
ATL: Foltynewicz slated for one more rehab start
DET: Castellanos day-to-day with sprained toe
KC: Hamilton carted off after outfield collision
LA: Seager diagnosed with hamstring contusion
LA: Muncy leaves game due to apparent injury
CIN: Sonny Gray diagnosed with bruised left calf
ATL: Braves, Albies reach 7-year, $35M extension
TOR: Nationals' deal with Bud Norris falls through
LA: Kershaw (shoulder) to start Monday vs. CIN
SEA: Jay Bruce (heel) could pinch-hit Thursday

Attached: 1554930706754.jpg (433x650, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:




already a thread up:

you just aren't going to stop making new ones until you get your way huh?

>The Padres signed Machado and are 7-3
>The Phillies signed Harper and are 7-3
>The skankees are 5-7
>The who sux are 3-8
>the cusb are 3-8
Is the key to winning signing 300 million dollar contracts and not whiffing on them?

says the guy posting in mlb thread #FIVE

Attached: cubsbear.gif (320x348, 133K)

go make another thread sperg

>made a fifth thread when there's already four
>you're not the sperg
kill yourself

>your team
>your ideal daytime game

is this the thread

this is the thread

>white sox
>one where we win


this is incain

>your 2019 National League Champions the Cumberland Baseball Braves

Attached: chip.jpg (593x885, 266K)

it's an /mlb/ takeover!

>6 threads up

dont encourage this

Pretty sure most of them are the same guy, lol. I wonder what happens though.

Look instead of posting in this thread calling OP a faggot, take action and post your own MLB general too, if we get a bunch the mods will have to delete all but the one with most posts and is oldest. Therefor all of OPs generals will be deleted, as well as the others.

Dude fuck off


I only made this one thread. The guy who keeps making it makes another one each time I think, I'll probably just stop posting these and let him have his way.


Make it yourself then retard

the genny is under siege!


Attached: pengwings.gif (280x196, 126K)

Guys this is just a rest year for us. We just won the world series so we are preparing for our next run at it in the next couple years.

Attached: 1524021927385s.jpg (125x87, 2K)


>linking a dead thread

Attached: hjgfjhhgf.jpg (219x252, 8K)

>old thread
no FUCK NO go to my thread

Ignored, THIS is the real thread

based real thread sending houspie into a threadmaking rampage

we need /hoc/s assistance for this rampage!

said the guy who made five more threads

Houspie sighted!

>make five threads
>get called out
>just call them houspie
brilliant strategy

t. houspie thread maker


This is crazy

Cobb Pkwy Braves

>The Mariners homer in 15 straight games to surpass the 2002 Indians for most consecutive games with a home run
did the 2002 indians make the playoffs?

Shoo shoo nazi frog

Prates @ Cubs

this guy spams "houspie" if he doesn't get to make the op. don't encourage his autism, meeting up in the thread with highest # of replies/ IPs

that thread was active for 3 days and you just bumped it, nah

A reminder that it's NOT a real /mlb/ thread if it uses the following
>refers to itself as a general
>gives itself an edition
>Uses MIL instead of the real term MLW
>Use uppercase for mlb

If it fails one of those requirements it's not a real /mlb/ thread.
That is why this is the real thread and the rest are pretenders.

fuck off

i just picked the thread with the most replies, there were three more threads made when the last one died and this one was the latest, and clearly the most autistic.


you sound upset

retard alert

Seems you haven't been around for a while. The 3 threads you looked at are made by the same guy

This is cwaazy !! :333

/mlb/ make ya seeth?

Attached: mlbseethies.png (821x589, 301K)


samefaggies takeover!



I'm humiliated


Attached: fry.png (603x452, 188K)

Fuck /hoc/ and fuck yurojanny

Attached: 1554837997293.png (584x590, 73K)


For God sakes please, please, please post more new threads so OPs and other non mlb general mlb generals all get deleted

you'd need a coordinated effort

Realistically if you did it and 9 other of the people who saw this post did that'd make around 18 /mlb/ generals and they'd have to do something

why though?


Attached: 1476421843711.png (566x800, 305K)

love my centralbros...

Attached: centralbroship.png (4680x1652, 2.85M)

Based centralbros

Thank god the astros were taken out of that gay broship

get this hothead out of here


Real thread. Don't mind if I do

the dad's are in first place

chaddies run the nl west now

Try 7th.

