/The Masters/

Ahhhhhh edition

Tiger in the hunt

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Other urls found in this thread:


>It's finally fucking Masters week

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Why was that guy just putting with the pin in?

Xth for Yea ForumsIETH

>tfw surface integrals on one monitor and the masters on the other

It's time

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My Oklahoma State National Champion and US Amateur Champion Viktor Hovland sitting at -1 heading to 18.

Tiger tied for the Lead.


>not taking today off to lay in bed and comfypost based masters

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What does Yea Forums think of Scott keeping the flag in on his putts?

New rule allows you to keep the flag in if you’d like

Does he need to go full boomer to win?

The last 2 years were fucking boring.
I can only pray for something like this again.

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Smart on the long and downhill putts. It would distract me on short ones.

Can you be in the hunt when you’re leading?

Tiger is both hunter and prey

>forgot pic

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So weird to see that

is tiger, dare i say, back?

Yeah it’s a pretty odd rule to change

>Be Rahm
>Chimp out

Don't jinx it

No he's in front.

is tiger, dare i say it, caublasian?

Will be interesting to see if putting averages go down


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Any one got a stream link?

Based bubba with his boomer yellow ball

is tiger, dare i say it, embracing the boomer meme?

It ends today.

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is tiger, dare I say, black?

yes he's black

Based obvious racist joke bros

What did she mean by this?

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das racis

i bet he dreams about this at night. danny willett has never done anything since. it was spieth's to lose, and he choked in the most spectacular fashion since van de velde on a course he was supposedly invincible on.
jordan 'splashy' spieth. never seen anything like it.
also, sergio vs rose in 2017 was a great masters unless you were a yank.

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I really like Jason days shirt

What's going on with >Speef lads? I think he's legitimately fucked in the head

>tigers mere glance is enough
it's not fair bros

He's taken, m8...this time for real...he swears

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wow Ri is rearry not a good putter

wouldn't be a golf thread without insecure upper middle class babbies

he's to analytical not enough gut feeling


Who /Mizuno/ here?

Adam Scott is the biggest fag on tour fuck that guy

based jenna poster

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Why the fuck is there so much wind noise on the broadcast? It doesn't even look that windy out there.

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Based. Mp69's here.



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no, he got traded to the whites in the race draft


i saw an interview that looked like he was on something, or was suffering some kind of paranoia or something. the guy isn't right at the moment.
might be his marriage? he was always a kind of super-wound-up dude, though. it's a shame.

For me, it's Bryson D. Shambow

is hoatong li the no gf guy?

who cares some people aren't meant for the big show

She looks nice :3

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Wind looks like it picked up since the morning.

>no gf guy

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No that's danny lee.

she looks like she hooks up with tiger

It’s hard to wake up and do road work when you sleep in silk pajamas.

he was the first of the zoomers then he lost his swag when he found out he wasnt the only one.

Not really but he looks like he would get off on that

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I live an hour north of Augusta and it’s still pretty beautiful here. A little breezy though. This weekend is SHTF weather

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Between the bunkers kek

What are we drinking lads?
Bourbon and coke here.

unsubscribe from blog

My sides holy fuck.

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Nikka coffee grain

Leaderboard already looking spicy early, except for


Comfy af

spieth is imploding

>the you cheer every missed put made by anyone not named Tiger

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Looks fancy. How is it?

Are we talking flooding or tornadoes or what?

Who has the strongest mind in golf?

Water because I’m still on the clock

Arizona Mucho Mango

Captain Diets

Are there any successful black golfers? And by black I don’t mean mixed like Tiger

Vijay Singh.

>he went to smu

Gonna grab a cheeseburger and a 5th of vodka in an hour's time

Michael jordan

Did Phil fuck the CEO of ESPN's wife why do they refuse to show him play a single shot?

But he’s a poo-in-loo

based retard


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>bogey on 17

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tiger don't slip now

Slippy T

Phil got a birbie yeah:)


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he's slipping


The only other black on tour I can think of is Harold Varner III. He's decent but a journeyman.

There are actually less black golfers now than there were in the 70s and 80s. Those guys all learned by being caddies, but black guys don't do that anymore.

