Eternal Arsenal Thread

A Farewell to Arms Editor

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He cute

torreira #11



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did anyone catch her? PLS tell me someone screenshotted her!!!

i think it was 25:41

Defence seems more stable with Koscielny and Sokratis

Looks like 2007 alex turner

>bench gayndouzy
>suddenly the midfield gets speed

I think Arctic Monkeys are his favourite band so that would make sense.

laca and auba have both been shite again

we should unironically sell them both and use the cash to rebuild the squad

fucking useless but wtf was auba's pass? they're both TERRIBLE

damn >we're getting so much space, i feel that if >we don't score at least another we're going to regret it

Need 2 more goals for reassurement,no biggie

Jeez source??


agreed, they are shit average players, need a real no nonsense striker in or else we will never win shit

sorry to be that guy but you got millions of them

fugg, all these missed chances man


Napoli getting dicked on

we are still shit though not convinced by this team

laca is allergic to the ground
auba is allergic to the ball

plus our best player is leaving in the summer

just seen will in the match thread

jeez that was awful defending from kola then the CBs

rambo and szczesny are winning CL next season
wha a dream

state of that guy

Is Ozil back?


Still need 1 more goal, defence can't be trusted to shit the bed

Auba and Laca should have at least 1 between them by now

Napoli will happily sit back and counter for 2nd half, they know they can get a result in Italy,

Amazing what Arsenal can do with 2 mobile midfielders and no Mustafi in defence

amazing penalty from cazorla

We are gonna regret all them missed chances... for real

Guendouzi moves like a tank lol, literally Xhaka/Farteta speed

Santi Cazorlaaaaaaa

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I miss Wenger



the only positives from this season have been from what wenger put in place, fast attacking one touch football, not whatever the fuck shitty pass from the back, ultra defensive trash emery has tried to do

remember that ramsey was benched until recently lol

shut up ahmed

same,its like arsenal lost its soul or something

fugg i thought that was a red card he was getting out

that dive LMAO

Why is this general so sad when arsenal wins

napoli goal inbound

Emery should splash 60 million on Koulibaly

>senor Kroenke, gib 60 millions
aaaaand Mustafi starts another season

Kola has been non-existent as an attacking threat tonight and against everton, not sure what's hppened to him

why is auba so shit in 1vs1?

when was the last time auba scored lads? was it that pen vs manure? what about before that

against rennes

>Mhki on

it's over lads. 2-2 full time

here comes tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb

so many missed opportunities tonight



Why the fuck did kola close the angle for himself, ramsey and iwogbi were both free

this but unironically

jfc how did he miss that

reckon we're gonna crumble in naples


no irony in that m8, if >we don't score a third AWAY FC gonna choke hard

We should be 4-0 up at least, even when we concede we shouldn't be neavy

then emery subs on fucking Iwobi, no chance of scoring again now

Hehe upvote

How does cech not position himself correctly to intercept that cross? It was slow as shit and had to travel a bit

>elneny coming on
oh no



he's been quite shitty lately

from vids on arse tv,hes seems like 70iq maggot

It’s kolasinac what do you expect

you guys reckon 2 goals is enough for the away leg?

Suarez looks so sad and lonely whenever you see him on the bench.

Feel a bit sorry for him desu



>bosnian m*dslime
you get what you pay for i guess

>trusting away fc to only concede once

He's German

fuck sake that was the tie right there

that one physically hurt

One of wengers parting gift to arsenal

he's always done that and most of the time it works for the best

Cant fully blame him tho that ball was bouncing at him

2nd leg gonna fuck arse very hard,humpydumpy like

isn't that a race in stargate

What did emery mean with these substitutions? Just weakened the attack and midfield kek

That gegenpress in the first half hour really fucked us up

We've been blowing out our arse ever since

Auba completely dissapeared

just watching AMN he's fucking sleeping on the runner behind him every time


La Gazzette > Obama

agains fucking rennes and other shitters

incredibly lucky Napoli is absolute shit, but they won't be at home. 0% chance of a shut out in italy. Going to be a very very rough second leg.

really need to score one more, i can envision another last minute koscielny botch and give them an away goal

Why do they look so tired?

It's been over 90 minutes.

Kosc has been fucking solid tonight


2-0 is not enough, we're going to get hammered in Naples.

