

I remember on the first friday or saturday this game came out, my friends mum rented it for him from blockbuster and we had a sleep over round his and played it all night. *sips* yep...those were the days.

>work through lunch to leave early to buy san andreas and play it through the weekend
it was a golden age
>decade plus later
ill actually finish it one day

I remember buying San Andreas and the people at the counter gave my parents a hard time. Not so good times


>want to play video game as kid
wahh too violent go study
>want to play video game as adult
wahh games are for kids go work




Imagine if they released an HD Remaster

They're riding their fat people scooters to the store to get hot pockets. They'll be back soon and you all will pay.

>A shipload of vodka just sunk, I'll be on air few minutes more then I'm- I'm not staying on air, this ridiculous! This vodka just sunk.. The vodka sunk! I'm going out of here! This- Look, Prodo, Prodo.. Pro- I'm leaving now! You stay here- Do it. I've been doing this for hours! You do it! I'm.. sick of this! Di-Ri-Ridiculous, you idiota. Forget-a! Prodo, if you listening- GET IN HERE! I'm going break your neck you little bastard prick! Get in here because now is your turn! Okay- This is Bomba Tomba, I say good night. This man, is- I am.. a man of my word I will kick your little.. spindley butt! Okay, this gone- I'm done. This, forget. I've got vodka down- If you want to get free vod- vodka, you have a snorkle and things like this and wetsuits come down we go getting some vodka.. Down at docks it slips.. anyway, I'm gone-
>If you read on the card you'll be cheating on your heart. Bomba Tombaaah, Bomba Tombaaah!

where do u get the PC version, do you just torrent it

bought every gta game out of respect

Steam, it goes for literal cents every summer/christmas sale. Or if you want it now, Pirate Bay.
>waaah I can't download torrents in my country without a torrent loicense
We told you not to vote for brexit.

which is everything

maybe vice city rage will actually get finished before they get hit with a C&D

at the very least, the current development team for it is romanian, so rockstar can't really do anything to stop them, I think, and they're still active
well, I got it on steam during the rockstar humble bundle, literally the last good humble bundle.

but the steam version has songs removed so that's just one more extra step you need to take in order to fix it. might as well just go full pirate

>6 years in september since the last gta came out
curse gta v online. they wont bother doing a new one till that cash cow is milked dry.

blame take-two, they sucked the soul out of rockstar

Online was only fun when you have a shit load of online money.

I want the next GTA to be in London, where you get 1 star if you don’t bin your knife upon request

baltimore and you play as herc/ellis partnership (completely FREE choice as to who you play, no forced switching)

fund it rockstar

even possessing a knoif is an automatic 5 star offence

This, Michael and Trevor were straight up annoying, while Franklin was kinda meh. And the world felt so bland and empty, can't think of a single location from it except that movie studio and the strip club.

Apparently Ubisoft are making the next Watch Dogs in London
Wonder how that will work

4 is unironically GOAT. what a city, love the driving and the atmosphere

Althought this isn't specifcally a GTA question but does anyone remeber that game on ps2 where you were a cop in mahatten and you had missions as well as free roam stuff? It was kind of like GTA but you were on the other side.

>play as member of some unnamed soccer firm
>larger emphasis on improvisation and ammo management
>smuggling firearms and drugs an important part of gameplay/missions
>6 stars gets you SAS response
>final mission has you thwarting a terrorist plot and getting pardoned by the queen herself for all your criminal activities
would b fun desu

also they could make a play on SAS and call them air secret service (ASS) kek

True Crime?

i do like the idea of a gta where the only weapon you can get at first is a kitchen knife or a claw hammer and you cant upgrade to a gun or acid for ages lol

>smuggling firearms and drugs
And porn licences

VI NEEDS to be set in Tokyo

also insulin and antibiotics

yeah, thats the one. i was trying to think of the the other day and i couldn't remember what it was called.

>6 stars gets you SAS response
that would be fantastic
>random vans pull-up and npcs pile out shouting hut-hut-hut-hut wearing full body armour with automatic weapons

They already made a London GTA. It's 2D though.

There is also The Getaway. A fun game for the PS2 which is set in London. It's more like Mafia though. Really wish Sony would fund another one now that this whole open world meme is so popular.

didn't true crime give you the option to play as a bad guy too though? or was that only the new york one?

I tried to get it to run on a modern OS a few weeks ago but to my surprise I couldn't get it to work, and I played much older games on this PC, weird

fun fact, they mapped areas of london so whats in game is actual streets of london as at the time

>driving is the biggest hassle
>U WOT??
>Cockney gangs
>West Indian gangs
>East Indian gangs
>grime station hosted by Chimp Westwood
>dancehall station
>Kurupt FM garage station
>classic British rock station
>BBC-style 'light programme' station
>Britpop/90s station
>multiple electronic stations

and TV licenses

would be cool but any GTA outside of the Anglosphere would be difficult to master. same reason a Moscow, Italy, or Hong Kong-based GTA are nice ideas but impossible

I wasn't a fan of the more realistic driving. GTA is about weaving through oncoming traffic like you're Devin Hester returning a kick, with the cops on your tail and never once letting go of the x button.

Yeah, it's one of the fun things about the game. Was really excited when they did that London demo for the PS3 but nothing ever came from it.

>>larger emphasis on improvisation and ammo management
>>smuggling firearms and drugs an important part of gameplay/missions
these are cool
also, imo, staying safe in terms of doing things in secret - i know this is not a very GTA thing, but still this aint the 80s, there's cameras everywhere

>Hong Kong-based GTA

Attached: sleepingdogs.jpg (1600x1200, 1.65M)

this game was pure kino, like yakuza meets GTA. the DLC was great too

Three part map of like Tokyo-HK-Rural SE Asia set in like 2080 might be cool. I think I'd rather have GTA in space though. All the good historical settings have pretty much been exhausted at this point.

It's a shame that the studio is no more.

>youtube is suggesting me gta videos
fucking datamining gook

>Hong Kong-based GTA
>Everybody speaks perfect English
>Most Radio Channels are in English
It was only a Hong-Kong setting in spirit

vidya of the songs and stations or vidya of people playing gta?

nvm im retarded
i clicked on the radio video itt

sorry based jap

>vice city
>not SA
Yep, this is the thread.

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