

Attached: Why don't you support your local team.png (601x582, 157K)

I do. Estoril praia just fucking sucks

Why don't you masturbate to real women?

>implying you do

its just a cartoon girl, you shitflinging favela monkey

don't like the supporter culture of AIK

Real women are shit because the laws of physics don't let them have tits bigger than their head that don't sag all the way to their knees.

I do, no matter how torturous it is.

they actually can implant some kind of helium balloons

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But 99.999999% of the time those look even worse than saggy sandbags.

because I live in Paris

because literally no one on Yea Forums cares about ekstraklasa

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MAKE Yea Forums like it, if the Mexicans can do it so can you!

but I do support them, you fucking slut

I do
I live 5 minutes from the stadium
they suck

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because the MLS is trash

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they play in a highschool football stadium

But I do.


I support my local non league club in the 6th tier.

Why don't you support Brazilian animation?

MLS is a reasonable standard, even ASL is watchable. Add in knowing it's your local team and the actual match experience and you may actually enjoy being a proper football fan.

>support local team
>5 years later, billionaire owner arbitrarily decides to move your team to another city just to make more money
the MLS is not for me

Fuck. I forgot Americunts do that, I'm so sorry your sporting culture is so plastic m8. :(

at least in england the whole wimbledon/mk dons was treated like a national tragedy and still is

i rate jagiellonia bialystok tbqhwy senpai

i do

currently it hurts a bit, and i have no positive thoughts for the future

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my local team is in j2. kashima antlers are not far though so i like them

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Sounds bad man. It happened here once and since then, measures have been brought in to stop it happening again. Maybe one day you will reclaim American sport from the TV execs.

Isn't that Lord Bendtner's team?

What the fuck that can't be real. Was it part of a merge?

yes. and he's no lord.

I do, couldn't imagine being a plastic

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There is only one good Japanese team.

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I do. I'm from Barcelona

Plus that was a club that was about to go bust rather than one doing well. I understand why so many Americans are casuals when it comes to sport, no security.

what do you mean? i was making up an example but this shit happens all the time in american sports, could happen at any time in any of our leagues
just a year or two ago columbus MLS team almost got moved to austin, just because austin is a liberal hipster town and needed a soccer team

Is he still a laughingstock?

>from Barcelona
>no Catalonian flag

hold the fuck up. Are there images or video clips of this outrageous claim?

i don't think most people care, but for me personally, i am not gonna root for some shit MLS team just because it's local

It's in my heart. I'm independentist.

Lmao imagine Ajax (((moving))) to Rotterdam.
I'dd try to kill those responsible.
Like seriously you support a team your whole life and the owner just decides to move it to another city, Idd be fukin pissed. Why is this allowed?

That's a shame. I support my shit local team but I guess you can't really get behind a team that could be moved at any point.

he was good the first season i suppose. it's the norwegian league after all. but he's so goddamn lazy now it's making me mad, and he hardly scores so he's not compensating. now he's just cashing a check. we should have sold him directly after his first good season.

Americans think of their teams as businesses and franchises, not community clubs.

Most big European clubs aren't that far away from the same, to be fair, but at least they keep up a façade of integrity.

cause american teams are franchises

Because they got bought and rebranded by a team from another city.

What now?

Grew up in a college town where my parents both went to a rival school 2 hours away. Fun

I did
>dad supports Liverpool but we move to chester
>lots of friends liverpool fans in Chester but dad can't take me to games much/ever
>says he can take me to Chester games though
>very excited and go to a few, proper English footy having a pie and bovril
>do this almost every weekend, finally get to hangout with dad again
>Chester go into administration, can't go anymore
>dad becomes more and more distant to family
>one day literally dissappears and mum finds out he's fled to America with a new woman
All because Chester went into administration... Never support your faux local team

The USA has no culture of individuals building a club up from scratch, they work on a 'franchise' system where the league effectively owns all the teams and just loans them out to whichever cities make the highest bids. The clubs don't actually exist outside of the league structure and have nothing to do with the local communities they happen to be placed in.