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Old lacazzette with glasses

2-0 was better than I was expecting to take from this match 2bf, expected 2-1 at best.

True but they've looked gassed for a long time.

Yeah, could be that.

Iwobi is shocking once he steps a foot inside the box

yeah lads >we are going to get fucked in naples you know it

first goal was a thing of beauty though

is it safe to say it's over lads, no way >we are not conceding a couple of goals away.

BT sport criticising us for not winning more than 2-0 lol, meanwhile they were praising manure yesterday for losing 1-0 at home

Koulibaly was fucking shit tonight, I don't get all the hype

quick reminder that sokratis is unironically a first team player

sick of these meme 2-0 wins at home every week

>Arsenal at home

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i can envision Memery going for the 0-0 draw with counterattacks done by Gayndouzi and Xhaka and Auba touching the ball three times from the center kick

Yeah what the fuck, he conceded like three corners because of poor decisions

Arsenal will probably concede in the first 10 minutes away and then shit the bed

I blame Auba and Laca for their poor finishing again

Arsenal at home = Saitama
Arsenal away = King

kola cant cross for shit

napoli aren't all that, wouldn't even be top 5 in england

We are extremely bad away from home, top 5 or not.

Leave it to arsenal to have a 2-0 game feel like a loss.

neither are arsenal

stop whining, it will be at most 2-1 or 1-1 next week.

they were this poor away to liverpool but dominated them at home, I don't see how it will be any different for us

why didnt we win 5-0?

We all agree we should forgo the Watford game right?

Give Suarez his 1st start

Iwobi Suarez Micky
Elneny Guendouzi
Jenk Mustafi Medley Licht

Apparently we had an xg of 2.36 today so didn't underperform it too much. Napoli xg of 0.85



yeh seriously fuck the FA/TV companies for moving to monday night, basically gives us 1 day recovery and 1 day of preparation

xg is the future, filthy boomer

I fancy us to get a goal away, we created a load of chances tonight. Even fluking one in means Napoli need to score 4.

we need to play Leno in goal then and that wont happen for muh reasons

>buy aubameyang and lacazette
>neither of them can score goals
what did they mean by this?

>buy aubameyang and lacazette
>neither of them can score goals
>ramsey is still your clutch player
>give him away

We need Moise Kean.


It’s arsenal and it’s emery. They’re not going through and the sooner you realize this the less it’ll hurt

lads i'm depressed

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you came back too soon

don't worry, going away again tomorrow until tuesday

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Lacazette is shit

i can cure you for about 5-10 minutes

Obama is literally 2nd in the league. He's dire, yes, but he's not as bad as you claim. Lacazette is unacceptably bad tho.

It’s actually supremely hard to score goals lads. That’s what makes the goals so exciting.

The chances that our midfield creates for them are ridiculous. Even I could score goals.

Obviously. I dunno why they're so bad. Obama is OK but Lacazette is just bad at scoring goals, but he's assisting like a mad man.

Obama: 22 Goals, 6 Assists
Lacazette: 15 goals, 8 Assists

Emery IN

Aaron Ramsey will go down as one of the greatest players in Arsenal history.


We should keep him desu I’ll stab Stan

dubs and Stan Kroenke will die tomorrow

Oh im also gay forgot to mention

Could have easily been 8-0 with some decent strikers.

Ramsey will stay in Juve for 2 years then Arsenal will sign him back and then Arsenal will go on to win the treble.

Napoli been pretty weak. Believe >we can advance still. Shame about >our strikers being so shit and about that Ramsay's miss - could've been 5-0.
On the other hand, could've been 2-1 with that Zielu (lmao) shot and conceding even that one would fuck Arse in the 2nd leg no doubt.

why cant lacazette and auba scsore simple tap ins...

is Ainsley Niles do what Bellerin did to Debuchy? take his spot while the other is out injured long term

lol no

>you now remember Debudead came back from an injury after a year or so only to get off with another injury within 15 minutes
It would be tragic if it wasn't so funny.

I don't get this either.

he got injured because he jumped up and aurnatovic pushed him into the stands with his arms, didnt even get a yellow.

True, but still.
Not the first time Arsenal player gets KO'd and the idiot refs ignore it completely.

