Where is he?

Where is he?

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at the wheel

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Somewhere in a field, photosynthesizing

Darkness imprisoning him
All that he see
Absolute horror
He cannot live
He cannot die
He cannot drive
Trapped in himself
Body his holding cell
Tree stump has taken his sight
Taken his speech
Taken his hearing
Taken his arms
Taken his legs
Taken his soul
Left him with life in hell

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in preparation for the 2020 F1 championship

on the bright side, he is experiencing the purest form of existence possible

In a better place.

I hope my family kills me if this happens to me

GM of Manchester United.

Could he manufacture it? Ask to visit a cliff and then put the metal

playing with toy potatoes

Everywhere, and nowhere

They should put his body in Formula 1's first self-driving car for old times sake

>the year is 2057
>mind-controlled sport cars are now a reality
>a legend rises from the grave

They put his brain in his ‘son’.

I'm so poor right now. I wonder if I managed to take a photo or two of Schumacher if that would make me a millionaire.

I believe these tabloids across the globe would pay millions to have access to these photos. Even if I get shot trying to climb the fences around his house, that'd be better than staving and rotting like I'm doing rn.

See you on the other side, lads.

>the coma limbo
>a better place

>free from the pain and suffering of the modern world
Dones't seem to bad, lad.


underrated post


How do you think you'll get to Switzerland? As a stowaway on a boat or something? Anyway good luck, you could come to Ireland and work for a bit, can get a flight from here pretty cheap.

Genius, like some kind of 40k dreadnought but he's hooked into the car.

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Like a Dreadnought for F1 drivers?

Now the world is gone, I'm just one
Oh, God help me
Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, help me

This song really is made for him. What a horrid existence he must have.

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He moved to China, they're doing experimental treatments on his brain.

He has achieved absolute zen mastery.

If only he had wear an halo

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>Compete in one of the sports most notable for injury and death
>Retire completely unscathed
>Be rendered a vegetable barely a year into your retirement on a casual family holiday
>Only in your mid 40s at the time so at least another two or three decades of this undeath
>Family keep you alive so they can keep selling bullshit stories of your 'little gradual improvements' for the next 30 years to the press.
What a terrifying thought. Any good friend would just smother you with a pillow the day the accident happened

Ghost in the shell

no, his family role him to places they assume he likes looking at

sometimes he cries, but they aren't sure why

lmao fuck paraplegics

How do you turn into a vegetable from skiing????

I went skiing every year with family up until I was like 16.

I mean I'm pretty sure he wasn't going downhill speed (80 mph) , doing 720 helicopter twirls from ramps or pic related.

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Fpbp as usual

Face -> Rock. He was just unlucky as shit.

You're talking about him like he has Lou Gehrig's disease or something where he's completely lucid. He's just a fuckin vegetable, it's not really that bad.

>not bad
tell that to the family

no immediate medical attention around on the slopes

did he died?

hes in limbo

we have to go back for him Cobb

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Schumi hit a rock with his head

4 eva in are harts x x

love this movie even though 90% of the time is just exposition (explaining things so the watcher can understand)

Schumacher got what he deserved. His team killed Ayrton Senna and Schumacher was the only driver to not show at Senna's funeral.

Payback's a bitch.

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Some point between the fridge and the kitchen.

there are ócyires of him and his wife walking on their garden they are blurry but you can see him look bad but not terrible i think the sun posted them and got a lot of backlash .Other tabloides wont not publish about bc they respect him so much

sometimes.....my skis.....bend back.....

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post it


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the punch line to many a damon hill joke

reminder that man could have easily been 9 times world champion if his car didnt blow up in 2006 (not his fault engine blows up, tires decide to be gay) or he didnt break his leg in 1999 (again not his mistake brake failure)

Is he holding an AWP?


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how exactly did his team kill Senna? The retard left Mclel for the Williams trickery only to get cucked by FIA

One of the rumours is that the go-pro camera stuck to his helmet acted as a spear when he hit the rock

How many left here saw this live on tv? I was young but i remember senna being so desperate to impress at imola after an unexpected challenging start to the season. Then the crash and that small head tilt. Murray Walker on the comm. Then the funeral with the Brasil flag and the fire engines

I've always felt like the family are the ones to blame in his scenario

right here
I was only 4 and it was like my 3rd GP, I didnt know he was injured, let alone dead after he hit the wall
I just thought "what an epic crash! I wanna see more"
ignorance is bliss

>How many left here saw this live on tv?
lmao go to bed grandpa

Love how this post is 90% exposition (explaining things so the reader can understand)

I'm glad that we're not good friends you fucking murderer

I saw it. I thought he was gonna be ok when I saw the head tilt. Remember Ratzenburger died that week also.

This is how i want my life to be ended

He had his consciousness trnsferred to his sons body and will win his 8th Championship within 3 years.

ah yes, the famous coastal country of Switzerland

Doubt that killed the guy in the webm. He landed quite well.

Schumi can you hear me?

in hell


>Why? Yes, ofc I saw the Senna documentary
>God, I love F1
>Senna is just the best isn't he?

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