Having a black caddy is racist

>blacks can’t into golf but Asians can
really tinkers my blinker

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caddys will be replaced by microsoft AI or Alexa soon

Hitting a 3 Wood off the tee instead of a driver is the most big brained thing you can do

Carrying 4 wedges is the most big brained thing you can do

>playing a 2 iron off the tee and laying up on every par 5

Galaxy brain

>not putting with your wood off of the fringe

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>always getting Top 25s but never winning

That's the biggest brained thing to do. Just ask Charles Howell III and Kevin Na.

>walking asmr being picked up by the mics

unironically came to this

It’s just strong storms, man. ‘Naders are always possible here with the humidity and heat.

It’s really top notch, man. I don’t drink much alcohol and decided to spoil myself with a bottle.

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Trump in one if the last flights would be kino desu

is Tiger, dare I say it, clutch?

Nah, he will be Slippy T this weekend


That's true

*plays up short on a par 3*

It's called risk management.

How long until speef is dropped from the tour

>laying up on a par 5 when you can make it in 2

It’s called risk management.


>not even 1 day in
>Rahm already looks like assaulting his caddie

Why is he so angry bros

Shortly prior to his divorce

TEMPTED to hit the range

Speith on literal suicide watch

>S P E E F


No way she married for love.

This desu senpai

she is overrated

GMT is the optimal timezone for watching the masters.

>listening to Pilot's - Magic after watching Tiger Woods comeback last year

Imagine being this pleb

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>32°f where I live today

Can't take this winter crap anymore. I want to golf.

Raise your standards

>old man Langer -1 so far

he gon get another cheeky top 10-15

stop watching the office you pleb. fire up jerry seinfeld for true sitcom kino

Aw Jordan why we gotta make a mistake like that??

My standards are perfectly tuned

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You could never land a woman like this. You are 100% alone and most defiantly have never not paid to have sex

t.mommy issues

This is a woman buddy

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I want to see Vijay bootyblast Koepka in an arm-wrestling competition

sounds like something a person who has never had sex before would say

Threw $125 on kuchar to win @ 40/1

Fatties that would be knockouts if they were thin are a crime against nature.

Based Pamposter

is tiger, dare i say, a sure bet to win the masters?

Enough arguing lads lets get back to Jenna

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Was that before or after he just eagled 13?

How autistic is DJ?

What the fuck was that shot lel right in the water

Before the tournament started

Who /Phil/ here?

Not at all, he's just stupid.

pretty sure phil is the most hated

He's not autistic he's grug brained. Tigger is autistic.



t. virgin white knight

I can’t cheer for a man who walks like a farmer


hey guys

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Johnson is gay as fuck

whoa spief on suicide watch. divorce looming

Which architect can we thank for this?

It's about time you showed up, Dill.

Who /tributaryofRae'sCreek/ here?


Daly would bootyblast all of these bitches lmao


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Would love a cheeky Top 5 from Na.

is it too normy to root for Tiger? I want to see him take it so bad

Even /sp(ol)/ roots for tiger

He's old and busted, so it's okay to root for him now.

I’ve been running errands all day and just turned it on did I miss anything good?

>tiger played pretty well
>speef on suicide watch
>625 players within two shots of the lead

based tiger

Morning lads, are Casey and Speef even going to make the cut?

For me, a patrician, it’s Zach Johnson

based and wedgepilled

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Why do networks spend the morning with recorded interviews of players and replaying past moments instead of just showing the tournament?

Nice fucking putt

Ah, I see you you're boring tour player that nobody ever really has an opinion on and just sort of take up space and raise you Bill Haas.

Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit they named a street after him here in Cedar Rapids you dumb cunt


Who da fuck

i'm rooting for tiger because golf needs a superstar that has a white woman obsession

Absolute unit.

legitimately /ourguy/

I'll say


You lads looking forward to the 12-man playoff on Sunday?

Yes. He looks alot like ZJ.

Im sorry I didnt realize you identify with his manlet status style of "i cant hit long but i'll make up for it by my ability to spam putts day and night like a try hard so I can be glad to win 1 (one) event in a whole year" while chad golfers like me and DJ get all the trophies blow and pussy without even having to try.

Do they just delay everything a day or two if it's a rainout this weekend? Definitely gonna get bad weather across the southeast on Sunday.

Koepka finishes today -5

Holy mother of BASED and cocaine pilled.

Ian Poulter is a faggot.

>Golfer dying of natural causes at 28
How does this even happen?

Your a faggot.