Should we sell one of auba and laca and buy piatek? we need a striker that actually knows how to score tap ins

Wouldn't necessarily say so. Piątek looked to me like your ordinary Ekstraklasa crapper, but I didn't pay much attention to his team, so whatever. He scored like half of his goals from pens before making it big in Italy, so there's that. Don't know how long he can keep doing it and if he would prove himself in England. Serie A is a different thing to the Prem, innit.

I'd say get Jovic but would probably cost some retarded amount. Plus replacing Ramsey is more important.

>Giroud is so lazy, cant score, we have to sell it in every window
>Giroud leaves. Oh Giroud, we miss you so much, you were a true gunner
>Lacazette cant score, we have to sell it in every window
>Lacazette leaves, guess what

Buy Piatek, the same player that was sold to Milan 3 months ago. Brilliant minds.

They're both shit. Ozil with shit strikers is the most infuriating thing to watch.

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>athletes who train in warm weather perform up to 8% better

I guess we'll forever be cucked by La Liga

>weeeeh Im abused again,weeeeh Im gonna wipe my tear with my millions of euros,weeeeeeeh mommy he said N word or booded me but it sounded more like sound of monkey of course
fuck this nignog
anyways BASED fan

I want Piatek too. I hope Milan misses cl football and is punished by uefa again for breaking ffp, we can do it!

I want Piatek, Wan Bissaka, Ruben Neves, Harry Maguire and Nathan Ake

>Harry Maguire
>spending money on overpriced English players

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Once again, they signed Piatek in January, they are not going to sell him this summer.
And for Maguire's price you can find 250 actually good CBs. Skriniar, for example.

Was happy when he got injured, he was fucking dogshit. Another Wonga masterclass signing

We shouldn't be condoning racism, you thick fuck Russian piece of worthless shit

shut up bitch

white power

>mfw Sosa still posts here

>white power
>that flag


Pretty worried that spuds are not going to bottle it this time, now that their bumbling oaf has gone and injured himself for the rest of the season, trying to do Delph in. They looked so much more dangerous with Son and Moura giving them speed up front. Shit, they might just go and win the CL now...

Ramshit has finally shown some form in 5 years and everyone is sucking his dick. He is very replaceable

Ramshit and Torreira scored in a Brazil-Germany 2014-tier game that only looked close because of our shit strikers and everyone is pissing themselves without realizing the tragedy of the situation.

This. It's probably his best form at the club tied with 13/14 season right now. People are forgetting he has been shit for the vast majority of time he's been here

Podolski would have had 7 goals in that game

state of this paki lads

That's because wonga just let him do whatever the fuck he wants instead of telling him what he was supposed to do while Emery actually give him a clear instruction and roles. He would've become a much better player than he is now if he actually got proper coaching.

Ramsey only started givin a fuck to milk a big juicy contract out of Juve, don’t make emery out to be some genius.

Arsenal only had 42% posession wtf. Didnt feel like that at all.

podolski was based

Why are Arsenal fans so obsessed with Spurs?


a brummie

>The Rise of Skywalker

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>People still watch star wars

some user on Yea Forums said skywalker will become a title as everyone will be able to use the force (le everyone is equal, geddit??) which made the most sense. gay as fuck

that’s ridiculously gay

Arsenal have lost 8 away games all season

Players to have started in the most of those games:

Iwobi - 7
Mustafi - 7
Xhaka - 6
Guendouzi - 6
Monreal - 6
Auba - 6
Kos - 5
Kola x 5
Mikky x5

can you do it as a percentage of all starts? so we know who is truly shit? (other than guendoshit)

great post. fuck the cunts crying about racism. Its time white players talked about how us europeans are being ethnically replaced

this. ramsey improved because of emery, or more so ramsey improved by not being coached by the fraud that is wenger

its not emery that is the genius, its wenger that was so fucking shit its laughable. the man was a literal dinosaur

jeppe, jeg tror du trenger litt bakgrunnsmusikk

>uironisk breve i norgetråden
Tilbake til hullet ditt

kjeften tjukken

Yes you should, weak fucks, it's incredible to see how pathetic europeans have become, bowing to muslims and niggers is not a quality you should strive for. Imbeciles, you lot will be worse than us soon enough.

Nei du

Fuck Troy Deeney desu

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>finally works well with the team
>leaves for Jewventus so that he can add some meme trophy to his Wikipedia page

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Such is life

Maybe he wants to have a chance at the CL. Let's face it, there's no chance of that if he stays at Arsenal.

