The game everyone has been waiting for, after disrupting Sevilla Slavia looks forward to beating Chelsea and eventually winning an european trophy! (real madrid has 0 this year)

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>there are 'people' who live outside of West London who will be rooting for Chelsea to win tonight

kill yourself, you muslim freak

literally everyone who isn't a 15 year old left wing incel will be rooting for based chelsea tonight

you sound 15 to be honest la

t. 15 year old left wing incel

I didn't have any hopes against Sevija so now I'm ready for anything

>playing the B squad

kek sarri is going to get punished so hard for this

I only hope for Slavia win to see half of Prague go bonkers

They’re prioritizing the league

EL is just as an important objective. Difficulty wise their both about the same with regards to making the CL

we had some diehard Slávisti in the pub for the Sevilla game, it was pretty insane

Just put some coffee on girls

>Park lel
>Will I am


that's exactly what a 15 year old left wing incel would say


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Should still be strong enough to beat part-time Czech farmers, and if not, there's still the second leg


someone with 200 IQ explain to me why Slavia is never playing Hušbauer in EL matches

Hopefully they're worse than Cardiff and Wolves

What are the key differences between Sparta and Slavia Prague and their supporters?

dab on the soulless blue monkeys slav bros

bros I can't tell anymore if Azpi is cringe or based

Reminder to bookmark these

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>the poor kid with cancer doesn't even get to stand with a player but with the ref

wept a bit at that cancer kid waving towards me


based empathyposter

mismanaged team living on past glory whose fans still believe they're relevant, nothing but a laughing stock last two seasons since their internationalization project crashed and burned with no survivors
bankrolled by China, attracted a lot of casual lifelong fans now that they got good, gloating and thinking they're hot shit

this season? definitely top cringe

Holy shit he's still alive, he was breddy gud when he played for us, i never forgot that late gamewinning assist to Lamps

>immediately asserting dominance over the line ref

anyone with vpn search for ceska televize sport

Wouldn't surprise me if this Chelsea side play shit in the first half and Slavia take the lead, then Hazard has to come on to save them in the second half

Yea Forums told me that Willian and Pedro are good enough to beat Slavia

What part of Slavia are you guys from?

Can’t believe we didn’t sell Willian when Barca were offering


Apparently they also wanted morata, what's wrong with them

maybe they wanted them for the Kevin prince Boateng role

Based Sarri resting the starters so he can end Liverpool's season

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I feel like the £50 million figure wasn't true. The board can be incompetent at times but surely they wouldn't reject that amount for a declining AM nearing 30.

I have a feeling that Willian/Barkley/Pedro will be playing selfishly and taking shots desperately trying to impress Sarri and based Giroud won't be getting enough service.

I'll be there by your side when it happens, Romaniabro

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>Chelsea playing Slavia Praha
>Slavia Praha is abbreviated to SLP
>Chelsea play Liverpool next

The stars align. Check em.

Chelsea playing like they’ve been on the beers all day

Wow this is almost worse than I expected

nofap report

i've been going for 4 days 12 hours without masturbating, how about you guys?

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Imagine how good Willian would be if he ever made the right decision in the final third

you have to go for a few when you're in Prague

i don't mean to be dramatic lads but let's just say that if chelsea don't win this game then the loan shark is going to decapitate me or kidnap my mum

not even close baby


Is Zappacosta injured?

>tfw went to prague for the weekend and spent a lot if it in a 'english football' pub owned by southampton fans and filled with other british tourists watching the footy

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nothing wrong with fapping. what is wrong is fapping to porn.

2 weeks
i am now disgusted by all women

>captained by a negro
what did they mean by this

it's 2019 mate

sounds super comfy desu

nigger captain counts double for the diversity quotas

mandated by the EU you #racist #bigot

It’s such a chore watching Chelsea play like this, it really highlights how much fucking dead wood is in this squad compared to the teams that started against Brighton and West Ham

God I hate human refs so much

the great chelsea struggling against literal whos in the whoropa league... how depressing

yeah this feels like I'm watching Slovácko - Karviná I expected something more from Čelzí

