Bring me Thanos!

Bring me Thanos!

Attached: CRISTIANO RONALDO 7.jpg (821x600, 28K)

Why do soccer players always strip down when they score a goal?

So you can suck them off.

because they arent fat like you

I live 4000 miles from him though

Based. Messi wouldve died in the snapenning

Who is this guy? Pls no bully

the most followed person on the internet (behind only taylor swifty i think)

He's like a stock advertisement guy.

He is an egyptian steel mogul

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He is an italian underwear model.

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He’s the one from your dreams

Are you really from Azerbaijan? Do you root for Tractor?

Second best player in the world behind a guy that eats pizza and sprite

the best player of all time, cristoforo rondondo


Attached: Toni-Tractor3.jpg (600x338, 19K)

America must fall

Yes, but not fanatically.

he's such a bizarre looking man, in every photo it seems like he has something out of proportion

kys faggot

Haha wouldn't it be funny if Ronaldo shrunk, entered Thanos' anus and then expanded haha

Make fangirls cum and buy more merch.
Advertise themselves further.
And just simply because it is a tradition now.
Cringe to do it after anything but a very important goal though, and Ronaldo has done it so many times that any pretense of it being genuine passion is gone unless you're a mega-casual.

A guy who has is of strong mind


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