So we could have had a joker movie with dual leads is what you’re saying but this guy chose golf instead

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>Koepka completes the Slam before McIlroy.
Best timeline?

if you get injured playing golf then get the fuck off the tour

How do I follow this shit? The only thing I know is that a more negative number is better for the player. And when does tiger play?

Justin Rose fucking up my draft. Wtf is he doing, he was the promised one!

Just put the ball in da fucking hole

He played earlier

What the hell went wrong with Spiff?

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>have zillion different sport stream services
>masters is broadcasted in the one i don't have

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he's a zoomer

just go on the official site you retard

In all honesty Tiger is super autistic. If he wasn’t so rich and good at golf he would be a robot.

Still my fave player by far

>was on the golf channel
>now it’s on espn
It’s honestly harder to watch sports on cable than it is to find streams

You just have to use a US proxy

>have zillion different stream services
>go watch from the US only site
do i sound like a guy who uses proxies?


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Who do you lads have winning this thing?

Tiger, Brooks, and unironically Kisner


Now that's what I call based

Based vapelord

Ian poulter is actually hilarious and the antihero we need in golf

Give me a quick rundown on Reed's 'villain' persona

>Kiradech Aphibarnrat plays golf for a simple reason: To buy watches and Yeezys

He just looks like the penguin from Batman and tries to wear red on Sunday’s like tiger, so everyone hates him.

He's not a villain. He just knows that greatness > being liked

He's a loner and is estranged from his parents.

His sister went to college with me, sexy af

Im listening to the happy gilmore song, what about you?

Not even showing speed anymore... not a good sign.

>Tiger in the hunt
>Has a 5% of winning
Same story different day

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When is he playing again?

how long ago was that? her face looks fatter
>also hotty toddy

What happened to my boy Rory

>koepka to everyone else youtube.com/watch?v=mz1siP7pItc

Wow it's fucking nothing

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Your mom went to college

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Chad Koepka leading the majors AGAIN. He cant be stopped

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>Subtle cuck propaganda

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what a shot

>putting faith in an Irishman

For me it's Danielle Kang.

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Rahm. He is the only one you can guarantee will be in with a chance on Sunday.


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Speef is this generation's David Duval. He's finished.

Except he's too austimo to land a cushy commentary job.


Bro Ive been crushing on her for years I guess shes getting more attention now. She's gotta dorky personality but unfortuanely someone I'd end up being just friends with.

She's got nice armpits

DeChambeau nice pitch

Based pitposter

>She's gotta dorky personality

Half of why I like her.

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I will stop watching golf if DeChamgay wins this

Can you smoke during any pro tournament if you're a player

I think so.

I did scoring on a European Tour event and all the caddies smoked like chimneys, so I'm guessing so

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Another reason this is the sport of the Gods.

golf is behind at least 50 years in terms of science and political correctness. smoking is probably seen as trivial as chewing gum

No chance.

>tfw will never be getting stoned and downing yuengling light playing at the masters as if you were with your buddies at your pos community course

Just a matter of time until they prohibit it

>golf unfucked
and thats a GOOD thing

Be honest, how far can you guys hit driver?

I can get up to 270 carry if I'm really feeling it.


stream fartshd.ml

Never played golf in my entire life outside of Putt-Putt

thats impressive, I usually hit it in the 260's but if I peel one I can get 280. Just got a new G400 last year so maybe this year will be better now that im acclimated with it.

Is the poster who went to school with dechambeau and said he was a dick still here?

Average 250 if I swing any harder it starts to turn into spray and pray.

Should he have taken the flag stick out?

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Holy shitballs

bout tree fiddy

Pro tip: when repairing a pitch mark on the green dont pry the bottom of it up, in stead use your tee/fixer to push it inwards. This doesnt damage the roots.

the poles on augusta aren't regulation

anyone else keenly follow the sport but dont play because they're so bad they feel nothing but shame

>Is that flag stick regulation size or what?!

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Theres no other way than prying the bottom up what do you mean?

Close. I don't play because I'm too lazy.

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I don't play golf because I don't have the patience for it.

Yes. I was told I looked like Happy Gilmore at the driving range


Ohhh ok interdasting



What are the odds that Tiger was banging hos with his master's jacket on?

lmao paul casey



Time for post round kino with Frank and David.