It's a chaddy chad world

mad at the chaddy's?


there are too many generals but this is the only thread doing this. this is the worst thread.

Bitch I'm a Memeiner, we're currently raping everyone.

this guy's going ham!
"dodgers wi-" BAM!
not today!
"HEY! what was that f-" POW!
may as well bow to ya makers
the chaddy's that is

sorry I didn't know

No worries.

my bad

It's all good.

do you think they're legitimate this year?

We have 24 years of rage built up, and we're 15 games in with 13-2. I think we do.

maybe you can only be good whenever you get a high profile jap free agent

Naw, its a bunch of decent n00bs with something to prove.

based, I'll root for them to win the division. would be nice considering they were projected to tank

We truly appreciate that user.

>all of these posts about a minute apart
makes you think

this is insanity

It's called having a conversation ya dingus

I'm 627,715,778

scuba kek scuba


>gets called out
>uses his cell phone
>gets scared
>doesn't post again for ten minutes
there is no way you're old enough to post here

Been on the 4chebs since 2007, you?

listen I was just having a conversation with a mariners fren you don't have to be so rude

Here here.


Attached: A969C32D-7DD8-4A77-B8BD-E8B1EEE57CA8-35651-00000DF19D6DE8E4.jpg (269x388, 88K)

>red sux

>exactly 60 seconds apart
Caught again.

Kill yourself, spamlord.

this is the same poster

Attached: 1547666489113.gif (129x171, 1.45M)

yes, those are both my posts, to which I'm replying to different posts. You're point? oh, autism? Sorry to hear that user, well, anywho....

>the same guy is calling out the OP for spamming his own thread
nothing wrong with that. you know what's wrong? spamming your own thread to keep it on page one.

you're having a conversation with yourself to bump your own thread. you got caught. you have aspergers and you need to kill yourself immediately.


Naw, was having a convo with a padres fren, it went on for a nice bit, then you jumped in sperging out throwing shit against the walls claiming injustice

houspie spotted by hubble space telescope!

Attached: houspieh.png (787x683, 1.04M)


this is untrue, anyone not a newfag would have posted screencaps. you're caught. own it. you're pathetic.

fuck off already retard

Goddamn you are an autist.


Attached: m-wo.png (534x629, 112K)

We're goin to the top!!!!

holy based!

sea aboard

Attached: 3021b3e.png (460x696, 293K)

Poor Rangers, you used to be so good


>5th Place, not bad

>just replies to himself to keep the thread on page one
Holy Fucking Sperg

Attached: sperg.png (700x750, 42K)


Yea Forums, are the rasy the best team in baseball?

Attached: 7A9CDE05-9740-41B1-8B92-E0D3DC900156.jpg (1000x667, 114K)

>still hasn't figured out timestamps
That's fine, makes it easier to spot you sperging out.

alright, but you'll still claim I'm responding to myself by other means

Attached: (you).png (336x152, 5K)

Rays win the WS19

expos fans would kill themselves

He's obviously a fucking retard, replying to him feeds his gang-stalking autism

Mets be like: scoring 6 runs noises

>red sock win

Attached: 1534990155390.jpg (425x315, 74K)

GG Barves. I respect the Barves. I detest the Natpos with my whole being.

can everybody report this thread pls mods should fucking delete it FFS

where are the rays

whats more likely to happen tomorrow, someone hits for the cycle or Chris Davis gets any hit?

I can respect these starting pitchers going 7-8 IP... I can't resepect starting pitchers only going 5-6...Mmmmm..nope.

this tho

this is the most active thread
you lost

chris davis hits for the cycle off red sock starting pitching then red sock win

/mlb/ seriously we're the best sport in America why haven't we done this yet

Attached: houspie.png (1280x720, 701K)

No Texas games today.

Attached: idk5.png (337x253, 146K)

Can we all just celebrate the sheer awesomeness of baseball's offense this year? In al teams, bringing in new fans, and returning the glory of America's greatest sport


you mean the one that hasnt had a single reply in half an hour you fucking idiot?

have the balls been juiced again or do pitchers just suck nowadays

Attached: houspieseeth.jpg (960x895, 339K)

Brothers, I got a 32 inch curved monitor, and now I am funposting from the Starship Interprise

Attached: csm_Menno_Appelhof_5fe2772f85.jpg (400x600, 87K)

I'm voting for balls juiced

A. my team beat the houspies in 2015 ALDS

B. 200 more posts isn't more active????? ? ? ???? im drunk as fuck right now and yet i can tell the other threads more active u autistic OP

im a royals fan from lawrence, can I come over and admire your battlestation? Ill break the brauts senpai

That thread has been passed up by two other mlb threads.