No need: Mustafi

Skriniar is signing a new contract and isn't leaving Inter, set for another season of CL-football, for Arsenal for a fee lower than what it would have to pay for Maguire.

Özil himself is also pretty infuriating to watch, don't get it twisted.

i'd beat

Keep Aubameyang, sell Lacazette, sign winger that functions well as a main goalscoring threat, sign a 10 who functions as a secondary goalscoring threat like Alli for example (not actually Alli himself obviously) for better balance.

Another striker is beyond us and would be a waste of money because we fucked up with the Lacazette and Aubameyang deals.

Chucky Lozano
Joao Felix

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List 3 Poortguese players >we could and should buy


List 3 player from the Premier League that we could and should buy

Hogg, Kongolo, Ben Hamer


>Diego Costa

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Xhaka fit for Watford?

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He'll not start more than 5 matches at jewve

haha >we lost to fucking everton it's like wenger never left

Fuck you Everton
Get rekt

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dead thread, ha ha

It was Arsenal that turned down his wage demands, he would have stayed otherwise

you lads think we are going to sign some white english players this summer then?


Are Turks white?


>Poonited get 2 refball penalties
>already 14 pens this season
ah yes, almost forgot how it was.

Imagine thinking refereeing bias doesn't exist lol. Manure and Tottenham are by far the biggest beneficiaries of refball every fucking year

Manure and Liverpool desu, Tottenshit just get the best luck nonstop.

so it should be abundantly clear to everyone in this thread that the FA are doing their damnedest to ensure we don't get CL this season. Manure, chelsea and tottenham all with the most pathetic refball in the last two months meanwhile we're getting fucked over every game

don't worry they won't have to do much more, >we'll lose on Mondy against Watford with or without their help.

actually makes me seethe how manure get away with refball with impunity every week, meanwhile lacazette can get wiped clean out in the box and the referee just plays on like it's nothing. if you think officials are impartial then you're a spastic cunt

emile smith rowe la
new ramsey la

fraser isn't english but he's close enough. hopefully it means we can bin iwogbi

>using swears make me right


he's right doe

>refs and FA and UEFA and the EU and the UN and Nabiru all out to stop aresenal getting top 4

sounds legit

you now remember Yossi Benayoun

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We should sign Embolo from struggling Schalke, lads :^)

i didn't like him because he was a jew but remember he scored one of west ham's goals at the end of the 05/06 season to ensure we finished above the spuds

he actually played pretty good for us too

United will drop points v City and Everton - Max points being 74 with a weaker GD

Chelsea will drop points v Liverpool, United and Leicester. Max point being 72 with a similar GD

Spurs have an easy run bar City away and will finish 3rd on 79 pts

Arsenal won't miss out on top 4 by losing away to Wolves and Everton, since only 2 of the top 6 won away there, losing to Watford, Leicester and Burnley however will make it happens

For Arsenal to get 75 pts they need to win at home v Palace and Brighton then away v Burnley, Leicester or Wolves

Play the B team v Watford, can't risk any injuries or tiredness away v Napoli

Next PL game sandwiched between semi finals is Brighton at home anyway assuming Arsenal make it

>Get some rest in PL to keep going in EL, win it and play CL next season as champions
>Beat Valencia in semis, get to the end of PL with chances of being 3rd
>Lose the final to Chelsea, finish PL 6th


>want Manure/Chelshit/Tottehspunk to drop as many points as possible
>also want Livershit slipping the title against Chelsea again
what to do /arse/?

a draw with maximum murderball.

based miyaichi

nononon fuck slippypoo,no matter what chelsea HAVE to win today

oi jas come back, danny was only having a laugh

reminder this was the season we were going to be 7 points clear at christmas until that last minute neverton goal

I still remember the commentator going "SEVEN points clear, a statement to Europe".

based livershit

Fucking Chelshit won't even make it a draw now.

who cares we need chelshit to drop points


Based Arsenal
Based ManCity
Based Liverpool

Fuck Chelshit
Fuck Spuds
Fuck Manure
....and Fuck the refs

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simple as

it's good that liverpool won

>chance at CL

if Gigi couldnt do it, why would he think he could?
shoud've gone with Bayern or Barca/Madrid for CL

>wanting a direct rival to win because there exists some annoying liverpool fans