All these players will fade in the shitty weather, all but tiger and Phil

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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Overrated like Rory

God would you just look at that tummy

I need to watch her live

At the driving range I consistently hit about 260-270 but I sperg out hard driving on an actual course, probably about 210ish

Grow up. Golf is the ultimate thinking mans sport. The go-to response is always “fuck, that’s why I pay to play and those guys get payed to play” literally every single person on the course knows the struggle


I've been waiting a whole year to have a reason to post this again

>I was only 9 years old, I loved Phil Mickelson so much
>I had all of his short game lessons on DVD, and Callaway clubs
>I pray to Phil every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
>Phil is love, I say, Phil is life
>my dad hears me and he calls me a faggot
>I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Phil
>I call him a Tiger
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>a warmth is moving toward me
>I feel something touch me
>it's Phil
>I'm so happy
>he whispers in my ear, "Hinge and hold"
>he grabs me with his powerful hands, that can flop a shot 50 feet in the air while only advancing three yards, and he puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Phil
>he penetrates my butthole
>it hurts so much but I do it for Phil
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his shaft, I want to please Phil
>he roars, as if he came runner up in the US Open for the seventh time, and Phils me with his love
>my dad walks in
>Phil looks him straight in the eye and gives him a thumbs up, tipping his hat and smiling
>Phil leaves through my window, leaving behind tickets to the Masters
>Phil is love, Phil is life

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He was always overrated.

What kind of shaft do you need to satisfy a golfer like this BREHS?

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Jim Nantz seemed upset that Brooks Kopeka doesn't get more attention. Did anyone else notice that?

He got divorce raped by this.

I'd be angry too

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But he remarried this.

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I'm poor and date better looking women

>Casey +9


It's crazy how much hype there is for for this guy. It's been years since he won a major and the game has probably left him behind as he completely vanished from 2014-2017 He wins one tournament last year and suddenly everyone is sucking his dick again. I'm talking of course about Keegan.

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Spieth might be the zoomer david Duvall


>child golf prodigy
>won several majors at a young age
>one memorable Masters collapse
>makes opposing Ryder Cup fans seethe

He's literally a slightly younger Rory, and is going through a similar slump.

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Koepka is the least memeable golfer. Please choke.

I like him fine because Chad should be glorified, but I'd rather see another major winner. DeChambeau for the memes, Phil for the feels, and even Poulter to give the bongs something to shitpost about would all be better.

Those other guys are Chads in a way. Brooks is just a hyper chad

Friday feature groups:
9:58 a.m. – Zach Johnson, Ian Poulter, Matt Kuchar
10:53 a.m. – Phil Mickelson, Justin Rose, Justin Thomas
1:49 p.m. – Tiger Woods, Haotong Li, Jon Rahm
2:00 p.m. – Rory McIlroy, Rickie Fowler, Cameron Smith

>Mornin' y'all, mornin' dan.

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>ITT: we post universally beloved figures in the world of golf

I'll start.

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>Neither of the leaders featured

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>gets a cheeky top ten at the masters

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I think they decide featured groups before the tournament starts.

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>he whispers in my ear, "Hinge and hold"
Every time

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*gets stuck in*

Pathetic fuck.
Being a drunk idiot stops being cool after high school

I made par on a 375 yard par 4 the other day. Drove the ball straight down the fairway for the first time in my life. Ball landed about 50 yards from the green. Chipped it up to about 30 feet out from the pin and 2 putt it in. Best feeling of my life since I just started golfing a couple months ago. Im a consistent 200ish yard driver with a terrible slice to the right but Im working on it.

Tont is basically in the lead rn cus his missed putts were flukes and hes gonna continue to dab on them approach shots. I think he has the mentality of making everyone in the field his bitch which is exactly the attitude that made him successful. Also Barnrat will style on em as well.

Brooks looks undabable though. He doesn't really care about golf. Dechambro, Phil, and Rahm will almost certainly collapse.

>no one has posted chad fred couples

>zach johnson trying to kill people

You’re leaving the club face open when you’re swinging through the golf ball

based swede, sorry about your country bro

A thread unlike any other....

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Bro. has "Fred Couples" in the filename, a clear picture of Fred Couples in the thumbnail, mother fucking quads for extra attention, and you still didn't see it?

Would be happy with a poulter win honestly

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>they don't actually start showing golf until 3pm

What kind of jew system is this


Poulter heating up.

So Brooks only needs this and the Claret Jug for the career slam?