Attached: autism.gif (498x290, 490K)

>200 more posts isn't more active
no, its not stuoid
if no one is posting then its not active
threads been open for almost 48 hours and still hasnt hit 400 posts

i odnt understand how this tracker works

>your team!!!
>pudding ice cream or yogurt!!

>posts new thread after current /mlb/ thread
>complains about thread posted before current
what a fucking loser

ya mad?

No, only because I had a long day and I'm going to edge for 6 hours.
Unless you're a girl or willing to pretend to be one

does your shitty team compel you to drink or is it poor life choices

>im a royals fan from lawrence
My boys just raped your boys

>ice cream

Houspie is in the thread!

im going to stop talking to you because you are clearly an idiot but i just want you to know that youre stupid


our team is against edging or masturbating though ill be your girlfriend if u want. im a hairy dude tho and not currently in KS

we need inspector godgers

#blessed girlfriend bro

enjoy ur dick jerking bro

what the fuck happened to hamilton today?

someone get this guy a snickers! he's usually #blessed

Attached: 6b1271569ae6e2a1c65526b123a8a7eb.jpg (369x522, 45K)

Attached: Autistro.jpg (1455x919, 312K)

Dads laying down that Dad dick in the desert

some kinda injury he's #unblessed


Fucking based

the chaddy's are not showing any mercy

does your team compell you to be a retard or is it because you can't tell the thread with more IPs posting is more active? Or is it poor live choices

Godley's got 8 K's through six too so it's not just bad Dbag pitching. Padres just have that middle inning magic lately.

houspie is larping as a based roylies fan!

this team would be undefeated if it had even average starting pitching

Attached: y4togjmm1rr21.jpg (300x291, 18K)

Attached: 1553238923885.png (410x293, 218K)

Im sorry I was being really rude for no good reason

>goylels fan

>Blaming houspies fans for this fact
Why would you post an /mlb/ thread when 2 Threads for /mlb/ other than the current one we were posting in were active unless u were retarded?

houspie has lost it!

How did this team win a world series?

T. Chris Sale

Hello. #blessed roylies fan here, and I believe your boyfriend.
What does it matter who posts where? /mlb/ is taking over. It's a new jack city. We should have 10 threads. Crossover memes. Thread #4 for anime ONLY. No baseball.

They didn't play anybody good all season

Attached: we want boston.png (616x475, 423K)

h-h-ho-hol-holy-holy b-ba-bas-base-based-based !-!!-!!!-!!!!-!!!!

Attached: 2w840l.jpg (500x756, 101K)

>4/1 A's 7, Sox 0
>4/2 A's 1, Sox 0
>4/7 Sox 1, Dbags 0

demoralized from bad pitching in other games

but 10 threads breaks up our threads b-baka we need everybody posting in one thread together united to be the strongest that we can be! it's the ONLY WAY

Cubs win!
Cubs win!!

Attached: Cubs Win!.webm (472x418, 817K)

Sure. Keep telling yourself that if it helps.

See ya tomorrow mariners

Attached: tbh.png (4500x4332, 204K)

I'm a based cubbies fan and this is NOT the thread you sperglords it was posted WAY after more active threads

We just post all over speeeee now

Attached: mxk56hupogpuda9gmkuo.jpg (1600x900, 169K)

no FUCK no!

M's bro here, and this is NOT the bread fuck NO

Nah, this is it.

Attached: memers1.png (502x373, 242K)

>Albies for 9 years at less than 6 million a year

fucking Hell, I might have to submit apologies to Anthopoulos

So much this

Cubs fan here! This is the thread!

I second this.

Also Quintana with 7 shut out innings.
No trade backs.

Attached: 9wzCHbXijrzgxTXnY1TwNnl5LXahIoExBZCPFiDq5La4tH9B_Gm6yWVHKSuoUfx96pOgGbnlYI1BFgz2u3fyoXw=w232-h131.gi (232x131, 784K)

I'd rather have eloy and cease

You should have kept Fernando Tatis Jr.

please (you) all your posts in this thread




Cibs piss me off

You actually you'd all your posts. Kek, blessed Cubs fan

uh. actually these two are me, liar

what are the possibilities that the marlins will set the record for futility in a season?


liar spotted. mods get this guy out of here!