>literal whos
>on of best football clubs in history

in what history lmao

>1st reply
>2nd reply

>sounds super comfy desu
it's just round the corner from the old town square, called "Lion & Ball" and the walls are covered with random football memorabilia , I unironically put an aston villa sticker in the toilets as I usually do on my travels

The front 3 of Chelsea are all like 30 years old, Alonso is shit, we might as well be playing with 6 outfield players

Alonso is just so utterly poor

during Empire and bit later Sparta and Slavia were best football clubs in world

I only hope Chelski lose to Liverpool and fail to qualify for Europe


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we're mostly all edgy racist shits here in slavlands get used to it

>round the corner from Staromák
sounds nice but I'm not one to pay 80,- Kč for a beer

Alonso should go back to driving formulas haha

Sparta ok, but Slavia are literally whos

Remember when we used to rate Kepa^

Why is chelsea so shit?

i can't remember the prices but it was cheaper than most other places in the area
plus you can speak to english lads about the footy, it will be like Yea Forums but in real life

if i'm honest, not really no

Not impressed by christetc there desu

Yeah I'm just wary of tourist traps, visiting any establishment in the centre is usually a financial suicide

team full of scrubs
even Willian looks like Ronaldinho among them

Ah here is the Chelsea I know. Willian, Pedro, Kovacic out.

when's the snook on?

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*i'm just a teenage dirtbag starts playing*

the fuck are these names, are Aztecs playing for Chelsea?

>Crvena Zvezda (RED STAR) Belgrad defeats Loserpool home
>Slavia (which is also a crvena zvezda) plays home
Come on guys, it's not this hard to figure out.

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This team is so fucking shit

I knew RLC and CHO should have played tonight

Fuck Alonso drink driving girl murdering prick

wow hazard is so shit

It's a sad occasion when Willian is the only attacking threat

liverpool on sunday is more important

the ref is as bad as chelsea desu

>le booty man

Literally no, this is a trophy

Piedro being bullied like a little bitch

What the fcuke

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César Azpilicueta sounds like a based name though

As for a mexican druglord


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At least Sarri realises this is the shit starting 11. This was basically the premier league starting 11 for most of the season excluding Hazard and Kante, fucking mental.

Hazard will score the only goal .

an irrelevant one

Uefa closed up that section because Pyro in the game vs gank

thank fuck im not paying for this shit

I am getting worried lads

Pleasuring yourself is for the weak and feeble minded.

Are you Italian? Why do you support Chelsea?

wasn't it because they were throwing shit at the pitch/players

It is because


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fapping is good for the health

>Brings on kante as an attacking sub

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>Tvrdík shittalks UEFA on twitter
>they close half of TS on the Chelsea match for a bullshit reason
lesson learned: don't fuck with them

good goy

Baník pyčo

based ostravský cyp

Genuinely can't recall a single positive thing that Kovacic has done all season. Barkley might be shit, but at least he's scores once in a blue moon

Bahník pivčo

I predict a banger for the slavs

What the fuck are the players doing, this is awful


they're trying to get sarri sacked

>Higuain will start against Liverpool

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oh man what a shame that didn't go in

Kepa has been shaky tonight, not looking forward to him against Liverpool desu

>fallout van buren in
it's over we won

loan shark is going to fucking kill me lads
please chelsea score i'm fucking begging you
my life is on the line

I am sorry lad

Should have probably waited for the Chelsea line up to be announced before placing your bet



I made a parlay of arsenal with chelsea. Just fucking kill me lads why thia team is so shit thinking late slavia goal
check en


Wew that a very good header

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best LB in the world

The girl murderer saved you

Lucky shit

your life got saved by the life destroyer
kinda ironic

lets see ur bet slip


You live another week

Killed Slavia's chances for advance like his girlfriend

>Chelsea celebrating a goal against fucking Slávka
lmao so this is the power of le EPL

oh look, it's another decisive Willian assist that haters will ignore

evil always wins

>sarri now considering alonso for liverpool
its over lads

Give ALONSO a formula 1 contract PLEASE

>mfw I see another Traore shitting up the sport

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It's coming

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>Yea Forums mad

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print screen button is broke innit



expected a worse result but considering how shit chelsea was the whole match I really hoped for at least the draw

when he's in form he's unironically one of the best. But when he's shit and lately he is then he's meh to garbage.