The madman might just pull it off...

Yep, it’s that easy...

why is spieth suddenly shit?

>brooks will get the career slam before rory

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He was always overhyped

I think we know Phil isn't hitting a 68 again, but i'd love a cheeky 70


It was a 67 but I agree. That 67 could've easily been a 72.


I keep thinking theyre going to commercial when they show the leaderboard and the music starts playing.

Poulter can salvage par here, nice save

Poulter is scrambling like a madman

well i suppose its about time for the yearly golf watching

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Phils been chawing on that gum all week.

Koepka doubles the second, it has begun


Digits confirm. These digits confirm the zoomers get btfo check em

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top 4 all unique, for the moment


WHy does the masters stream only show like 2 groups?

Why aren't we getting shots of Koepka, DJ, DeChambeau and other leaders?

I don't give a fuck about Rose at +2 right now

the groups are in blocks, we'll get those guys during their back nines most likely

The masters tracker said koepka made an 8, the scorecard says 7, which is it?

So like the stream cameras are only in certain areas and not following everyone?

when does tv start





t. Basement dweller with zero friends
Daly is based and you're a fucking loser lmao

Based. Checked.

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For me it's Jim Furyk.

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>John Daly literally posts on Yea Forums

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When will jason day go to snap city today? I bet by amen corner.

>le step back from 3 foot putt after staring at it for 5 minutes man

Please no


Poland Spring Black Cherry sparkling water


the state of this post

is he retarded

>not looking at the total yardage and shape of the hole and work backwards from the green to leave you with a comfortable yardage on your approach
It's like you fags just want to throw strokes away

put a cheaky 5'er on rahm

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Holy shit. This is some legit next level thinking. Why the fuck have I never thought about this?

>the city of koepka
>muh meme diet

Because it's a retarded golf tip. Unless there's a hazard you're avoiding or are particularly shit at your short game, you want your approach as close as possible.

>thinking a 70 yard half finesse shot with high spinning wedge from an odd angle is easier than being 120 out with a full shot from the center of the fairway

>what is course management
Do you honestly pull out the driver on every tee that's not a par 3?

For 9/10 golfers it is. Sorry you suck.
Damn you are retarded.


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>had a cheeky 5er on Molinari at the start of the week.

>be le fitness man
>be +2 today

>be le back injury man
>be -2

>Longer is always better

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>Leaders struggling

Kino time.

Put a cheeky 100er on Ricky lads

wtf is phil doing. He's out of bounds and just shot it straight across the fairwayto the other side out of bounds.

>Le was good in 2010 and is good again Italian man

Based Phil

He's been great

Is there some asmr coming through the feed are my headphones fugged?

found the zoomer

Put a BASED 2 millioner on speef lads

based spaniard

got him at ridiculous odds to win straight up. hedged with rory who looks trash

Same he is in everyone of my drafts.

>there are grug brains that put big money on favorites in golf

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Anyone else hate Rickie Fowler as much as me? I dont even think he's that good, just a poorer version of Jason Day. Looks like poor Filipin*id dating a very hot whito*d women wtf?

Molinari was pretty good value for anyone with half a brain.

>Anyone else hate Rickie Fowler as much as me?

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Would actually really like poulter to win here, so he can tell all the haters to fuck right off

Need DeShamBlow to fuck off

how about no


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>Zach Johnson

Take your pants down lad

what happened to Zach Johnson i missed it and the commentators were panicking about it

yea she went to the same uni as me AT THE SAME TIME

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holy fucking shit I can't believe what I just saw. Zach Johnson hit the ball on a practice swing

he accidentally hit a practice swing shot and it went two yards

He hit the ball on his practice swing. Not a bentaly anymore.

Is ESPN or golf channel have better feeds?

"professional athlete" did this?


I'm watching on the CBS Sports stream. ESPN doesn't start until 3

Just means hes human just like all of us



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He's fat, he cheats, and he publicly complains that his free seats to a baseball game aren't good enough.