This is the MARINERS! thread friend

Attached: Mariners!.jpg (277x623, 33K)

That would be the Royals

how many of those years are arbitration?
still a ridiculously team friendly deal

>This is the MARINERS! thread friend
Yay! Memeners finger-pointing cunt.

sorry I didn't know

sorry I'll leave

>not a general

he would have hit arbitration after the 2020 season

>Victor Caratini May Have Suffered Broken Hand, Could Miss 6-8 Weeks

and he was just starting to hit

Thanks, Jays

Pillar is ELITE

Attached: 1534210758269.jpg (456x619, 59K)

So far his BA was .571 with a 1.647 OPS. He is one of the most reliable bats. Plus the Cubs have always been light on catchers after Ross retired and Montaro got deported to the Blue Jays. Gimenez was hot garbage and Avalia was okay but they're both gone.

holy based

Attached: 1554052947859.jpg (1440x1130, 108K)


Rank my standings

Attached: Untitled.png (642x271, 19K)

hes only had like 20 abs




Ah such a good feeling lads

Goodnight my fellow chadre fans

Attached: tony-gwynn-smile.jpg (900x600, 52K)

>1st place
feels good

Attached: padres-orange-logo.gif (545x417, 18K)

t-the ch-chadres s-scare me!


Based catholic team won


chaddies own ya



Attached: cut.jpg (960x540, 123K)

Yes, fellow goyim, no reason at all

feelio when big dick pete is why you've gotten gud

wheres that rizzo faggot eh

Attached: Collins.jpg (970x992, 139K)

Let's Go Censors *clap clap, clap clap clap*

censies are taking over the building!

hello, is this the mariners appreciation thread?

Attached: 1493950872067.jpg (167x270, 13K)

i will NOT let you post video of the steakies on MY watch!


Attached: aaaaaaaaa2.png (645x640, 755K)


Attached: 1487959965321.jpg (960x960, 191K)

*owns ya*

Attached: portland.png (2055x2256, 3.43M)

ok good, glad im not lost.

Attached: 1492051011424.png (547x717, 125K)

the chickies have made a snuff film of them destroying the steakies I repeat!!

get the heck outta here chickies moron

Very cool & chill thread baseball bros

sorry sometimes I get ahead of myself and don't take others feelings into considerations. I'm trying to work on my flaw as a person but at the moment I am getting help. They say the best part is to recognize your flaws and then attack them head on to become the best person that you could possibly be. I sincerely apologize for everything and I hope we can move past this and continue to flourish in these threads. Thank you for reading this.

Post yfw Padres/Mariners WS

Attached: 1334292581155.png (351x327, 159K)

Attached: angels2.png (468x550, 432K)

And he's been smashing it, he was a two man wrecking crew with Heyward in their win against the Brewers.
I'm sure there's always the chance they'll call up taylor davis,

On the flip side, the Iowa Cubs enjoyed a walk off home run.

the Vedder Cup will finally be a reality

Attached: 1532087300007.jpg (720x439, 47K)

>the los angeles bullpens of anaheim

>the world Yea Forumseries

Attached: unnamed-3.jpg (525x294, 12K)

How badly are the Yankees going to spankie Giobusto tomorrow?

>6 threads
so based amirite? xddd

>ironically xd'ing
holy based!!

2 of them are houspie though

chicago OUT
tardnals OUT
stankees OUT
lastros OUT
bosux OUT

Attached: Registeel.png (580x534, 70K)

Houspie is in his full glory!

He did a great job proving to all of you that generals were the problem if anything. Now just watch the whole board die its slow painful death we've all been waiting for.

How does it die if we're here forever?

>be me
>ironically xd on the chans
>boo yah
>pwn'd em
>he's getting mad
>but wait
>now everybody walk the dinosaur

I'm ready to be excited about the mariners, but not unless they can win the series against the astros this weekend.

XDies to the genny!

i want to KILL an xd poster!

you don't know who made them, but weve all seen you spamming this one thread all day. this is kwazy!

Thread wars are lava hot!

mods are asleep! post anime!

This, based, but PLEASE make the anime sexy & hot

>samefagging again
Do you ever sleep, sperglord?

Samefaggies to the genny!

samefaggit takeover!