If a team doesn't make enough money for the league, it gets moved somewhere more profitable and it's a closed shop. You'll never get a small local club work their way up to the big league as pro/rel doesn't exist and applications to join are based purely on potential revenue rather than sporting merit.

ask my grandfather. i just follow the family tradition.

>can't go anymore

That's weird, the team you can 'no longer go to' just beat my local team 2-0 recently. Sounds like you ditched them as soon as the going got tough then lied on the internet about them disappearing.

I'm talking about 2010 you massive nonce, also your team is fucking shite if you got beaten by a team that didn't exist 9 years ago

I thought that didn't happened in Europe. My city got a 2nd division team and it lasted only one year before it relocated to another state. Everyone got mad. They even got to 1st division once after they moved.

Now we have a 3rd division team and everyone loves them. It came organically it seems, has a regional name. They are middul FC, not too good not too bad and have reached the final but lost to have an opportunity to go to 2nd division.


You're plastic and tried playing the 'my beloved local club was robbed from me' card for sympathy. You abandoned your club because they dropped down the leagues, thankfully thousands stayed loyal instead of jumping ship. Going to the York game on the weekend?

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supporting a foreigner team is footix tiers

el plastico

Chester still exist m8 and they're doing (fairly) well, you should start going again.

They went into administration for a year and we moved away during that time so >I could no longer go

holy cringeoly

How is this not a conflict of interests? This shouldn't be allowed.

I don't live where I grew up. I guess I could get away with supporting the Canucks, as they're not in the same conference as >my team.

>dad flees the country because his local club folded
You should tell him they're back up the leagues now, might come back.


A veritable who's who of oh no no no what went wrong

>supporting a different club from your dad
it's like you're begging to be a disappointment from an early age

It's starting to happen here, too. See what happened to Bragantino.

Which is a damn shame but on the other hand, fuck Bragantino.

I'll try it lad

I do. And so does the best in the world (Cristiano Ronaldo).

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>tfw my dad showed no interest in sport and it took until my teenage years to pick a club I could go to by myself
I love my dad but I will always feel like I missed out on a proper childhood because of this.


mad cuz the BITW doesn't follow your club

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>support your local team
>posts a non-Brazil waifu

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I support FC Edmonton, but they are like.... not good... we'll see
CPL is going to be English League 2 tier
Could be worse; the new edmonton jerseys look like SHIT tho, and the Calgary ones look fucking good :/
Already rivals before the league starts (the cities hate eachother)

>English League 2 tier
Honestly, that's still good enough to enjoy. Would this be the tier below MLS?

I do. I live in New England :)

CanPL is going to be way below MLS quality, yeah
MLS isn't a top league, but they're a strong enough league to where it wouldnt be a bold claim to say they're in the top 25 in the world in terms of quality of play (I dont watch 25 leagues though, so what the fuck do I know)
CanPL wont be near that kind of quality
European retirees go to the MLS
MLS retirees are going to go to CanPL (the Canadian ones)

Looks pretty /fa/ to me.

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I'll enjoy tho
The old Edmonton games were dead and most dudes there were kind of onions honestly bc north America, but I'll go, just sit away from them I guess. Plenty of empty seats; and I bet you we'll be the biggest club in the league honestly...

Gotcha. At least you'll have a proper national league now, should help improve your NT a little. Does it ever feel weird that the best Canadian teams play in a foreign league (like Welsh teams here)?

Those are the NASL ones
Here are the CPL ones

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Honestly think that looks even better. Dark blue kits are aesthetic.

my local team is oligarchrs driven cant win local champioship for gods know how many years bin.
t. SPb


Nah, it's kind of like the NHL
Canada shares all of its leagues with the US.
Originally from the states tho, but moved here before my hometown got an expansion team announcement. Edmonton isnt technically my hometown team but really the only local one ive ever had.

Got work in the morning but it was a pleasure chatting with you m8, hope the new league does well.

Not so fast macaco-san. Behold the pride of Sagan Tosu, the katana that's been folded 1001 times. Fernando Torres.

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But I do support the shorks

I do

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>the katana that's been folded 1001 times
>3 (three) goals in twenty-one league games

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It's too cold to spend two hours at a stadium (seriously).