What is happening in his head?

What is happening in his head?

Attached: twain.jpg (400x320, 62K)

I suppose not very much since Messi would take a lot of space while he's living rent free there.

hopefully a bullet passing through his cranium

Mental illness

hopefully very soon

Could be worse, at least he's not a smelly vaffanculo

Based and favelapilled

Just ignore the posts and threads, it's not hard to do.


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t. Alfonso

It's not the same person
How hard is it to believe that not everybody likes thisbuseless midget?

t. Jordi

he's too smart fo us Yea Forumslebs

He is actually trying to redpill you on the fraud that Messi is, but seeing that you are teens you just dont want to see the truth because you are in a rebelious epic phase XD
You will grow up soon amd realize this.

>It's not the same person
It's been proven time and time again that he samefags with proxies all the time. There is a clear and noticeable pattern of the same few flags posting the same threads using the same image hashes "coincidentally". Last year he shitted up the board with a Canadian flag then disappeared and came back as New Zealand. He's a pathetic mentally ill autist. Coupled that with the fact that he pays for a Yea Forums pass and a proxy just to shitpost about Messi almost every waking minute of his life and you have someone on the level of autism as UTVstalker.

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Glorious NWO

Attached: TWAIN the cuck.png (585x111, 7K)

here's the urgayan autist too

wow wtf what is wrong with him?

It's funny that people here generally believe it's all just one guy