How are you posting as me

this is madness !!!1

He's really going berserk this time

>your team
>your favorite shitpost

>spamming the thread

Based Baystars
Wojak edits!

Attached: houspie3.png (495x495, 432K)

this is insanity

I demand satisfaction


Attached: rags15.png (620x620, 817K)

Attached: Bustani.png (694x511, 596K)


Attached: 1549509687549.jpg (1000x600, 189K)


Attached: Capital Punishment_3.jpg (3840x2150, 1.36M)


With the Rats:
6-16 career record and 5.11 ERA.

With the Rays:
2-0 mark, 0.82 ERA, and 1.000 WHIP.

The Chris Archer trade will go down in history as one of the worst and one of the best for their teams.

Attached: 2_bei5VHvBW333om.webm (720x720, 1.18M)

but CHRIST is the food good

does anyone throw both a cutter and a slider?

Good morning my fellow chadre fans

Its paddack day :3

Attached: USATSI_12464939-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 60K)

Reminder that Mariners fans are celebrating having a best record like they won the world series by beating the under .200 royals, the under .300 white sox, and the under .350 redsox.

Wooooow it's literally nothing


ya mad

Morning, you goofball.
Feels good being in 1st for the first time in 8 years.

Attached: Dad Fan 2.0.png (225x250, 5K)

Another reminder to you all those shitty teams which are shit rn all have a world series win after that time the Mariners choked away the only relevant thing they've ever done in mlb history

Yes it does my friend, let's hope paddack throws a gem and doesnt get too high into his pitch count too quickly like in St Louis. Looking forward to another good game

I'm done. Fuck you

This is an outrage

I hope for that as well. The Sneks are good hitters, but I don't think they are as good at using fouls to run up the counts as the Cards were. Plus they haven't played Paddack yet so he might be able to use his stuff to play with them a bit longer.

Does anyone know why the mlb tv app won't let me listen to games anymore? It was fine last season but now immediately stops the playback as soon as I start it. Streaming video is fine but audio doesn't work for any games.

The bullpen is doing great this season.

Try updating the App?

Keep us updated on your trip user. It's sounds like a lot of fun and Im jelly as fuck.

>The chiefs copypasta

Hmmm... Very interesting.... Very interesting these thread wars are...

people now won't answer my dumb questions in two different threads

>tfw got chicken nuggies from chick fil a
>qt cashier at the drive thru said "enjoy your meal"
>"y-you too"
please just start the game already

Attached: 764030787_1676744.gif (400x353, 100K)

try posting it in a third one

>Overpaying for chicken at chicken places

is there anything more pathetic than people who waste money at chicken joints? Their prices are such scams for whats the cheapest meat around. Just get and bread your own chicken nuggs and cook em. It'll be A. Cheaper, and B. Delicious

If u dont know how ask

but I got waffle fries with them and some sauce

u can make ur own waffle fries 2 user

What's the question, England?

Yes there are pitchers that throw cutters and sliders

why doesn't anyone throw a curveball that goes up instead of down?

figure out a way for that to happen with a baseball, asshole

start facing away from the mound and jump and do a flip, releasing the ball when your upside down

sorry sir, I didn't know...

Why did you not pick a webm of him throwing against Major League hitters instead?

333rd for The Washington Baseball Eagles

Attached: screech_by_kubitschekf12014-d55vom0.jpg (806x992, 133K)

The nThread Wars must stop. Who volunteers to drive to Texas and kick Houspie's ass?

>another yankee on the IL
Why is this happening

Attached: E30F9AE0-C19B-42D0-84AB-BFB3E2DFA6EC.jpg (250x221, 17K)

Are you the seething KCfag that replied to my post yesterday? sounds like you're still thinking about the Mariners.

Attached: seething KC guy.png (450x288, 22K)

hi houspie

this is what happens when you phonepost. do it again and Judge tears his acl

I'm not Houspie. I'm Natspie.

Attached: nats ball girl.jpg (1280x720, 81K)


Apology accepted.

Attached: nats dog 4.jpg (1000x667, 366K)

>Imagine doing anything but posting from a phone

Attached: Virginity+level+9000_a1ea88_3540650.jpg (700x923, 142K)

Thread wars are over and Houspie lost.

The red sox will give Chris Davis his hit tonight.

Have sex

This is getting desperate now.



Attached: Sigh.png (1440x1312, 187K)

angels @ cubs

Based sigh poster

Check the OP a little closer senpai

LAA vs. CHC game is UNDER WAY

which one?