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he smells

>Reddit Dechambeau double bogey


He’s fat as fuck and married the first woman who fucked him. If he was /fit/, he’d be a chad


i can taste my $10K already

And yet he's still better than you at life

fuck you faggot bryson is our guy

He's fat but unlike based Hofmann or Daley he's also a huge cunt

I want to see an albatross today

>t. litteraly Reddit
Go back

thank god you replied to a post from yesterday that's already been answered 8 times

Did you not read the question, Patrick?

worst post in the history of golf thread on Yea Forums

He’s here

No problem fat cunt

Are there any rules against having a pornstar caddy for you?
I think I'd hire Karlee Grey

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>Loner persona that as a kid in high school and college was acting like his shit didn't stink and would talk all sorts of shit all the time, even to teammates
>Supposedly stole stuff from his college teammates out of their locker room
>Estranged from his family, has very few people he talks to
>His wife is very vocal about keeping people out of his personal business
>Thought to be a person who is pretty loose with the rules and would not be the type of guy to call an infraction on himself
>Begs to play with Tiger at the Ryder Cup where he plays like shit and then blames >speef on not wanting to partner up with him instead of his longtime buddy JT

Do I think all of it is deserved? No. Do I think that his personality contributes to his memed asshole persona and that he doesn't really help his own case? Definitely.

Tiger should be teeing off now

Poulter leading at the masters

>tfw Molinari

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Let's face it, his punchable face is #1

It was pretty interesting when (((espn))) published an interview with his parents the day after he won last year. They keep a file on everyone so they can shit on them when they succeed.

so it's the faggots in canada that watch espn

Everyone imploding on Amen Corner

>Le super quarky xD old guy hat
>Le super quarky xD swing I learned from Le based book
>Le super science xD calculations of how to play course
Sounds like reddits guy to me

Well of course they had to run that with that angle since (((their))) guy Rickie came in 2nd and Jordan came in 3rd. They had those other articles locked and loaded with effusive praise, but when Reed won they had to go with the >le bad guy won slant.

>what’s the yardage to the hole karlee
>I’ll give you a hole to put some yardage in
and that’s how you lose the masters

>published interview

Based Phil with his SUPER MALE VITALITY drops.

so do you

They love this gossip girl type shit

>typing like that even ironically

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That wasn't a slant. Even the Americans at the tournament were rooting for Rory last year.

Go back

why yes i am a pro athelete

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to gaia?

is yelling FORE the most embarrassing thing possible for one of these 'professionals'? just ridiculous they cant avoid hitting people with their balls

>Poulter is in the lead

What is Sky's problem?

Don't hate on the ban rat just because of his dumpy physique. Between his massive vape clouds, he basically admits he has nigger taste in expensive shit so he has to keep playing or else he'll go broke and have to fuck back off to Thailand and drown in ladyboipucci.

he's the only current athlete from your islands anybody's ever heard of

what about mo farah

literally who

>Are nets behind home plate the most embarrassing thing possible for one of those 'professional' baseball players? Just ridiculous they can't perfectly hit the ball every time and make sure they never hit a foul ball.

See how retarded you sound?

I've seen some bad posts in my time but this one might be the worst

is there any network where I can watch and not see faggot old white dudes talk about golfers?


For me it's based Deng

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Which streams are you boys watching? Featured groups or Amen Corner?

>be danny rose
>in pinestraw
>instead of hitting out to right go straight for pin behind water


Featured groups

Based Dill


yep, very bad post

a golf ball literally just sits there forever lmao

a pitcher is actively trying to decieve you from hitting the ball


Sounds like something John Daly would so


Every single golf ball hit is different. You will never perfectly get the same terrain/angle/wind.

Hello fellow based boomers, who here /arniesarmy/?

The absolute state of putting

I was invited to a golf outing once where a local strip club was a big sponsor and they brought a bunch of their girls to the course that day.
>human ball washers
>naked girls pouring beers off their tits
>lap dances
>bjs in the woods
The course didn't invite them back for the following year.


Mark Calcavecchia, Mark O'meara, Fred couples, Greg norman. Those are boomer tier golfers.


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>I’ve signed about 20 sets of boobs this week and about 30 asses. And they are fine asses, too. I’ll sign any ass, it doesn’t matter. Like Jesus, I love ‘em all.

-John Daly

Nick Faldo

I wanna pound out that British lady on the golf channel

I'm glad your parents hate you


>6 post early



Im confused. My phone says tiger is on 3, and he's in the featured groups.... but he hasnt been shown on cbs featured groups yet I WANT MY TIGER GDDAMMIT

This is the new thread

Why not?

Fuck off back to Nascar.

Fowler is what you call a west coast dirt bike wigger


never forget