Anthony Rendon>Bruce Hooper

Attached: nasts rendon.jpg (225x225, 7K)

I signed it. White Sox fans don't deserve this kind of abuse from an owner that bad.

Same. The based Central broship stands together.

Doyers fan here.

Attached: 1476481430734.jpg (323x387, 14K)


How's it feel watching your window close and another power rising in the NL west?

I respect the Padres as a franchise desu. Everyone else in the NL west has my eternal hatred.

Attached: 1476419768230.png (534x627, 42K)

Has Loria ever had a petition against him? Has Reinsdorf surpassed Loria?


Well you're a little less hostile about it than most Dodger fans on social media that's for sure. Respect bro

How long before a complete teardown?

Oh this asshole's asking for it

>yankees right now

Attached: legendary.jpg (901x1024, 141K)


They'll still sweep the whos though.

>muh rangz are gone, beating the Chicago White Sox is the new mountaintop

Why do the yaks make their players shave?

It seems so draconic

Are a royals fan?

You'll never replace Godgers at this rate, "inspector".


Attached: DzZjyuFW0AAB1f7.jpg (1080x1080, 228K)

>tfw the Mariners accidentally win the World Series in the first year of a rebuild

Attached: seattle.jpg (640x640, 71K)

>yfw they start collapsing before the all star break

That's some >mest tier delusion, right there.

It's based on a policy that George Steinbrenner made in the 70s, where he said players couldn't have long hair or beards. Moustaches were allowed. Idk how strictly it's actually enforced, other than Mattingly no player has ever really tested it.

The mets collapsed at 11-1
The mariners are 13-2 and still going

the mariners and the mets have the best records in their respective leads

*respective leagues

>not even tax day yet.
>mest and >memenars jerking themselves off again after their predictable hot starts against shit teams.
Ahhhhh Spring time.

True, the Mariners record has been inflated by garbage opponents like Boston

you sound upset

Found the doyals fan.

Attached: 1501049740994.png (780x564, 132K)

Upset? I'm laughing my ass off, but not as much as I will be when the bottom drops out.

vogelfat is the real deal

the mests actually collapsed at 12-2, the loss that brought them to 11-2 and the subsequent win were just regular games
their godawful bullpen and inability to come back showed up in the bottom of the 8th against the nats on april 16th

Attached: 1554953263342.jpg (294x361, 58K)


uh yeah vogie owns ya
boom boom vogie pwns ya
hits one far into the seats
mariners take a 9-8 lead uh

This year's Mets are actually good. They have real power hitters (Alonso, Conforto, Cespedes), along with some real contact hitters (McNeil, Nimmo, Cano) to carry their offense. Once Lowrie and Cespedes come back, and Cano starts hitting again, they might have a top 3 offense in baseball. This isn't even taking into account the pitching.

uh vogie brings the ownage
meanwhile his homie runs bring the pwnage
ya pitchers era just jumped up
oh yeah vogies buns got me pumped

Cubs win!
Cubs win!!

Attached: Cubs Win!!.webm (472x418, 621K)

Why is /mlb/ so autistic

Let me tell you about sabermetrics.

Attached: 65486856_p0.jpg (694x840, 170K)

sabie metrics here!

oh ya i just own'd ya
n i just put a pwnage on ya
speak to me, no ya place ya pawn
im the king
cept I can move like a queen
o ya betta bing my name
befo you come at me like this a game

Attached: 205301_marist380591_115747-780x791.jpg (780x791, 122K)


the black pill has been dropped!

>India brings attention to the /mlb/ thread wars
>Suddenly all the other threads except this one slide off.
/mlb/ now! mlb/ tomorrow! /mlb/ forever!
Take your generals and broships to /nba/.

Why won't you guys accept the M'sies are realsies?

With 10% of the season over they are dominating. This is long enough of a time to realize it's happening. You're going to come back next month bitter as fuck when they are 39-6

You played the roylels (2-10) and the whos (3-9).

Want to explain instead why you think they're good when they haven't even played an MLB team yet?

sorry I will accept it now.


t. Doyals

No explanation it is then.

Royliestro has been spotted!

Attached: hey fras.jpg (256x256, 17K)

This morning I quit and deleted my account from my team's official fan discord.

I woke up and realized that I couldn't live with myself using applications and tools that are owned by (((them))). It was overdue to put the foot down. I hope my story inspires others.


I love Ji-Man Choi

Attached: choi.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

Pray for Yu

does Albies know how badly he's fucked up?

the big red downward arrow v yankees gamethread

Please don't waste Yea Forums thread slots on who sux threads.

How do you delete a thread?

Why are you on this site created by a jew then you fucking retard? Kill yourself.

moot wasn't a jew, he was a cuck. sort out your memes m8

Johnny Damon's change in appearance going to the Yanks proves they enforce it or at least did recently.

I think it was 15-5 after that's when the winning percentage nosedove

whats for dinner tonight M bros? i'll be making a pizza.

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What are the reasons you have masturbated to a baseball player?

Some girls in baseball pants can be very alluring with the right figure.

do the foul ball girls count as players

You're fat as fuck! Of course you'll get it all over your nintendo controller too

Fat motherfucker! eat healthy


>do the foul ball girls count as players



hi where is the royals thread

Fat fuck go fry!

bruh that shit steal was amazing
dog bless the tribe

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most indians and royals fans have better things to do than post on 4channel

answer the question bitch


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>indians and royals

It's off 4channel.

They definitely aren't watching baseball

then i guess im stuck watching it with you

based gordo hit a first pitch dinger for a cancer kid

Sorry sir

Sorry sir i have no idea

6 runs in the first bois

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how many will the bullpen give up?

hopefully enough to keep the potential 160 game losing streak alive. its the only reason to keep watching this team

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Gordo gonna try to hit a cycle for a cancer kid tonight

>he has autism AND down syndrome
but somehow he sells his own popcorn

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Stopped by the Woodinville Costco for a Chicken Bake in preparation of the impending classic battle.

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Eloy's first two career home runs tonight in the bronx:

phillies win!!!!!!

Broors @ Doyers

>in the bronx
For a second there I thought he accomplished something. But keep trying whos.

mariners shitstro thread????

Damn that 446ft short porch.

They should just bring back Polo Grounds!



This, meme stadium

LOL Davis


shit team shit franchise


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Astros @ Mariners



>A's / Rags

Attached: rags29.png (552x559, 367K)


How many errors will the Indians have this game?

>rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags >rags


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Would be Royals if


you now recall Royals prospect Jimmy Gobble



baseball is the thinking man's sport

oh shut up
how many other players openly refuse to hustle and cleat opposing players?

The Marines have no pitching. at best, they'll finish with like a 77-85 record and 3rd in the division just ahead of Anaheim

where he's from, $5 million a year is a godsend

Nimby genocide when?

at least he hasn't been charged with fraud yet

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yeah they own ya
m&m bros pwn ya
make ya seeth like you wouldnt believe
gonna meet up in the world series

Attached: mets-mariners.jpg (442x206, 21K)

The most wholesome sound in the world is Nimmo klonking out a hit

why do you write/post these

Wow you just posted the worst world series imaginable I didn't know it was possible

based centralbros

Historically what's the best expansion team

expansion when?

Adam Jones is a bitch

Attached: Adam.jpg (600x600, 80K)

Machado is a trash human being.


Dbacks or Marlins

mets baby

>Game called in the top of the 7th
Everyone laugh at the New York.


More like kike york

Is it our year?


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New thread soon. Steel yourself /mlb/, the pretenders will try to beguile you with their fake threads.

Here come the spergs. Oh boy.

Houspie in the house!


Don't worry guys, I got this.
Just don't make any thread before 499

Just report them and carry on with business as usual. It's not an issue.

I trust you

Attached: Gallie.jpg (900x600, 69K)

Almost there...

>if you don't like Macheato you racist!!!
Hahahaha Adam Jones is a bitch

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It's away!

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none of them now that I think about it

I'm so happy we had a peaceful transition of power this time.

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>every thread that I dont make it fake
You're not even trying to hide it anymore

Hey guys. It is clear that we are now experiencing the Dawn of Eloy as he now has a two home run game under his belt. 425 and 446 feet respectively for estimated distance based on exit velocity and launch angle. What is flying under the radar is that Eloy now has an on base percentage of .360, which is considered between "above average" and "great" in the Fangraphs sabermetrics library. My quick question for you is how far away could the doubters of Eloy be at this moment and how much further could they run away before Eloy goes on his hunt for glory I'll hang up and listen.

I still can't believe the Astros picked Mark Appel instead of Tim Anderson.